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Archive through November 01, 2001

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find more coverage and possible help from french
website here :


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I would like to offer a suggestion for reaching the people trapped under the rubbles of WTC.
Why dont they try to reach those people trapped via the subway tunnels underneath the towers. I haven't heard the news media talk about that at all.There should be a way to get to them via the tunnels. Maybe just a wall could be knocked down to reach them, or maybe one can hear their scream from the tunnels.
There may be thousands of people trapped and still alive in those tunnels and underbasements.They had stores and restaurants and shopping areas under these buildings. These peoples may have enough to eat and drink to stay alive more than most of us think.
Please relay the suggestion to the proper autorities.
Thank you

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Please understand that expressing your opinions on this board is really only a means to an end in that it allows all of you to begin to deal with your belief and perceived reality about the recent events, whether right or wrong. Hopefully this will begin a personal voyage towards assigning a meaning to has happened but, it will not change what is about to happen in the Middle East.

The only way to satisfy the Arab Nation would be if all people different, like European and American Whites, African Americans and all other religions, packed there bags and moved to another planet.

The Arab Nation does not want to co-exist peacefully, they have murdered and starved their own. They teach hatred to thier children and been
unable to raise themselves up from thier squalor
since since the beginning of time. They do not respect themselves therefore they do not respect anything or anyone.

The U.S. has finally waged war on the scourge of our planet. Our innocent civillians have been murdered, our soil has been stained.

Please also try to understand that being an
ex-United States Army Ranger who has seen war, I have a certain level of understanding and appreciation of what will take place in the middle east that is more realistic than most.

The sons and daughters of Allah will have there throats slit, and there bodies will be burnt, shot and disfigured. Thier babies will be killed and civilians will be hacked to death. Thier soldiers will die at much greater frequency and number than ours. Please realize I do not intend to inflame the Arabs, or our liberal
Anti-Americans living in our country, but that is simply what happens in War.

Great Americans have had to lower themselves to the level of the beast in the past, and will do it again in Victory so all Americans good and bad can continue to enjoy the freedom that these past great heros have earned.

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The event seemed totally unreal -- in part, I would suggest, because it was exactly what one might have expected. Destruction is easy to imagine. After years of catastrophe movies and speculation about terrorist attacks, reality took the turn announced. Big glass towers look vulnerable, and now we know for sure that they are. The targets chosen were both the most symbolic and -- especially the World Trade Center towers -- those where the most devastating spectacle could be obtained by using an airliner as a weapon. Just about anybody imagining a maximum terror scenario would be likely to have come up with this one. Only this time it wasn't Hollywood screen writers but real live terrorists who followed the contemporary slogan: Just do it!

Even though the Pentagon was struck, this was not an act of war in the old-fashioned sense of setting out to defeat armies and conquer territory. Calling this "another Pearl Harbor" and preparing for war is missing the point. This was a spectacle, a show of force. Communication by violent image.

The U.S. government has been doing that sort of thing for years: hit and run bombings. The people killed and maimed in such attacks rarely have the remotest connection to the political decisions the attacks are intended to reprove. They are hostages to violent posturing allowing no dialogue, no negotiation, no compromise. The world of spectators is supposed to be impressed by the images. Even if they are as surprised as the American public, the helpless victims of U.S. -- and Israeli -- policy are all too likely to feel satisfaction that "they" are finally suffering as "we" have suffered. This risks deepening a murderous split in humanity that has been initiated by those whose wealth and power has allowed them to ignore the world's humiliated losers. As in the distant past, we risk seeing an escalation of violence between enemies all claiming that God is on their side.

Today, in a supreme irony, suspicion for perpetrating this mass murder focuses on the very sort of Islamic fanatics that the United States armed and encouraged as a force to be used to destroy the Soviet Union. In their opportunistic alliances with terrorists, drug dealers and religious fanatics, U.S. administrations have repeatedly chosen violence over dialogue and diplomacy. The United States has chosen to illustrate its superior force and "resolve" by bombing -- or impoverishing by embargo -- defenseless civilians from Iraq to Yugoslavia. Such displays of force lead to the impasse of the suicide bombers, who in terms of "showing resolve" versus "cowardly attacks" have outdone the "civilized" U.S. bombers who devastate whole countries without suffering a scratch. Defying others to match us in spreading death and destruction is no way to exercise leadership in a civilized world. As we see, the challenge is all too likely to be taken up.

