Anyone from MARSH &...
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Anyone from MARSH & MCLANNAN please email....

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Looking for cousin Susan Murray who had a meeting at Marsh & McLennan 99th floor. Please contact me if you have info on her or anyone there who made it out. Thank you.

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Please if you hear anything , let me know - I am missing someone from Marsh on the 94th floor.

I would like to talk to any survivors to see what happened on those floors.

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Michael Baksh from Marsh is missing. He is a brand new employee started this week. Was on the 94th floor, we believe. Please email with any information. We're praying . . .

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We are also looking for someone from Marsh, Patricia DiChiaro from 1WTC, claims department 100th fl. Patricia is 63 yrs old, 5'2 - wears glasses, very short fingernails and is very soft spoken.

If anyone has any information please contact her son Tom @ 516-536-0495, or 516-763-5580.

Please we urge you for any info, her family is desperatly searching for her.
Thank You

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Looking for Barbara Habib from Marsh who was also at meeting on the 99th floor. Please call 718-494-888.

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Looking for anyone who saw or spoke with Martin Giovinnazzo of Marsh on the 93rd floor North Tower, bldg #1 on the morning of 9/11/01.

Please, if anyone saw him that morning please email me. I am helping a friend, his cousin, to find any information we can.

We continue to pray that someone will be found a live in the rubble, just ONE! That would be a miracle and we all need that right now.

Thanks and God Bless all of you! 🙁

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Seeking informations of anyone that sow or spoke to Francisco (Frank)Munoz he work for Marsh IT DEPT on Bldg #1 on floors 93 to 98. He was at work at 7 a.m on the morning of 9-11-01.
Reported in critical conditions at NY.COM suvived list. Thanks and we will continue to have hope.

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My father, Steven Morello perished on Sept. 11th. His office was on the 93rd floor. He was with Marsh McLennan. Does anyone know if ANY Marsh people called out after the attacks, or were able to escape after the crash? Please let me know if you have any information, or saw my father that day. At this point I am just trying to ascertain his whereabouts during the attack, and to find out if he was living until the building's collapse, or if he went quickly. Any information or even anecdotes on my father would be appreciated.
Thank you. Steven Morello Jr.">
