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Archive through November 6, 2001

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All americans should fly with United Airlines.

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Can somebody help me locate a flying school who can teach me to fly commercial jets?

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To John Cauthen and God,

Thank you for remembering me.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Do you know that we are living in a dream?

All things in the universe are impermanence.
The WTO has proven to be so. It was in New York for many years and it is gone. The earth will also be gone one day; it is a matter of time frame.

However, cause and effect is not empty.

Human beings have wasted too much time pursuing on worldly pleasure and material wealth. Our life is very short. When our soul leave our body, we will not be able to bring any of these items with us.

Our home is not known as our home, it is known as a temporary shelter because when we die, we cannot bring our home with us.

It is time to keep a peaceful mind and think about it.

Yesterday has passed and it has become a dream.
The current moment is going to pass and it will become a dream.
The future moment is going to come by and it will become a dream.

Hence, we are living in a dream.

One needs to understand the profound meaning of cause and effect before one acts on anything.
Do all that is good and nothing that is bad.

It is a matter of time that your mind will awaken one of these days.

One should pursue an awaken mind and achieve enlightenment. At the highest level, it means infinite life, infinite wisdom, infinite compassion, state of equality, etc.

Life is just but a sad story.

I felt that all human beings should be equal and should not suffer at all. However, it is not.
Hence, my next life is to go to a place where equality exists and there are no more sufferings at all. It is known as western pure land. It is many many worlds (i.e. galaxies) away from earth.

Fate decides our next life; we make our own decisions, nobody can make this decision for us.
Human realm is better than hells.
Heaven realm is better than human realms.

Heaven, human and hell are just names. The names themselves are a form of discrimination.
The minds created all these differences, hence sufferings exists. All minds have to work together to put a stop to sufferings (the cycle of born, old, sick, die)

Most of the minds on our earth (i.e. our world) will have to go through the cycle of sufferings after this life because most of the minds are not awakened yet.

Sufferings: worries, frustration, anger, greed, selfish, discrimination, win and loose, jeaously, killings, fighting, war, etc.

How to get out of sufferings?
Detach the mind from all these worldly pleasure and material wealth. We live to help ourselves and then others.

Equality is the key word.
Emptiness is an achievement.

I’m working, however at the same time I’m cultivating my mind everyday keeping it pure and peaceful.

Think of equality before we use any bad words or condemn anyone else.

With a SINCERE and COMPASSION heart.
Live a wise and truly happy life.

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**to "god"---I'm assuming, from what I've read, that you are an army ranger. If you are, I thank you for all the hard work you put into all you have done. Especially for rescuing those hostages. If your not an army ranger, thanks anyway for workin hard to feed your family.

**to ALL(especially to "god" but I don't think you'll read it because it's to long)

I don't think that killing anyone solves anything, it only puts our minds at ease. Killing just adds to the cycle of violence, with each side feeling more and more justified. We feel that killing Osama and all his associates will end terror. Well, they thought the exact same thing about us. That killing many would somehow cause us to back down, but it has only made us stronger. Just as our attacks will only make them stronger, and their hate grow. To rise above this simple and mindless circle, we must use diplomacy. We could have easily cut off Osama's financial flow and just keep a reeeeaaal close eye( with the help of the rest of the world) on him and his network. Then, address the issues they are so upset about, and see if we could go about a solution. They'd have no reason to hate us if we worked with them now would they? Love would truly be the answer to the problem, but militants such as, well I won't name names, prevent that from even being considered. That is my opinion.

**to John Cauthen---The Buildings fell b/c the intense heat of the fire, burning for as long as it did, melted the central supports. This left the massive weight of the building above the melted core with nothing to support it. This caused it to plummit, pushing all of the building below it out of the way. This is what may have looked like explosions, but, it was in fact, the plummiting of the upper portion of the building. For the full details here is an informative article---

ps- I respect you greatly for living with only the essentials. Also, you are a better man for not seeking the monetary benefits of your racket. If only there were more people like you, serving the community(or world) without expecting a reward. Unfortunatly, a capitalist economy centers around doing something good for profit.

**to Compassion---Yours is an awesome faith. I'm sure you enlighten many around you. I even think you touched god a bit with your preaching because after one of your inspiring messages he sounded as if he had some "compassion" and insight when telling the story of saving the hostages. However, nothing last's forever, and he got back to his old rude self in no time.
I believe many of the things you speak of except some some of the stuff. I am a mix of different belief systems, but Christian at the core. Do you ascribe your beliefs to a certain belief system or is it your own personal insight.
No matter what, thank you for your insight on life, it touches the heart and the mind.

