I'm certain several officers where forced to retire and a couple were transferred to desk jobs. Not that this information should provide you any solace.
While I lived fulltime in N.Y. there was an incident in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan. (Upper Manhattan, exclusive to blacks, bordering Harlem)
In the early 90's W.H. was considered a very bad section, if of course you were white. I recall going into the "community" on a business call, approximately 8:00 a.m. parking my Beamer, and locking the door electronically as I walked across the street.
When I pulled up I noticed 3 black thugs wearing sleeveless shirts with those stupid branding scars on their arms sitting on the stoop opposite where I was walking drinking 40 oz Colt 45's. (No offense if ya got a similar scar, but why would you?)
Anyway as I walked across the street I recall hearing, "Don't he %ucking know?" "Don't that dumb %ucking white boy know?"
Well, I figured it out fast enough and knocked one quick time barely giving anyone a chance to respond and scurried back to my car. Several more insults were afforded my way as I left.
One week later over a period of several days there was a rash of fires set high atop the roofs
of the buildings on that very block.
Each day they were getting worse and the white fireman that had to respond were reporting heavy objects being thrown from above onto their positions on the street. Police became involved.
Eventually they were successful; apparently on "hoodlum" filled a five-gallon bucket with cement, in anticipation of the fireman responding. Wait a top of the building where the fire had started, he threw the bucket 7 stories onto the head of one of the fireman. He was white, a model citizen, father of 2 daughters, husband and now dead. Some may say he was a hero.
There was no marches lead by Al Sharpton, no witness’, no media outrage, and no indictments. In fact they couldn't find one person in the "community" that knew a thing about who started the fires over that week in August, or who killed that innocent man.
We all have a story.
L'Menexe, evil hippies:
There are two classic world views. One is that you are saved by works, the other, that you are saved by grace.
The WWII generation was generation that believed in hard work. The Baby Boom generation rejected those ideals and became the "hippies", who believed in another way of living, not hard work. How do you define "hippie"? It was grace, peace love, joy... We had tapped into the most heated and the most difficult argument in religion: Are you saved by works or saved by grace?
People who believe in works are hard workers; they are dependable, etc. People who want to live in a state of grace are considered to be lazy. It is thought those who do not believe in hard work have to change their attitude before they can be given any responsibility.
But many people of my generation covered up their ideals and got responsible jobs. Not me. In a demonstration that lasted two weeks, I convinced Wilson to use a racquet design concept I had developed. It changed the look of tennis and made Wilson millions, but they did not think I was the kind of person who could work for Wilson; so therefore, they didn't believe they had any moral obligation to pay me.
My generation believed the world should to be easier, more graceful. My tennis racquet design concept made tennis easier, more graceful. TENNIS magazine said, "The Hammer makes tennis a joy to play." Now the original Hammer has been taken off the market, though the name, which I suggested, is still being used. The game's organizers are saying these racquets, based on a weighting idea I originally developed, make the game too easy. In other words, it should be work not grace that wins tennis matches.
My generation worked to create a much more graceful, and very wealthy world. But still our ideals are not given respect.
As world events are working themselves out, there are billions of Moslems who have this same attitude that life should be graceful. And they are not fitting comfortably into the world system. They are not being paid enough for the work they do, and they are living bitter lives in the midst an extreme amount of wealth. You can turn to all of them and say, Just work hard and you will make it. But they don't want to be like Americans. They hate our attitudes. If my generation were allowed to run the world, according to our ideals, we could solve the problems by creating jobs that are designed to be easy, with enough pay to live a graceful life. We would figure out a way to do it, and not say, If you work hard you can get a decent amount of pay.
Please don't make me get into the tribal bullshit and the *ucking joke of existence of your African heritage where slave trading is currently ridiculously prevalent in the countries of, well how about, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Angola, Namibia & Botswana to name a few.
So what, Europeans have fought, won & lost but at least we have identified differences, learned to accept our lot and used this to our advantage. I'm not very interested in going down this road of accusations, and I'm sure I could make it quite ugly.
Sooo,, Let’s just admit, no one is exactly where they want to be, and dude, you seriously need to change your perspective. Why the hell are you so damn mad???? What happened that burns your soul?? I'm telling you I would like to be your friend, *uck it if you cannot and will not release •••• that you and I were not involved in.
Look, our nails grow the same way. If we drink poison, we die. We have to cut our hair, our socks get stinky if we don't change them and we are offended if someone we really care about doesn't like us.
So why the %uck can't you,.. a grown adult... get over the fact that not everyone in the world likes you as much as you think they should!!
You know what I think... I think you are at a loss to find why the blacks are in the precarious "situation” they’re in, whatever it is, and you take the whole thing way to personal. You refuse to live free of the •••• that you learned growing up.
If I sat across a table from you, with as much money as you needed and looked into your eyes and asked what I could do to change all of the wrongs you see, what would you say?? Would I be remotely interested in any possible solution?
I guess it is a lot easier to see blame instead of working to find why the suffering continues. My friend I really wish I could help.
I do not know what to do, and you can't seem to think about anything but dead ends that help nobody.
To bad for you.........
From my ordinary world,