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Archive through November 11, 2006

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My prayers and thoughts go out to
all the families and friends that
were involved or had someone involved
in this tragedy. May God Bless!

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Our sympathies are with all the American people at this sad time but especially with the injured and relatives of the people who died. Our thoughts are with you. Margaret & Cliff Ensor - England.

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We are all one. We are all in this together. We will come through this, never forgetting those we lost.
Edna Wells
Northfield, Conn.

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I'm writing from Toronto, Ontario, In Canada.
Re: The attack on America

I feel extremely bad, and all my sympathy goes out to America. What happened shouldn't have happened. But no one can stop what has to come.
There are certain things that we can stop. My concern is to my community and my brothers and sisters living in aAmerica and Canada. They are getting accused for being terrorist because we wear turbans and have beards. People don't understand, and don't see a difference between Sikh people and people such as Bin Laden. My grand father, a proper sikh senior, s walking towards a local mall in Long Island in US, and couple of guys (young students) rolled their windows and spit on him and called him horrible names. Yet my grand father was no harm to them. nor to anyone. We didn't do anything, why is our community under sttack all of a sudden.
A sikh student in Highschool got beaten, in confusion to being a muslim. from middle east. He proved his innocense by taking is turban off and showing his long hair. I find that very insulting and d-grading towards our religion.

Another incident happened in Toronto city, when 2 sardars got brutly beaten with base ball bats. the 2 sardars said that people were hitting them as if they were some evil creatures. They also said that people who were attacking them were saying " you muslims deserve to die... and your bin laden deserves to die." Now how ae thoes 2 innocent people related to Bin laden, or muslims when they are sikh. even some Muslim students and people are getting accused of what happened in America. why are we individuals getting invovled in a lie. We didn't do anything. Can't someone do something about this?

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To Concern Girl,
I truly feel for you. Too many hasty conclusions have been made and too many ignorant people are free to walk the street and judge those they feel don't fit.

No one should ever compare you or any of your family to Bin Laden - you are a world apart. From your message I can tell you are a caring person, unfortunately others aren't like that 🙁

I hope you and your family can find strength to cope with this.


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Prayer for a Time of Tragedy:

O God,

In place of anger, give me deep sorrow
to grieve with the bereaved and injured.

In place of desiring vengeance, give me humility
to repent of the evil so pervasive in me.

In place of fear, give me unshakeable hope
in Jesus Christ, my savior and king.

In place of turmoil, give me inner peace
that is beyond human understanding.