What matters now is not so much to eliminate the criminal terrorists -- who have shown their readiness to die so long as they can inspire others to follow in their path -- but to create a world where humanity would be united in condemning such murderous atrocities.

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This was in my email box...had to share it with EVERYONE!

Subject: Twin Towers

My friends, for those of you who don't know it, I am a firefighter. I came to work today listening to the news on Public Radio. I walked in to a CNN report. You all know the rest of the story. After a day of confusion and sadness and disbelief, here is what my weary mind produced.

A Tear Fell

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Morning broke, bright and clear.
A new day, full of hope, full of promise.
Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters-Family.
They kissed, they hugged, they said goodbye.
They would meet again,
Meet when the duties of the day were fulfilled.

Then a tear fell, and was heard around the world.
The unspeakable came to visit America,
Land of the Free.
Human-filled missiles. Balls of fire from the sky. Twin towers. World icons. Now ominous infernos. Open mouths, stares of disbelief.
Then, in a moment, the towers were gone.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Piles of rubble remained where hours before
Thousands appeared for a normal day of toil.
Dads, moms, sons and daughters-
If they forgot to say goodbye they never would.
Gone in a moment, gone in horror, hurled to their
deaths. America rallied. More important, the World rallied.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Rescuers by the hundreds died
When the behemoths came down.
The hopeless, the helpless, jumped to their deaths, Hundreds of feet in the air, plummeting like birds, Forgotten how to fly.
But they will not be forgotten. Ever.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Broken bodies, broken homes, broken dreams.
The cries of those buried alive went unheard.
But some, by the mercy of God, were saved.
Somehow, some way, their angels found them,
Hovering there, weeping, praying.
Calling on that very God their nation had forgotten.

People died that autumn day.
People died by the hundreds.
Defenseless people died without warning.
From the air, they died. From the towers, they died. They came to rescue their fellow man, and they died. A monument will rise there, on hallowed ground,

For a tear fell, and it was heard around the world.

-Kirby Jonas, September 11, 2001

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did _you_ write this?

no sh*t, man.
To me, the "veterans" of DMS, and currently USC,
can be, perhaps, overqualified.

quite a few of these on "DMS Yank" are,how you
say, neophytes, and they wont stay beyond their
need to post their, how you say, Disaster

It's my opinion, y'unnerstan'; they're not here to
"fight" a la USC.
And y'gotta admit, the neophytes have reason to
believe a _disaster_ has taken place.
I must agree.

I'm not necessarily gonna fight 'em.
I'll just leave 'em be.

And _you_ wrote this, Igor...? pretty well put
either way, but...

As the War goes on, a few new DMS regulars will
develop themselves....

Mr. S. has received a makeover he had declined or
refused to perform on his own.

Kisako D. was at USC twice and left twice, the
second time after being traced by mad marie.

no further comment.

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just use an anonomizer then no one can really trace those and a firewall .Try zonelabs and aonelogs they work hand in hand and you just click to send in abuse report

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We, at, are deeply troubled and hurt by the recent attacks
in the United States. Our deepest sympathy goes to all affected and to our
country specifically. Having lived long enough to be called a senior citizen,
I know that hatred, mistrust, and bigotry can only destroy. Life is created
to perpetuate, not self destruct.

Let each of us examine ourselves to
make sure that we, as individuals and as a nation, do not allow destructive
characteristics to flourish within us.

Call to mind the words in the melody "America, the Beautiful" - America,
America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood...
Let us crown the good of our nation and the world with brotherhood and understanding.
Not only understanding others, but taking time to let others understand
us. Only through understanding, knowing, and loving others as we do ourselves
will we arrive at a solution to the madness.

May God bless us, our country, and our enemies.

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The Clinton(s) and administration were asleep at the helm.

