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Archive through December 12, 2001

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Oh, here is your visionary George W. Bush,7367,602463,00.html

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It was a building demolition indeed...

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I noticed something new today.

On the news, there was tour into the basement of the towers. They could drive into the basement and look around at the rubble. If charges were secretly placed in the columns to bring the buildings down, and detonated after the top of the buildings burned for awhile, they probably would not have placed any charges in the basement. The basement, even though it is below ground level is held up by the same construction. If they wanted to bring the bulding down to the ground why place charges under ground level? That wouldn't add to the effect.

The basement, which had the entire building collapse down on it was not part of the pile of rubble like the rest of the building. The building only collapsed to ground level, mysteriously stopping at the basement, leaving beer glasses intact on a bar in the basement.

Sorry I mispelled Timothy McViegh's name. It really looks stupid as McVie, but for some reason that looked right to me at the time. I still don't actually remember how it's spelled.

When the Marine barracks were attacked by a suicide bomber, the bomb was driven all the way up to the building. The bomb only collapsed the front wall, sadly killing almost 300 American soldiers. But all the floors and inner walls of the barracks remained intact; they did not collapse. That barracks was a lot weaker than the Oklahoma Building, and in Oklahoma the bomb was parked on street. There is no way that bomb parked in that location could have done that much damage to that building!

If these observations I am making are true, then a much more serous crime is being committed than we think, and only we are able to stop this crime of horrible violence and deception.

Why did the collapse of the towers so neatly stop at ground level? Glasses and bottles of beer were intact on the top of a bar a few floors underneath the World Trade Center. Maybe the world can be saved by an unbroken bottle of beer.

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I can teach all of you the power to be and change anything in yourself that you wish to.….How to tap the real latent powers of the soul that the Creator provided. I can show you how to change the behavior that desecrates and perverts your weak and slovenly lives. Begin now for he who postpones living rightly is like the simpleton who waits for the river to run out before crossing.

Stand guard at the door of your mind, and do not be hung by your tongue for nothing you say or believe is real. Increase your efforts ten fold to improve your own mind and body, and stop debating your rustic ways, as the clock ticks and your life passes by as you seek to have your needs fulfilled by finding some proof that what you believe is validated.

Does the man with absolute truth in his corner need to validate his understanding? Why should he? He already knows the truth.

Does the man with a comprehensive understanding of the nature of man need to debate what should or shouldn't be done during in the most trying of times? Of course he doesn't, for all the answers are within him.

Leave the difficult decisions that make your palate sour to those of us who are multi-dimensional, who have the ability to feel levels of love and hate beyond what your imagination.

What does this word love mean that you use? In what order should love be? Philo, Agape, Storge & Eros? Do you even know what kinds of love exist? We loved and continue to nurture healthy love for our Creator, oneself and those who earn love. Love is earned not a right.

Your feelings are confused and immature, you cannot function in a world of difficult decisions when you cannot identify the difference between empathy and sympathy. Can the surgeon remove the cancerous growth from the healthy tissue if he is overcome with sympathy for the patient? Join those us who mold this clay world, and leave behind your innate impotent beliefs and lives.

Things that matter most will never be at the mercy of things, which matter least. Therefore join us who know that when situations are most difficult, when all hope seems lost, the boldest plans are the only way to victory. Make no mistake, we will be victorious.


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Hi Fred, hi L'san,

this seems to be turning into a discussion, rather than an out-pouring of (understandable) grief.
I'll be joining you, if that's ok.

Jana (aka Kim)

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If you don't mind, and only after you mentioned white european males in one of your earlier posts, are you a black african male?



DOG (to you)

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Just helping ya out bro.


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Just helping ya out bro.


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This new war is between people who feel as you do, that they can get ahead in the world if they do things right, and the "evil" people who have a different philosophy. They want to be happy.

God uses an interesting word, meek, to describe the people he loves.

It almost seems the people who aren't willing to fight the impossible fight of the working man, sell their souls, destroy their health so they can get ahead are now being targeted. If we get rid of the worthless people who just want to be happy, then we can make a good world. We can have the New World Order. The New World Order is a world where all people want what is proper, to be good, respected, and powerful. They are able to control themselves, and not be hindered by a need to be happy.

Now we have an excuse to go after all the people who just want to be happy.

I said the war was about drugs. Drugs make you realize happiness is more important than anything. Drugs can do that because they make you feel happier than you ever thought was possible.

In Afghanistan, the people were growing and selling good drugs AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER HAS TO GET RID OF ALL GOOD DRUGS because a desire for happiness is a hinderance to success.

