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Archive through August 06, 2005

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How can we help? We went to several places and they told us that they have too many volunteers. I speak several languages, my boyfriend can drive different vehicles. We can do anything. Please contact us by e-mail

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I am part of a major metro police department crime lab. Myself and others regularly work in forensic situations and many of us have mass disaster training, body search and recovery experience, and disaster experience (plane and train crashes). Please let us know if we can help relieve any of the workers.

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I wish I can help, but I am far away from all what happened. I was preparing myself to travel to USA to study for my PhD in Mitchigan. I am dying to travel there coz I do like to live among the American people, the people who I really respect and like. I also like to get a degree from USA. I wish I can travel there soon and I wish I will not be disappointed with not getting a VISA to enter USA coz I haven't got a VISA yet. What happened has nothing to do with us, we don't belong to terrorism. OK I am an Arab and a Muslim , but this doesn't mean that I am a terrorist. I wish that the American people will understand that. I wish they will understand that we like u, respect u and wish u all the best from the depth of our hearts. We pray for u and wish u will overcome this and punish all the doers and the criminals who caused this. We pray for all the victims and rray to God to minimise their numbers and for those who left this life, we really feel sorry and who caused their death should be treated in the proper way to get the due punishment. Be blessed all u the USA people.

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We are in Chicago, IL - Can we help anyone who is stranded? We can provide a hearty meal and a hot shower for the weary traveler trying to get somewhere.....please email us at GOD BLESS AMERICA

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Hello, I have a background in journalism/PR and am an excellent researcher and writer. If there is anyone who needs help compiling/writing PSAs, press releases, or needs help with Net research on the numerous missing persons databases online for your friends and family members, I'm here to help and would like to donate my writing and research skills! Please email me this weekend. I live in Sacramento, California and can help anyone out here on the West Coast (or whomever needs help!)

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In my efforts to help, I'm passing around pre-printed notes of sympathy around my neighborhood for several families to sign. I'll be giving the notes to the Red Cross or similar agency in hopes they will be handed out to people who are suffering and in need of encouragement. I feel each person in distress right now could use a personal note signed by real people who are thinking of them and praying for them. It would uplift their spirits incredibly, just as my spirits have soared by reading so many offers of help above from real people. I encourage you to start a similar campaign. Money for food, shelter and clothing is important but it can't quite comfort a soul like a personally signed note of sympathy can. You may e-mail me with comments, or if you'd like a sample text. May our Heavenly Father bless each of us as we overcome hatred with love!

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i'm a social worker in philly and want to help with children who have lost their homes. contact me at also, we can all help the country by buying stock when the market reopens. thank you everyone for helping your fellow man, you are beautiful.

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I am here to help - I lost my mother unexpectedly at 56 years old - I can listen.

God Bless America.

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I am part of a major metro police crime lab. Several of us have experience on mass disaster scenes and have received extensive training, both in the U.S. and abroad. We would be honored to assist in this recovery effort.

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No Fee Honoring. Honor a Disaster Rescue Worker or Victim.

This is an established Non-Profit(501 c 3) Organization dedicated to Honoring Heroic Citizens. You may submit online, your Hero with a picture(optional) and verbiage.

(When you go to the site, be aware that you will get a message indicating that the SSL certificate is expired. Don't worry about it. Just click through it. The site is still secure(SSL protected(ie your posting is encrypted for submission to our site in order to protect your privacy/data/submission))... its just the cert that has expired. We have a new cert being installed by our hosting company now... but again... the site is still secure now).

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I know I can't go to New York to help...but if anyone needs to talk about this, I can help this way. i'm not a counselor, but I know that it sometimes helps to talk about things and get them out of your system. Well, I'm here for you. Please email me if you need a (cyber) shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to.

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Greetings to everyone of you in the precious holy name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Who is all-knowing, all-powerful and almighty! Colossians 3:12-17 / Romans 15:1,2,7.

My love, prayers and blessings of the almighty living God in Christ Jesus is with you. My most deepest heart desire along with my prayers, is to be with you NOW!
At this horrendous, grief-stricken time, I am financially unable of air and vehicle transportation to provide spiritual and other needs of support care services.
Please reply by e-mailing me at my address below if there is something, somehow, somewhere I can render immediate care to the families and victims of this enormous devastation.
My family Church, the Pstoral leaders and of course myself, have you and guarding you in our continual prayers.

"God Is Our Refuge, And Strength, A Very Present Help In Trouble". Ps.46:1-11. (NKJV)

"I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes To The Hills From Whence Comes My Help? My Help Comes From The Lord Who Made Heaven And Earth". Ps. 121:1-8.

Missionary B. Johnson
Stockton, California


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I'm Thai and live in Bangkok. Up to now,I could only donate to funds and I still can't find any other things that I can help. But I really want to . I would like to express my deepest sorrow to those who have lost their loved ones and those who have to live in fear. Just remember that you are not alone and there are people from around the world who will always be with you. And don't give up your faith, God will never take his hands away from you. If there's anything I can help from this part of the world, please tell me immediately.

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Dear people of America,

My heart goes out to all of you. It's now almost three weeks after this disaster but still I see a television in front of me where people walking with pictures of their loved ones. That really broke my heart. I hope, that you somewhere find the strength to go on but it's no shame to mourn. If i can do something, also if it's only mailing to talk about it, your welcome. I think of you every day. I hope this will end ok, that president Bush will be able to make the right decisions, but I trust him.
My mailing adress:
I live in the Netherlands.
I love you all! =xxx= Nina.

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I am a small businessman lives in Sri Lanka, I would be very much appriciated if some one can donate an excavator for me to carry out my work.
Thank you,

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