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By TM ( - on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 01:47 pm:
To whom it may concern:

I am shocked, saddened, frightened, and any
number of other things as a result of the
devastation brought upon United States civilians
last Tuesday, September 11, 2001. I know I will
never be the same.

While I have reason to hope in that the United
States responded to contain this disaster as
quickly as possible, I am still fearful for our
future. The main reason for this is the
immediate response from our President and many
other prominent leaders and spokespersons.

Our President wants us to -- pray!? To whom, might I ask? Is there a deity who can both hear
and respond to our prayers? If so, where was
this deity on Tuesday morning? Certainly not holding those doomed passengers and ground victims in a loving embrace as they were so viciously and unfairly taken from us. Certainly not providing any miraculous intervention to save those complete innocents at the mercy of hateful and fanatical terrorists.

No. The wholesale loss of life and destruction
of tens of thousands of families only reiterates
my doubt that a God exists who listens to the
prayers of humans. It looks as though he answered none.

Instead, I think and hope that many Americans will follow the lead of Europeans after World War II and jettison our love affair with the idea of a
personal, rescuing deity. Particularly vulnerable in the wake of Tuesday's destruction
is the idea that a tribal god, Christ, is
outraged by the acts of the followers of the
competing tribe's god, Allah. The call to prayer
signals, to me, the precursor to the call to
war, wherein the devoted followers of Christ
will avenge Him of the deeds of the followers of
Allah. After all, it was the followers of Allah
who started this whole thing by avenging their
god of the despicable treatment of His followers
at the hands of the Americans, who are, in their
eyes, the followers of Alla's rival Christ.

I suggest that this call to prayer is the
precursor to making this just the beginning of a
long chain of further destruction, as the rival
clans avenge the soiled reputations of their
respective tribal deities. Where can it end, where can that lead us as a world of people?

Can you see why a government sponsored call to
prayer can only thwart the stated goal of
unifying our country in the midst of crisis? Can
you see why many of us think religion is likely
to be the cause of more problems rather than the
solution to any problems? Surely it can be seen that religion is at the very center of nearly ALL conflict occurring within our world today, religion is the core of the tragedy we are all reeling from right now. My emotions are raw and my anger is high. I feel terribly for those who have suffered loss and those who are still searching for loved ones amidst the rubble. Human beings perpetrated these atrocities. Human beings are the only ones who can hope to restore some sense of normalcy to the lives torn apart. We rely on each other right now, and there is no reason nor need to suspect that a saving diety had the power to stop this and chose not to do so, nor that a saving deity can somehow provide some sort of miracle to ease the pain and suffering we now endure. Human influence on our world is the only influence we know to be available to us at this most tragic time. I hope our leaders can quell their enthusiasm to use their positions as pulpit preachers and include ALL Americans in their leadership and realize that we are our only keepers.

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Sometimes it takes a kid to point out the source of what is wrong
with our country...
Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in
most public schools anymore because the word "God" is mentioned....a
Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer. I liked it....

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!


If you aren't ashamed to do this, please pass this on.
Jesus said, " If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my

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To My American Relatives,Friends and neighbors,
I am sure you know by now that we in Canada are doing all that is possible to assist you at this time.
what has been done to you has been done to us.You shall not be alone.Someday we will be able to laugh at each other as well as at ourselves.Until that time,take my hand,grasp it,and know we will be with you.May God Bles Us All.Bill Simpson,Toronto,Canada.

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As I sit and look at my 8yr old sleeping I wonder what is going on in his mind. He came home today and told me that a boy in his class said it was the end of the world? The concern in his eyes would have brought u to tears. For children that are so full of love, laughter and unprejudice it pulls at my heart to respond. I say it is fine and wipe the tears before he can see. The tears fall for the victims, their families and thier children who are asking so many more questions that hopfully mine will never have to ask. And for the men and women that will fight for our freedom, so we will live agian in peace. I pray for all of them and u and my son......god bless

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As a response to this disaster many people
are looking for a place to express themselves.
To read/post orginal first-hand stories and
artwork, visit.

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We would like to send our deepest condolences to all Americans who have been affected by this horrific event,may you all stay strong and hopeful.God bless you Sally Michael and Shae.QLD AUSTRALIA.

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