GodSpeed to our HERO's of the Fire and Police Departments. Bless you all and know that we pray for your safety too.
My dad is a retired CT firefighter and paramedic - I worry for you like I worried for him.
Thank you hero's
Jacksonville, FL 🙂
I am looking for my brother Port Authority Police Officer James Nelson. Please email me at kgrinnel@suffolk.lib.ny.us if you have any information.
Looking for RANDY MILLER part-time NYC firefighter and security guard at WTC. Please e-mail me at eattean@adelphia.net. Thank you.
Looking for info on (my beloved ex.) Fire
Fighter Virgilio Sanchez -L 154, Queens. I
don't know if he or his company was at the
WTC site. Is he OK?? Are all members of E
307, L 154 Safe?? Anyone, please let me
know. Thank you.
I'm looking for info on my friend; NYC Police Officer Caesar Silva. Please e-mail me if you know anything about him! Is he OK????? My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless all of you!
I want to send my prayers and thoughts out to the families of the missing fire & police officers in NYC. My boyfriend is a MA police officer, and I cry everytime I think about those that are missing. To these families please know that you are by no means alone, there are so many people who mention you all, if not by name every night in our prayers. Don't give up hope we haven't.
Looking for our dear friend, Zack Zeng. he is an EMT, and was in the area trying to help when the buildings collapsed. He was NOT dressed as an EMT, since he was working nearby at Bank of America at the time. Please let us know if he is OK.
I am looking for Jason McMillan He was in Hawaii in the Navy until '97/98. Last I heard, he was a hopeful for FDNY. We lost touch awhile back and I am hoping he is alright. Please contact me if anyone has information.
Our thoughts are with you all at this time of great loss and tragedy, God bless you all. A few years ago me and my brother spent some time with Eng 311 TL 158 from Queens If any one has any information on them can you please let me know. And also contact me if there is anyway we can help.
Paul, United Kingdom
Am looking for any information on the status of FDNY staff from the Health and Fitness Unit from Randalls Island. Any word if they are OK down in the front lines?
I am looking for Lt. Peter Fruend. He is a fireman for new york city company 55. If you know of his where abouts, e-mail me at jennifer@warwick.net
Thank you.
Please Read! I don't have much to offer being only 11 years old. But, I know that Black Fungi(can be found in most Chinese stores) is edible and is very good. Please read on all you people who think I'm joking. For in this type of Fungus there is a organic gel that helps remove the the type of dust that give workers at the World Trade Center lung problems. It also prevents cancer. Many of you must have time to read down this far in the list and the patience to read an 11 year old's writing. Please, don't think that children are to giddy with life to care, please don't think that children live a life monogonized with the Internet and their game systems. We care. Be sure, I will write to those children in those NY schools. I now wish well for DC, NY, and PA.I now reverend those firefighters, rescuers, and those other brave men and women who have risked their lives for the lives of others. I've been to NY, I've lived in PA for 4 years, and I've stayed in DC. May God protect us all.
Firefighters of New york, Our Blood, our money, our prayers, and our hearts are on the way. We are so saddened by the devestation. Wish you had more military help. Thank You for being so brave. From a Texas connection, Mrs. Bokos
Policeman of New york, you are truly brave and live up to the reputation of New Yorks finest. Must be hell over there. Our blood, our money, our prayers and our hearts are with you and you families. When this hell is over you can stand proud and nobody can take that away from you. Be carefull. From a Texas connection mrs. Bokos
Frantically looking for lost friend from NYFD, Brooklyn. Name is Paul Yodice; last known position was as a Fire Marshall. Have checked lists, made calls and left messages at his home. If any information is available, please please contact me at tracormort@earthlink.net
Thank you and God Bless,