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All lebanese ppl feel sorry for what happened

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We beleive in our 3 religion that killing is so awful thing.
God will help

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Sorry but I saw only celebrating palestian people on european television and it made me sick to my stomach. And shivers down my spine:
As long as I live will there be no place for
palestinian people in my heart because of this barbaric behaviour.

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I saw Americans whose first introduction to what was happening with the collapse with the first tower. One's comment was: "Cool!" Others started shouting at her that people were dying.
Within a minute she was bawling her eyes out. Let's please remember that some people whose first responses are not always great for TV. Example: our President didn't sound very literate with his first comments: "...and we'll track down those folks..." By the evening, he sounded half as good as his daddy.
And.... nothing in the Koran sanctions these kind of acts. There are always bad people out there: most Palestinians would disagree with the handful we saw on TV. Have you noticed how many Moslems are asking about their relatives who may have been killed in this atrocity?

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Hey Robacox, lay off the Pres. How good of a job do you think you could do? It isn't his fault. Instead of pointing fingers, we need to band together as one. Everyone has/had a different reaction. It doesn't make them any different from other people. Love and prayers to all who lost their lives and their families.

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I think it is time for the whole world to forgive and forget a lot bad behavior on all sides. These people who did this were not practicing some kind of hobby. Something made them do this. We need to reexamine our relationships with everyone else on the planet. We are a lot more fragile than we choose to believe. I know that everyone wants revenge, but i think that is what these people wanted too. We have to end the cycle. We have to end all the wars,all the slavery, all the prejudice, all the racism. If we don't this is going to get even worse. This time it was not a nuclear weapon, I think i would be in a catatonic state right now if it had been. Peace to you all.

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From the UNITED States of America, we thank you for your kindness and prayers. We know that most of the world are not like the insane people who did this unspeakable act of terrorism, and would never cheer at a disaster like this (no matter what country it happened to). We know that most of the world is grateful for our help and compassion in times of disaster, in our humane treatment of prisoners in times of war, and for our efforts in keeping FREEDOM and Opportunity to Succeed ALIVE in as much of the world as we can. We constantly mourn (and try to help) the victims of poverty and ignorance, of zealot groups and governments, of religious persecution (which includes all the women of the world who are kept down with violence and kept from having an education, to make their own choices)etc., etc., etc. There is no reason to attack at us, and it is so silly to try, and think of it as a victory against us! We will not be broken! Many terrorist groups had their death warrant signed yesterday, whether they were a part of this or not. Rest assured that we are still UNITED, and will ALWAYS BE SO. We will not be cowed by this. We will forever work to eradicate anyone who might ever dare to commit this kind of cowardly and cruel deed. We are still, and will ALWAYS be "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Thank you once more.

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To All Mankind,
I agree with what Mr. Mike Meehan has said. As an American I ask you to not hate those who did this but to extend love and compassion to all involved. Yes, even the perpatrators of this terrible act. The minister from my chuch has met on two occasions with His Holiness the Dali Llama. When asked what each individual can do to help Tibet. His Holiness replied, go to China, make friends with the Chinese and share your concerns. Violence and hatred will not solve the problems of our World. Love and Compassion will.
And, forgiveness helps the forgiver and does not mean you have to forget what has happened. I understand that anger is a natual response to what has happened, but let it go quickly as you are only hurting yourself when you hang onto all those bad toxic feeling's. I am grateful for the opportunity to express these feeling in this open forum and thankful that I live in a place that allows for the freedom to so so.
Love and Light
Carol Tedesco Denver, CO

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I flipped through my photo album and saw my ticket stub from the observation deck of the World Trade Center dated 01/01/00 and was no longer able to maintain composure. I can't believe all those people have lost their lives. When you have been to that building you have a real understanding of the scope of damage created from this unbelievable attack. My sympathy goes out to all the victims' families.

About Mike's post. As a proud american, I would never stand down in the face of aggression, no matter how elusive. The US has had a zero tolerance policy against terrorism and if we "forgive and forget" it will just open the door for more of these attacks. You cannot stop somebody from doing this with security checkpoints, you can only stop them by destroying them. I use the term destroy because that is how you refer to killing a rabid dog or other animal that is a threat to the well being of humans and is better off dead. These people must be systematically destroyed since they cannot possibly bring any good to the world. I can forgive other countries for what they have done over the years IF they didn't do any further damage. If a guy ran into my car 5 times every day for the past 20 years and one day I just decided to forgive him, do you think he'd just stop?

I believe the US should have released this statement: "If you have chosen a life of terrorism, you have chosen a life of death" Then you just send out US Army Special Forces, British SAS, and other tactical units of the world's armed forces and take out every single terrorist in the world. Terrorist sitting in a cafe in afghanistan drinking a morning coffee? Dead. At home with his family? Dead. Left his terrorist organization 3 years ago? Dead. Political correctness has no place at a time like this. Eye for an eye, taste of their own medicine, the only language they understand. Death. Let's return it upon their heads 100 fold.

