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Archive through July 27, 2006

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We are seeking the whereabouts of MIKE TUCKER & MIKE MC CABE from
Cantor Fitzgerald....Any News is Greatly Appreciated!


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We are seeking the whereabouts of MIKE TUCKER & MIKE MC CABE from
Cantor Fitzgerald....Any News is Greatly Appreciated!


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we pray for everyone involved in the world trade center, god bless the victims and all of their families.

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I give my prayers to the people that are still living,for the victims and their families and to all americans.May God bless America.

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We are looking for a family friend. We haven't heard from him and his wife and daughter are frantic. His name is Richard Catarelli and he was on the 100 floor of the WTC, Tower 1. Please let me know immediately if you have any information on him. Thank you.

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My prayer goes to the victims and their families and to all Americans. May God bless AMERICA.

from italy...carolina

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For those who would like to send letters and cards of condolences, flowers, poems, thoughts, and well wishes. This will console others and help to heal ourselves.

I, like many others I'm sure, would like to send condolence cards and well wishes, to the heroic Firemen, Policemen, volunteers and victims of New York City, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania, tragedies. I just didn't know where to send the cards.
Through my search on the Internet I found many places to donate money and blood, and found lists of the victims names, but found little information on where to send cards. I didnt find a "master address list" of the fire and police stations in New York, a "master address list" of the men and women that are involved in the search and rescue, or of the people among the missing. So, I decided to start one for those of us who would like to send letters and cards of condolences, flowers, poems, thoughts, and well wishes. This will console others and help to heal ourselves.
Please add any additional (address) information that you might have and then forward it to as many people as you can. This information will be useful to the many Americans who would like to send cards but just dont know where to address them.
If you know of a victim or volunteer who is in need of a card, please post it to this message before you forward it or post it to a message board. I have tried to be as accurate as possible, please do the same. Thank you and may God Bless America, Donna, California, (Sept 17, 2001)


Mayor Giuliani, City Hall, NY, NY, 10003

Governor George E. Pataki, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, 476 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510

Pentagon, Arlington, VA

NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT (many lost and missing)
Precincts 1, 5,6,7,9,10,13, and 17, cover the South side of 59th St. and are the home of the Empire State Building, Wall Street, the United Nations, and the World Trade Center. Cards may be sent to the following addresses:
1. New York Police Department, Precinct 1, 16 Ericsson Place, NY, NY, 10013
2. New York Police Department, Precinct 5, 14 Elizabeth Street, NY, NY, 10013
3. New York Police Department, Precinct 6, 233 W. 10th Street, NY, NY, 10014
4. New York Police Department, Precinct 7, 19 1/2 Pitt Street, NY, NY, 10002
5. New York Police Department, Precinct 9, 321 E. 5th, NY, NY, 10003
6. New York Police Department, Precinct 10, 230 W. 20th Street, NY, NY, 10011
7. New York Police Department, Precinct 13, 230 E. 21th Street, NY, NY, 10010
8. New York Police Department, Precinct 17, 167 E. 51st Street, NY, NY, 10017

Joseph Caliguri is one of the NY Detective's who are tagging the body pieces from last weeks terrorist attach on NY, this a very stressful job and will go on for several weeks to come. Cards can be sent to:
Joseph Caliguri, 37-05 Union St, Flushing, NY 11354

1. FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
2. FDNY Engine 1/Ladder 24, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
3. FDNY Engine 3/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
4. FDNY Engine 4/Ladder 15, 42 South St., Manhattan, NY
5. FDNY Engine 5, 340 E.14th St., Manhattan, NY
6. FDNY Engine 6, 49 Beekman, Manhattan, NY
7. FDNY Engine 7/Ladder 1, 100 Duane St, Manhattan, NY
8. FDNY Engine 8, 165 E. 51st St., Manhattan, NY
9. FDNY Engine 9/Ladder 6, 75 Canal St., Manhattan, NY
10. FDNY Engine 10/Ladder 10, 124 Liberty St., Manhattan, NY
11. FDNY Ladder 12/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
12. FDNY Engine 14, 14 E. 18th St., Manhattan, NY
13 FDNY Engine 15, 269 Henry St., Manhattan, NY
14. FDNY Engine 16/Ladder 7, 234 E. 29th St., Manhattan, NY
15. FDNY Engine 21, 238 E. 40th St., Manhattan, NY
16. FDNY Engine 22/Ladder 13, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
17 FDNY Engine 24/Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
18. FDNY Engine 26, 220 W. 37th St., Manhattan, NY
19. FDNY Engine 28/Ladder 11, 222 E. 2nd St., Manhattan, NY
20. FDNY Engine 33/Ladder 9, 42 Great Jones St., Manhattan, NY
21. FDNY Engine 34, 440 W 38th, Manhattan, NY
22. FDNY Engine 35/Ladder 14, 2282 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
23. FDNY Engine 36, 120 E. 125th St., Manhattan, NY
24. FDNY Engine 37/Ladder 40, 415 W. 125 th St., Manhattan, NY
25. FDNY Engine 39/Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY
26. FDNY Engine 40/Ladder 35, 133 Amsterdam Ave., Manhattan, NY
27. FDNY Engine 44, 221 E. 75th St., Manhattan, NY
28. FDNY Engine 47, 502 W. 113th St., Manhattan, NY
29. FDNY Engine 53/Ladder 43, 1836 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
30. FDNY Engine 54/Ladder 4, 782 8th Ave., Manhattan, NY
31. FDNY Engine 55, 363 Broome St., Manhattan, NY
32. FDNY Engine 58/Ladder 26, 1367 5th Ave., Manhattan, NY
33. FDNY Engine 59/ladder 30 111 W. 133rd St., Manhattan, NY
34. FDNY Engine 67, 518 W. 170th St., Manhattan, NY
35. FDNY Engine 69/Ladder 28, 248 W. 143rd St., Manhattan, NY
36. FDNY Engine 74, 120 W. 83rd St., Manhattan, NY
37. FDNY Engine 76/Ladder 22, 145 W. 100th St., Manhattan, NY
38. FDNY Engine 80/Ladder 23, 503 W. 139th St., Manhattan, NY
39. FDNY Engine 84/Ladder 34, 513 W. 161st St., Manhattan, NY
40. FDNY Engine 91, 244 W. 111th St., Manhattan, NY
41. FDNY Engine 93/Ladder 45, 515 W. 181st St., Manhattan, NY
42. FDNY Engine 95/Ladder 36, 229 Vermilyea Ave., Manhattan, NY
43. FDNY Ladder 8, 14 N. Moore St., Manhattan, NY
44. FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
45. FDNY Ladder 25, 205 W. 77th St., Manhattan, NY
46. FDNY Ladder 3, 108 W. 13th St., Manhattan, NY

Send cards for his family and the firemen of NY to:
FDNY Engine 1/Ladder 24, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
(He lived across the street from this firehouse and often ate dinner with the men. He was hit with debris and killed when he removed his hat to pray over a firefighter)

Cards for the Families of the fallen firefighters
1. Cards for the families of Firefighters Andrew Brunn (28), Louis Arena, Thomas Hannafin, John Santore, and Lieutenant Michael Warchola, may be sent to: FDNY Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
2. Send cards for the family of Firefighter Martin McWilliams to FDNY Engine 22, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
3. Send Cards for the families of Firefighter Michael Weinberg and Lieutenant Andrew Desperito (30) to FDNY Engine 1, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
4. Cards for the families of Firefighter William Henry and Lieutenant Dennis Mojica, can be sent to FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
5. For the family of Firefighter Sean Hanley, send cards to FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
6. Cards for the family of Firefighter Robert Curatolo may be sent to FDNY Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY

Cards for the entire NY Fire Department (as well as money donations) can be sent to the following Associations
1. FDNY, C/O National Fallen Firefighters Foundation,
P.O. Drawer 498, Emmitsburg, MD, 21727
2. To the Widows & Children of NY Firefighters, C/O Uniforned Firefighters Assoc.
204 E 23rd Street, NY, NY, 10010 (or call 212-683-4832)
3. Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Dept, City of New York
P.O, Box 253 Riverdale Station, Bronx, NY, 10471-0253 (or call 914-225-0086)
4. International Firefighters Association, P.O. Box 65858, Washington DC, 20035-
5858 (or call 202-737-8484)

1. William Randolph Hearst Burn Center, 525 E. 68th St., NY, NY, 10021
Physicians at the William Randolph Hearst Burn Center are caring for the worst burn victims from the World Trade Center
2. NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, 525 East 68th St., NY, NY, 10021
3. New York University Medical Hospital, 550 First Ave, NY, NY, 10016

CARDS FOR VICTIMS-Flight 77, Pentagon
1. Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., was an economist and associate professor with Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute. She, her husband and their daughters, Zoe (8) and Dana (3), boarded American Airlines Flight 77 on Tuesday at the start of her sabbatical. Cards for the family of Leslie may be sent to:
Family of Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., C/O Georgetown University, 37th and O Street, NW Washington, DC 20057
2. Barbara Olson (45) was a lawyer, author, television commentator and the wife of
U.S. Solicitor General, Ted Olson. Barbara spoke to Ted on her cell phone while her plane was being hijacked. Cards may be sent to Ted at:
Ted Olson, C/O U.S. Solicitor Generals Office, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, D.C., 20530-0001

