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Archive through December 20, 2001

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To all those from out of town looking for friends/loved ones, you can go to for a list of the Firefighters, Police, ESU, EMT's etc. It was on the front page of the paper today, and I just looked and it is on the website also. Good luck and God Bless

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am looking for a jospeh cespedes a young man who left norfolk va. sept 8th to go back to new york.he informed me he had become a ny police officer in manhattan.the last thing i told him was to becareful and let me know how he was doing.i have no idea if he was there that day.i need to know he is safe.please find him.

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Hatton - FDNY, last name Hatton - your extended family is concerned about you. Please reply if you know if they are OK.">

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In Australia we are devastated by the disaster in the US. We certainly are saddened by the loss of those who lost their live in the line of duty.
Being a member of the fire brigade we are all one big family and we fel like we have lost one of our own and our deepest sympathy goes out to the families that have lost loved ones

No Greater Fury

Hath seen no greater fury
Or destruction
Than that born of fire...
Unto thee,
Taker of life and property
I throw myself...
To spare any,
The loss of today
And make safe,
Our tommorow...
author unknown

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I am looking for any information regarding a Rescue 1 group of FireFighters. On either Thurdsay, August 30 or Friday, August 31, 2001; appx 5 or 6 pm, I was in NY walking in Times Square when I met them. They were parked outside the area where the tickets for upcoming Lion Kings Shows were sold (down the street from BB Kings Club). Among them was a white male appx 30yo or so, I can't remember his name...he had a dark colored mustache and several tattoos on his arms. There was also a black male by the name of Bobby...There were 2-3 other Rescue FF's sitting inside the Rescue Truck while I was speaking with Bobby and the other FF outside. See, this was my first time in NY and they were very nice and informative to me. They went out of their way to help me. I informed them that I too work for the Fire Department.... they took my e-mail info... needless to say, I haven't heard from them yet. I am so worried that they were among the many FF, Police, EMS and other people whose lives were lost on the very sad day of September 11th. If there is anyone out there who may know or know of these FF's, please feel free to e-mail me at Any information regarding them would greatly be appreciated.
My Prayers go out to the many families in morning at this time.


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