Who would have enjoyed this: Picture President Bush standing on a pile of rubble, holding a budweiser long neck, smoking a marlboro, wearing an american flag as a cape, condeming these acts and swearing revenge. Then he returns to helping people from the rubble. I guarantee you nobody would attack us after seeing something like that.

I am sorry for my grim attitude but I don't feel safe in my own country right now. It could have been worse and we have to prevent it from going any further. I guarantee you if there is a war, I will be there.

I want to thank every country in the world who sends their sympathy. I am still in a state of shock, like a dream from which I haven't yet awoken from and it is very settling to read all these posts.

Nate Lee
Proud American
Scottsdale, AZ

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Dear Nate I understand your anger. This is a most horrendous act. If tens of thousands have died, as i fear they have, paying any one back 100 fold is not even possible. We need another solution. The sons and daughters of those we kill will grow up. Should we give them reason to kill our sons and daughters? No war will end war. Never has. What we can do is actively seek justice for every person on earth. We can collectively intervien in wars, civil wars and other acts of violence and put pressure on all sides to come up with an agreement that first of all ends the violence and ultimately renders real justice in the way of a safe and decent life for all.
One billion people are hungry right now. In the face of people driving nice cars without even an awareness of this fact how can we not expect that there are going to be people with nothing to left to lose wanting to seek revenge? We have no more right to the wealth of this planet than anyone else. Why do we control most of it? No rationale, economic or otherwise can stand up to how absolutely brutal and devestating poverty is.
We will either face up to this or, as i fear, we will continue to kill people, marginalize people and sadly we will watch more people die in acts like this.
I invite everyone to go to This is what we have been and are doing. We need to export justice, not the terror we have been.
Please let's truely put our best foot forward and work our way out of this. Peace to you Nate.

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people- we MUST be tolerant. These lunatics do not represent all palestinians and certainly not all arabs and muslims. It is INTOLERANCE which made this happen. Marc, are you reading this? We must use our anger to grow stronger and help one another.

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Make no mistake, we will have our revenge. There are no two ways about it. These people do not understand tolerance, they must be exterminated before they have an opportunity do do any further harm to the people of this world who uphold peace. Peace cannot exist without war and these events are a perfect example of it. This country was founded on freedom and we have been fighting for it ever since. It is a shame that some would throw down their sword in the face of this aggression and essentially give up their freedom.

I drive a nice car and eat very well. Do you know why? Because I am an American and it is my god given right to make the best of myself in this country and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I work very hard for what I have and I have always appreciated everything I have in my life. There are people starving in other parts of the world and Americans DO help these third world countries through their rough times. That is who we are, that is what we do.

I do not agree we should destroy an entire country because of a few terrorists. However, the destruction of middle east contries who harbor these terrorists relies entirely on that country's government. If that country chooses to harbor these fugitives, we have no choice but to attack them. Innocent people will die, no doubt. Keep in mind, however, if that is the only choice, it is a choice those governments make, not us. The Afghanistan government represents the people of that country and if they do not cooperate with NATO fully, responsibility for the death of their innocent is their fault.

I think talking of this subject further is redundant since the US has made up it's mind. I am one of 80% of the US that agrees when we find out, without a shadow of a doubt who these people are, we have to destroy them. Where it goes from there only time can tell.

I have been listening to a lot of talk radio lately and one point is being brought up time and time again which is starting to get on my nerves. You cannot draw parallels to this event and Pearl Harbor. Or any other act for that matter. Terrorism like this has never happened to anybody, ever. Pearl Harbor was clearly an act of war from Japan, the WTC attack was not. 2260 people dies in Pearl Harbor, NY's earliest estimates approach 5000. Something like this has never happened before and we have to deal with it in a way we never have before.

These terrorists MUST pay and pay they will.

On a lighter note, I am very very proud to be an American this day. I have never seen patriotism in the way I have witnessed in the past 2 days. I see people by the side of roads picking up trash to make the town look better, I talk to people I never have before, it is truly remarkable and I hope it doesn't dwindle. This is truly the greatest country in the world because we make it the greatest. Join me and fly Old Glory wherever you are today.

Nate Lee
Proud American
Scottsdale, AZ

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Toronto Canada, and all Canadians cry with you, God bless the United States, and God Bless the victims and all those families who have been effected.

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Our heartfelt prayers go out to the families of the victims lost in the New York and Washington tragedy and to all the the valiant workers helping. I join with Secretary, Colin Powell, we will go on, because we are Americans. Let us remember we are a nation founded on prayer. Eternity yawns long and forever for those who perpetrate and embrace hate.

Let us support the grieving families and not attack willy nilly those in our community who happen to be Muslim or of Islamic faith. May God strengthen us and see us through this time of great sadness. D.Ober, San Jose, CA

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