CARDS FOR VICTIMS-Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles
1. Edmund Glazer (41) was the CFO of MRV Communications, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Candy and son, Nathan. Cards for his family may be sent to:
Family of CFO,Edmund Glazer, C/O MRV Communications, INC. Corporate Center, 20415 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth, CA, 91311
2. Danny Lewin (31), co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, and board member of Akamai Technologies. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Condolences for his family may be sent to Family of Danny Lewin, Akamai Technologies, 500 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139

1. Barbara Edwards, 58, schoolteacher at Palo Verde High School in Las Vegas was on one of the planes. Cards for the students and family of Barbara may be sent to: Palo Verde High School, 333 S. Pavilion Center, Las Vegas, NV, 89134

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To all concerned.
Dear Sir's,
It was with great sadness that we,here in Pakistan,learnt of the tragic incidents of 11 Sept,especially the terrorist attack on thousands of innocent people in WTC,New York.The scenes wittnessed on the international channels were heart-rending and firmed the resolve in all our mind that no people,anywhere,should ever again be allowed to play so callously with lives.
In particular,as an associate of USA I am personally and deeply grievd to hear about the casualties and damage occuring in the offices of WTC.Allow me to condole with you for all those who have passed away, and to extend my sympathies for the injured.May GOD bless all of them and their families in their hour of trial.
The English poet,John Donne,says that "no man is an island in himself".Todays world is one large global community.We are no longer isolated,or insular,but share our similarities and differences,in mutual empathy.We prosper or are "reduced" together.Right now,I feel reduced by your loss there and my heart goes out to all of New York and the USA,as well as all the other countries who lost valuable citizens.It is my hope and prayer that the day will come,surely,when the world will act,in unison and rid itself of all negative minded elements.
With sincerest regard's,I remain,
Your's truly,
For:Standard Bearer Trading (Pvt)Ltd
Abid Salim Khan (Pakistan)

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There is a new website that has forums like this. It also has a database of survivors and missing persons (as well as victims). If you know someone that is not listed on it, PLEASE ADD THEM! Go to

Make your voice heard! Put your comments on their Forums!

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I feel that this was a terrible,terrible tragedy on any human being. No one deservers to die of such a hanious act. This was an inhuman act,no one in is right mind whould of done such a cruel and unthinkable act to another individual. Life is cruel but this is the ultimate devestation to any human being.

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Hello My name is Nancy I live in So.Calif.Today Sept.26,2001 I was In a chat room and a man that is a steel worker and is there helping with this disaster asked me if I wanted to see a photo I said sure.Well come to find out he got this photo by picking up a camera that was in the rumble of the WTC.He got the film developed and then he got some photos back.Well I have one,it is of a man on the trade tower getting his picture taken and you can see the plane very clearly going for the building.Well the reason I am writting this is in hope of returning this last photo of someone loved one.I would be more than happy to return it to you.I dont know who he is,but you can contact me at and I can show you this picture and hopefully I can return it to you.This is a white male about 20 to 25 yrs old maybe looks tall,he is wearing a black coat and a black beanie and carring a backpack,looks like a tourist.I hope this find the family of this man.I pray every night for everyone of you that have lost someone in this terrible terrible act of meanness.God Bless you all....

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Americans deserved it

We have hundreds of Ladens here in Pakistan if you kill one from Afgan. We have many Dawoods and Masoods to attack you whole life and you just can not do anything. As it is what could you do in last fifteen days? Just show off ...that too without us pakistanis you are nowhere.

you all are going to suffer thruout your life. YOU boosted our confidence and now you are going to pay through your nose and that to forever.

Musharraf will keep on pretending as if he is supporting USA; whereas its his brain who created many of the terrorists in 11sept attacks.

Keep on cheating yourself. We are there to finish up remaining America.

Long Live Pakistan

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Get that idiot message from Pakistan off there !!!

Too bad he wasn't just a little closer to my person

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America is broken from inside but is showing off big image outside. He does not know how many
people of Laden would be there in America. Who
might be living with the ordinary Americans.
Americans shall not be able to recognise them.
Before attacking Afghan it is necessary for him
to check its inside. Its possible that American
officers may be corrupted else such a big attack
is not possible. First it is necessary to finish
this officers and then search for Laden.
If still America keeps trust on only its
computers and technology than the results shall be
similar in the future, because machine is machine and humans are humans.If machine gets cold than it
stops working but if a human gets cold he will still continue working.
It is necessary for America to find out that
which machine was first given cold and than attack
was made, means which officer was given cold.

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