It was a Soviet war, and a war against drugs. The Soviets failed, now America is helping the Soviets finish the war. Now look who suddenly shows up in Kabul: the Russian Army.

The Muslims would be okay if they would just do what they need to do to get ahead, stop praying five times a day, or wearing beards; just do what they need to do to get ahead.

If the Israelis would pay the Palestinans well for the work they do in Israel, so the Palestians who do menial jobs could have good lives, there would be no "Palestinian problem".

But all the good people have this idea you have to earn happiness by getting ahead in the world. They believe if you do a menial job, you do not yet deserve to have a good life. Big mistake that causes a lot of serious problems.

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Hey Dog,
good to see you're still thinking about me but it seems you haven't changed much. If you're going to quote, paraphrase, etc,etc... me please try to be more accurate or truthful because it demeans your already nadir like character to do what you do - be you. In the words of one of your heroes "there you go again."

In reading your comment about me saying something about "white European male" I immediately knew you were up to your antics but I still spent a bit of time reviewing what I've written on this board to date just to verify it. Of course I was correct, but it was good reading and I also got to see some of your earlier magic and realised that you've been around from the beginning and therefore, you should have known what you were writing. In other words I've come to the firm and evidential conclusion that you are really a malevolent troll. Too bad about your audition for Harry Potter. You were a natural.

What I'm sure you're referring to, in your own deceitful way, was the post I wrote in reply to Angry American in which I stated that, and still stand by the fact, that America's foreign policy outside of Europe has been deplorable.

Also, in that post, I left very little to the imagination as to my predominant ancestry. So your Sherlock Holmes charade is pretty farcical but then again that's you isn't it bro. A veritable opus of a ultra right minstrel show. In another time, you would have made one fine court jester. Bravo, bravo and encore, encore they're shouting bro.

Now to address your previous two post. I can only say a most emphatic and unmitigated no to your offer to teach me how to be like you. As far as I've ascertained, aside from being a pretty decent writer, there's absolutely nothing about you that merits mimicing. You show absolutely the most meager of understanding of international and race isssues. Your use seems to be in the school combat and that we got lots of very eager people for. But even in the combat arena your approach seems simplistic. The boldest plans aren't always the best resort for victory. Any lieutenant straight outta West Point can tell you that bro.

As to knowing the extremes of love and hate I would dare you to walk in my shoes for a week and write that again. My myriad of life experiences have taught me mostly about hate, especially here in the states, but my home life and academics, in particular college, have taught me to understand. The truth seems to do that to those who are willing to see it. If you want I could send you an abridged version of these experiences but you'd have to have some time.

Your definition of maturity seems to be quite unique as well. Any description of maturity without the words diplomacy and restraint or their synonyms cannot be definitive.

Who on this board would believe you know the meanings of the words empathy and sympathy?!

I am sure that most of us on this board deeply desire a victory over terrorism but we all see the reasons for it differently.And though I could never agree with it and am vehemently against such persons who would take life in this fashion, I see plenty of reasons for to be very angry with us in our foreign policy to date and in particular in the middle east. My resolution revolves around justice and equity. Yours seem to revolve around the Neanderthal idea that we can beat them all into submission. Well your plan has been in effect and the results aren't a glowing tribute. If you and your ilk were a party in power(parlamentary politics speak) and the election were coming you'd probably be packing your bags.

I leave you with this equation:

Truth = integrity = character = respect >= love.

One love my brother.


P.S. I hope the audition for Lord of The Rings goes better.

P.P.S. We're only jousting right? It's not attempted deicide.

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To John,
from the beginning I've said that there is usually merit and usefullness in most consiracy theories and these words are now coming back to haunt me.

To be frank I'm still not so keen on the idea that there were eplosive charges in those buildings. The reason why I'm not so sure about that is that the plane crash should have been enough. The heat that was exerted on those framing members could have caused this but then that would be the best time to shoot for overkill.

what has caused me to be more suspicious has been the teatment of the site for one. How long can it remain a crime scene? Why weren't the promises to the people who lost their relatives kept? And why oh why was there a CIA station in the trade center.

This last fact has brought me the most puzzlement though. A CIA station was there and they wouldn't just come out and say it until somebody blew their cover. How dangerous can that info be after the fact. I, like you, would really like to hear who was there on that day or if anyone at all was there?

