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Archive through August 30, 2006

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On behalf of all Iranians everywhere in the world, we give our deepest sympathies to our American brothers and sisters, who have been a victim of this senseless act.
May God give the survivors patience for justice
and Bless those who have lost their lives. They are forever in our hearts.
Tehran, September 12,2001

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Aren't you the same people that burnt our American flag???? Aren't you the same people that said "Death to All Americans?" And are you not the same people that in the name of your Reglion....hijacked and killed Americans in the last 10 years...

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Aren't you the same people that burnt our American flag???? Aren't you the same people that said "Death to All Americans?" And are you not the same people that in the name of your Reglion....hijacked and killed Americans in the last 10 years...

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Dear Siamak
I'm sure there are many who appreciate your prays. And I pray that people all over the world begin to open their eyes to what the world has become. I pray that God opens the eyes of all who choose to remain ignorant to how there hatred perpetuates so much violence, like what the united states has experienced on Tuesday and so many people around the world experience everyday.

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Thank you

We have to keep reminding ourselves that this
violence is not condoned by all people living
in the middle east.

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I'm 8 years old and my friend has a father that was next to that building he was not calling to say he was o.k. and did not come home I am teribly sorry and if you can please be kind to look for him and I dont want my friend to suffer any more pain than what she already has. please help her by praying for people that were in this what we call a terrorist atack.

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YES REALLY!!!! It is that kind of hate that causes what happened on September 11th. Not all people are bad. Not all people hate. Pain from you SheWolf is understandable but to lash out at someone who shows deep sympathy for our country in this horrible time is childish on your part. I feel sure that Siamak did not pilot the planes yesterday. People don't flee their own country because they agree with them and their way of life. People flee because they don't agree. With this post I want to thank you Siamak for your prayers and ask you to continue and know that not every american is predjudice and hateful no matter how bad things get. God says Love and Love is what I shall do to the best of my ability. America remember one thing.... Siamak is not a "you people" Siamak is a person that your God created. Please stop the Hate!!!!!!!!!

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As I sat and watched the disaster of the terrorist flights yesterday, I was physically sickened and terrorized...not so much for myself and my family but for mankind, overall. The ignorance that's displayed in this type of act proves how little tolerance we have for difference in this world. Due to difference, buildings are burnt, children are massacred, families are ripped apart, lives are lost and souls are tested. My hope is that we rebuild our spiritual strength, globally, as we rebuild the structures we stood behind. I'm so sad and feel so helpless. I'm 39 years old and, for the first time in my life, feel fearful in my own back yard. This isn't how I want my neice and nephew to grow up. I pray for all of us...including the attackers' souls. Lynn in NC

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Dear Siamak,

Thank you for your kind words and as Kristi posted, not all Americans are full of hate and prejudice.

We must all remember that to stereotype ANYONE is irresponsible and unfair. Each person must stand on his or her own merits and to hold an entire country accountable for the acts of a handful of hate mongers is ludicrous.

God Bless us all and can we please, please make this a day to be kinder to each other. There's enough hate in the world.

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Dear Siamak,
Thank you for your words of sympathy to the American people. We appreciate your concern and your heartfelt wishes.

SheWolf, shame on you! Don't display your ignorance and evil spirit. Let God into your heart.

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From the UNITED States of America, we thank you for your kindness and prayers. We know that most of the world are not like the insane people who did this unspeakable act of terrorism, and would never cheer at a disaster like this (no matter what country it happened to). We know that most of the world is grateful for our help and compassion in times of disaster, in our humane treatment of prisoners in times of war, and for our efforts in keeping FREEDOM and Opportunity to Succeed ALIVE in as much of the world as we can. We constantly mourn (and try to help) the victims of poverty and ignorance, of zealot groups and governments, of religious persecution (which includes all the women of the world who are kept down with violence and kept from having an education, to make their own choices)etc., etc., etc. There is no reason to attack at us, and it is so silly to try, and think of it as a victory against us! We will not be broken! Many terrorist groups had their death warrant signed yesterday, whether they were a part of this or not. Rest assured that we are still UNITED, and will ALWAYS BE SO. We will not be cowed by this. We will forever work to eradicate anyone who might ever dare to commit this kind of cowardly and cruel deed. We are still, and will ALWAYS be "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Thank you once more.

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Our Great nation is in pain and we all are a part of it. Let's pary for the victims and their survivors.

This is the time for all of to be productive and helpfull. Iranians who live in America feel the same sawrrow as everybody eles. It is just sad. It is just painful to imagine.

God Bless America.

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I as a Canadian who have friends and family living in the US as US citizens, appreciate your sympathy as I am sure most Americans do. However, I don't think you should speak on behalf of Iranains around the world as not all of them have sympathy for Americans. After all they are the ones who claimed hatred for Americans and as SheWolf pointed out chanted death to Americans and burned the American flag. It is true not all Iranians are full of hate in the name of religion. I appreciate your bravery to come forward as an Iranian and pass along your condolences in light of the tragedy.

God Bless you.

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SheWolf: what an appropriate name. How sad for you that you can not find the kindness in Siamak's heartfelt sympathies. Obviously, yesterday's terrorist attacks and those like them have served their ingnite and fan the flames of hatred.
May God have mercy on all of us.

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Thanks Siamak.
We appreciate your emotion and love. People here are very angry and I for one as an american want to apologize to you for those who have lashed out against you. Keep the faith Paul

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