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Archive through August 06, 2005

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I live in a small community service dorm on the Univeristy of New Hampshire campus. We are all so sorry for the families , the utter numbing feel about an event that no one could have concieved. We have held vigils and prayed all across campus, our love and thoughts go to those who need it. Please if there's ways to help now (besides the obvious of giving blood), we are aware there will be people who need so much after the brunt of the rescue work has been done. If anyone could e-mail me">, and pass on phone numbers of people who could use our help, organizations, etc. please do. We want to help...

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I live in Texas. Is there something besides donating blood that I could do to help anyone?
Call 800-999-0904 ext 4667

Missing family friend Daphne Pouletsos
she was on the 103rd floor of the WTC South

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I can offer my blood, money, clothes, support, and mostly prayers. Email me at I am available to help you with this through conversation and through fervent prayer. Know that many Americans are reaching out with invisible hands to support you with our prayers.
God bless

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Ways to help:

To donate blood, you must be 17 yrs or older, at least 110 lbs., and must not have given blood in the last 56 days. Contact your local Red Cross - look in the phone book, or use the locator at:

or use the 1-800-GIVE-LIFE blood donation hotline. If you can't get through, just wait a couple days, the lines will shorten within a week or so but the blood will be needed for months and months.

The reason you cannot donate under the age of 17 is to protect you - a growing body needs to have a full supply of blood in addition to a good diet and exercise. The Red Cross won't be doing anyone any good if it makes you sick while you're trying to help others.

If you are under 17:

Contact your local Red Cross or Salvation Army chapter and ask them if there is anything they need you for now (being an attendant at the blood drives to pass out refreshments, give out forms, etc.). If you live in a safe neighborhood, consider going door-to-door and asking for money donations (ASK YOUR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS FIRST!!!). You can find the addresses to donate to here:

They will most likely not need food or clothing at this time; what is needed most are donations of blood and money.

You could also start a collection at school as a class project (ask your teacher or principal for suggestions). Bake sales, garage sales, craft sales, etc. Be creative, and know you are helping people. Even though you may feel that it isn't much, if everyone does what they can, it is a huge effort.

Everyone can make a difference, even if you are not in the New York, Washington, or Pennsylvania areas.

Faith Manages.

~Sara T.
Nashville, TN

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One other thing:

If you see the Coinstar machines in your grocery store, you can donate your loose change to the Red Cross through those. See:

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I own alot of construction equipment : Backhoes, Forklifts, Skidsteer Loaders, Compressors, Jack Hammers, Rock Drills, Cut off Saws and many other tools that my be helpful in the rescue and clean up of the WTC and the Pentagon. Can also provide operators and man power. Though we are 900 miles away, we can be in NYC or Washington DC and ready to help in a days notice. Please contact me at: Our heart goes out to all affected by this senseless tragedy. We need to support our country, be proud and strong!

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I am a Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic (NREMTP) stationed in Oklahoma. Here to help, please contact at

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I am a Red Cross volunteer in Dallas. Have CPR/First Aid training. Am able to travel at a moments notice, so please let me know. And if there is anyone who is needing to get in touch with friends, family, etc. in Texas, please let me know and I will do my best. 214-868-4271. Anytime - day or night. Liz

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I am a Firefighter/EMT-D. I have training in Trech and rope rescue. I tried to get over to help but was turn away. I know the crews would like to contiunue to dig for their brothers, but they need rest. There are a lot of people in the NEW JERSEY area willing to help. Please contact my by phone or email (973) 443-0857 or at

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We are willing to take in children left w/o any family. If this is a need at all, please email me at Our prayers are constant.

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I work in a large hospital in Northern MN. I know that many, many of the medical personnel and support staff would like to help if we can in any way. We've also got tight ties to EMT's, medics, firefighters, police and other county and local law enforcement. Anything we can do, no matter how small, we're willing. Just say the word and we're there. Stay strong...we've been down before and we will rise again. Good luck

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My is Lela and I'm a student at Lansing Community College in Lansing,MI. I would really like to help out any way I could. my prayers go out to all the families and victims of this tragic event. my email address is
thanx Lela

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I am (Qusai Anwer Al Debyan),an Arab muslim man from Jordan. I am really sorry for all what happened in USA. This was really shere "terrorism". I reject and denounce all that. I wish I can help with whatever, even if it is a symbolic participaion. I hope this message will be a sincere part of the help I can offer. I hope all the best for the American people. What happened is really an unforgiveable crime that should not pass without severely punishing the convicts and all who are behind it.Once again, I hope all the best for the great people of USA and my deepest heartfelt condolences go for all who passed away in this criminal attack and for their families.

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I would also be willing to help with any children, or anyone who needs any kind of help. My husband and I can be there within 24 hours notice. We would be willing to help anywhere or take anyone in who is left homeless. Please contact us at

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My prayers are with everyone in NYC and DC. I am from Philadelphia I would like to help in any way I can. I can not give blood because I gave for our church blood drive already. I would like to extend my home to any children in need of a home. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need me to come and help. Praying for you all.

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