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Archive through August 30, 2006

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Dearest Siamak,

May God Bless you and all other brothers and
sisters from our nation and around the world
who pool their love with ours at this time.
We are all bound by one God. The wrath of man
shall not prevail in this life.

May the anger of a few be over shawdowed by the
prayers of the many. May the Lord forgive us
all for for the hate that we at anytime harbor
in our hearts and may we now join in union
for the healing of our nation and the common
brotherhood of man.

God Bless you and all people who seek him
and love their fellow man.

my best to you!

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One of the difficult things in dealing with this incomprehensible horror is that we, as human beings, exist with perhaps an infinite degree of difference; to no one culture, no one religion, no one country can we direct our rage. Among many other things this time is a test of our strength to recognize that it's individuals who are responsible for these atrocities.

I send my prayers to all of the victims of these monstrous acts, their friends and families and all the people working so hard to help.

Thank you Siamak for your prayers.

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thanks you for your kind words.
I love you all, God is in control!

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A message from an Iranian- Canadian who can not possibly feel the devastation you are facing but shares in your sorrow.
May you find the courage and strength to make it through this difficult time.
peace be with you

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To Siamak and all Iranians who pray for us,

I want to reiterate that not all Americans feel as
She_wolf does. We appreciate the support and
prayers of anyone throughout the world who is kind
enough to think of us. It is a comfort to know that we are loved and thought of even as far away as Iran. God bless you all.

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To Siamak -
It is a shame your words were taken to extreme, and I hope you understand the emotion that all of America is feeling at this time. While all Americans do not feel as She_wolf does, there is anger amoung us, and as wounded individuals, instinct sets us in a "fight" mode. This does not excuse the harsh words expressed. I know that I do not wish to be stereotyped by any extremist groups in my country, and I try to not do the same for other groups/religions. Our hearts and souls have been broken, and none of us are thinking with too clear of a head. Please know that I appreciate your kind words, and with minds such as yours, there is hope that the world can come to terms with diversity. After the events of Tuesday, maybe the global society will wake up, and accept diversity in religions, and embrace it. What we need to band together to do as a race (the HUMAN race), is to rid the world of terrorists! As a global community, we should exercise ZERO tolerance for such activity and mindset. Thank you again for your kind words, I hope that you will not look at the harsh words as those spoken by all Americans. We must act with compassion in this time, and accepting the embrasing words from our brothers and sisters across the globe is the first step.

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dear americans
i just wanted to say that we the people of the untied states of american on september 11th of 2001 lost friends and family, but what some of us do not understand that america is many types of families we are white, black, hispanic, arabic, japanese, chinese, germen, jews, latin, and the list goes on we are not just one color here but we are one nation under god indivisible and we have a president who will make the right decision. now is time for us to pray and forgive them as he has forgiven us. i know we were not there that awful day but jesus shed his blood for us. these americans here were born here or have come here from another country and some have made this there home maybe because they felt there country was not safe or maybe just for the freedom we have as americans and take so lightly what ever the reason may be they do not deserve to be treated any different than u or me so i say to you pull together as one for god, our country, and our president he needs our support right now what he does not need is for us to be lashing out at fellow americans remember god died for all of us not just a few so that that we may live again. my prayers and thoughts go out to all you have lost a fellow american i cannot imagine the pain you are feeling right now.

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It's so wonderful to read supportive messages from people of other countries and of Palestians putting flowers by the American embassy. We've seen films here of people in West Jerusalem celebrating so we are getting a very biased view. Whatever sins we have commited as a country certainly didn't warrent such a vicious attack against innocent victims some of them so young they couldn't have done much wrong to anyone. I thought tonight about Gandhi and how he won his bid for the freedom of India and how these folks have made whatever point they had to make mute and irrelevant in the face of the destructive way they tried to make it. I think most of us are walking around in a numbed state which is even more profound of course in those who are closer to the event. Thanks so much again from our overseas friends who have taken the time to post here. Blessings on you from Illinois, the Heartland of the USA

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Our hearts go out to you America.

Although we are far away we are yet
there with you.

You will be alright, in time.

But howsoever he sows so shall
he reap.

The law of Karma takes care of itself

Love from Malaysia,

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Our family and all our friends feel great sorrow and pain. Even three days after this horrible event my eyes are full of tears watching this awfull images. I hope that whoever is responsible for this cruel act of terror will receive what they deserve. But don't prejudge and let innocient people suffer for things they can not be held responsible for.


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Take a moment to scroll back up & re-read what LUXBEST wrote from Australia, and you'll get a clearer picture of Bin Laden than what we have been spoon fed for the past 3 days. My older (and smarter) brother told me that very thing last night: Bin Laden and others had been trained BY THE USA with American $$$ years ago, and once we were no longer 'at war' with Communism, he was able to walk away with our knowledge, add his own and turn around to wound us at our very core. Also, I think it very telling that our biased TV has not shown mourning Middle-Easterners, mourning Palestinians, it was only online that I saw that there were those Muslims out there who mourned with us. All we saw on TV over and over was the same dancing Muslim woman and kids holding up their Palestinian flags. I am not condoning this horrible, inhuman act, only recognizing the lack of unbiased reporting on our part, which could help diffuse some of the undeserved violence towards American Arabs & Muslims that has been creeping accross our nation since Tuesday. And if one more TV reporter pushes their camera into the face of a grieving mother or husband or child and asks: "How are you feeling?" I think I will scream.

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As an American, I cannot fathom the massive destruction terrorists have done to us. But we stand united and will win this war!! This is a magnatude we have never encountered. If the persons behind this terrorism are captured and returned to the United States, I hope something more is done than just putting them in prison at the taxpayers expense. Prison would be to good for them !! If they want to fight among themselves, have at it, but leave the rest of the world ALONE. If their GOD knew how they were acting, and I'm sure he does, they are all destined for HELL. This will be a long haul for all Americans, but we will WIN this war against terrorism. Our prayers go out to All victims and families and rescue workers alike regardless of their nationality. God Bless us All !!!!
AMERICA FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As a muslim living in London, England, i was choked, and found it difficult to hold my tears back when i saw the world trade centre disaster unfold in front of me in the news.


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I still cant read the paper or watch the news without welling up. I cant believe what has gone on and my sympathies go out to America and to people of all nationalities who have lost loved ones. But please Mr Bush remember that two wrongs do NOT make a right.

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you are right, two wrongs don't make a right, but justice will be served. we never want this to happen again, do we?

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