But I've also been analyzing the media and entertainment industries in the last six months and things are looking very suspicious. Do you realize that one of the projectd hits of the summer was suppose to be the movie "Pearl Harbor". Since then there have been numerous pro-Israel announcements of scientific discoveries and the movie about the Polish Ghetto resistance movement. I even heard on CNN an interview with a Hanan Ashwari(Palestinian authority negotiator) and the new Israeli ambassador to the US(whose name I regrettably can't remember), two parties who are supposed to be trying to avoid war, the Israeli envoy stated bellicosely that all the things that have happened to the Palestinians have been "self inflicted". That kind of statement is something I've never heard coming from a Isreali politician or state employee ever(at least not in public) and the fact that it wasn't rebutted by the moderator and wasn't given back to the PA rep says something is rotten in the media. I smell a rat but it doesn't seem to matter because the rat looks undettered. I think we are going through an ugly spin cycle right now and it's gonna get uglier.

There are too many things working in concert right now for this to be coincidence. I hope it's not as bad as I, or you John, think it is because, if it is, we had really better just stop living for the future and buy our haz-mat suits now.


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To John and facts,
I am writing this as I listen to B. Netanyahu speak on CNN and I've just seen the light and the endgame of all of this. They want it all.

The Israelis have been asking Arafat for the last few years to come down harder on his radicals. They have been saying that he is not strong enough to rule. Now Netanyahu is saying that he is a dictator in the ranks of the Taliban and Saddam although an election was held.

Netanyahu is saying that they have not targetted civilians in their attacks and the Palestinians have. Wasn't there an Israeli device/bomb blowing up 6 young boys just last week?

They are saying that there is no control by arafat over the terrorist even though there have been executions by the PA(no jew has seen this punishment by the Israeli government for killing an Arab) but the Israeli settlers are proliferating and the army shoots stone throwers, young or not.

Netanyahu is saying that we should see what is being said in the Arabic language papers of the Palestinian authority but high level government officials of Israel walk around openly calling Arabs lice and vermin to be dispatched to mecca.

To make a long story short he, B. Netanyahu, said that the Arafat regime should be toppled like the Taliban. That a friendly(meek) regime should be installed. He recanted after the moderator stated that he will have make peace with Arafat because he is the power broker on the Palestinian side. But the point has been made. The endgame is for all the territories to stay in Israeli control. I am convinced. Buckle up we are in for a very bumpy ride.


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JC you say that the New World Order wants to destroy all good drugs. Well the UK is a player in that NWO, and has virtually decriminalized cannabis, surely the best drug of all. I agree that Muslems do indeed wish to be happy. The happiest Muslem faces I have seen for a long time were rejoicing on the streets of Kabul after the Taliban ran away. Unveiled women were dancing to music ! Mullah Omar must have been sick sick sick !
AA it looks like Dubya is seeking to settle an old score for dear old dad and move on Saddam. For sure it would help him if talks were progressing between Arafat and Israelis, but that looks unlikely now. What do you bet he will turn up the rhetoric and heat on Iraq anyway, as prelude to serious military action. Oh well looks like we are heading for Baghdad for real this time. You would no doubt argue against this and make some salient points, and personally I am against further escalation. But I can see the logic of such a move, there is little to stop the West from imposing it's own version of stability on the region, conducive to world trade. The Muslem world will remain as ever, divided , but enough crucial support will remain , you better believe it.
As you say, buckle up everybody.

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Who knows what the real truth is? It isn't exactly what they are telling us, that's for sure. Maybe we can do something about the coming world tragedies if we uncover all the facts and know the motivations of the people who are in charge. Most of the tragedies are being manufactured. I've never heard Israel speak as they do. They used to be the oppressed ones, now they seem to be the bad guys.

The Pushtuns are the tribe we seem to be favoring. But that tribe spawned the Taliban. The word Pustun might come from the Arabic word Pestiun. I haven't clearly spelled the words, but if you know the words it is obvious that root in Arabic means "vulgar" or "common". We probably get our word "pest" from that Arabic root. In the natural order of things, cream rises to the top, while the common remains one level lower than ruling the world. In the New World Order, and in communism, the world is ruled by the common. There is very little happiness in that kind of world. While we helped the Northern Alliance liberate Afghanistan, I don't think world leaders were as ecstatic about that outcome as most people were, and now they are hindering the goals of the Northern Alliance in talks and negotiations. World leaders have their own idea of what kind of goverment will rule Afghanistan. Is it liberation? I think it will be a different form of oppression. This time Afghan women will be forced to get an education, to get a job that will give them a barely sustainable wage.

I think some Muslims today have an idealistic vision of a truly happy world. I think bin Laden tried to express that vision which is why he was shut up. I wish we could hear what the Arabic press is saying about us, and I wish we and our leaders would listen and respond, rather than attacking their countries, making sure only the people who agree with us are in power.

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