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to dustin

thank you for your message. I totally agree with you that killing everyone woò't decide anything. It will rise a new circle of violence instead.

to all: The title of this forum is: How america should respond" America has responded already. I don't think it was the best thing to do. In fact I totally disagree with killing innocent people and throughing bombs on the cities with millions of people. America calls it "the war against terrorism". I think if someone is brave enough to do something, one should be brave enough to call it correctly. This is not the war agains terrorism, this is a war against Afganistan and no statements of polititians can change this fact. Here I agree with Justthefacts - if you want to fight with the terrorists use covert operations, but not spread bombs on children, women and old people. What is happening now is blind revenge, not justice.
About 5000 people got killed on 11th september- this is called tragedy (i completely agree); about thousand civilians are already killed in Afganistan - this is called "casualty". What will happen when the quantity of murdered people become equal?! A guess nothing.
USA polititians including your president says about punishing the guilty ones. But you are not doing it. The bombs kill everyone, independently on if the person is guilty or not.
I'd like to add one more thing - the government of any country consists of only very few people (in the respect to the total inhabitant's quantity). If they are doing something, this doesn't mean people agree with that, or sometimes even know.
As far as I remember basic school programme - the native americans have been eliminated, massacred by white americans - thousands of thousands people have been murded because of the greed, hate, intolerance. Did you forget about it? If now the rest of the native americans would want Justice? How would you accept it? I am not talking about the nucleat bomb during WW2 which killed millions INNOCENT people; I am not talking about napalm in the Vietnam.

Some of you wrote that "there is no innocent muslims; it is impossible to communicate with them..." I have a question did USA try? I am not speaking about the threats (I don't call it communication). And I don't accept phrasing "this is impossible, because it is impossible". I am doing everyday something USA government calls "impossible". I am working with the people from all over the world - starting with USA, Canada, South America (Brazil, Argentina), all Europe, Africa, Asia - white, yellow, black, red... All nations, all colors, all religion.
Everything depends on person - its heart, soul and brains, but it has nothing to do with its skin color, not even with eye's color. because the intelegent, wise, noble, hardworking people are similar everywhere.
I am pity for some of you. Because what you have written shows that you don't know the joy the work can bring. Do you know how happy you can be working together with people all around the world on one WORK, in the name of common goal?!
It doesn't matter if you are working on educating children, building dambs, getting water for people who doesn't have enough, making international projects! When you understand that a person from the opposite part of the world thinks the same way, feels the same way, has the same dreams, suffers the same and understands you better than some of your neighboors! It is immense number of thing you can learn from eash other. This is the point when diversity becomes a benefit.

to compassion: I am also would like to know if your beliefs falls into certain belief system or is it your own personal insight?
I'd like to specify, you wrote "Emptiness is an acievement" - does it concern also love, friendship? Does it mean person should be completely calm without ANY emotions?

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To duster:

I'm sure you think your opinions are important, but I happen to have organized my values in this fashion:

1. God
2. Country
3. Family
4. Business

Having said that, I don't have time to sit around and read everyone’s opinion, I'm sure there is great value in the regurgitated facts you type.

TO A.L.I.:

Every breathing human and I are aware of what our combat operations in Afghanistan IS NOT. How about stretching a little and thinking about what IT IS. I just bought a Browning 300 Magnum Sniper Rifle with a Simmons Teledyne scope. I sighted in my scope this past weekend on pumpkins with towels on their heads.


The past does not equal the present or future. We must change with the times and remain flexible, hence shut our borders. A 50-man boat works fine until 51 men are in it. We do not have endless resources and the 5% who support the 95% are tired of being attacked and repressed by our flaming leftist fascist friends. We can fit the population of the world in the state of Texas, but do we really want to?? Time to boot them out.

I'm leaving for Boston to start a new capitalistic venture to grow my financial fortune so I can make a practical difference in peoples lives.

I feel so much better since we started killing the evil ones.

God love you all.


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Do the north a favor and
stay in the southeast, please.
Yankees don't take to good ol boys
with big guns and small penises.

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to "god"---my opinions are worth what you take them for, I didn't mean to imply that they are really really important, just that what I said was my opinion...also, do you hate those you call the "evil ones", or do you just want the USA to play their game?

to ilona---I agree completly with what you said about how it's revenge. Also, the american indian thing, good question. They(american officials) would probably respond by giving them some new reservation and then call it even. I also agree with that last paragraph, especially the last quote you included. All in all, I agree completely. You said you worked with people around the world, was that a mataphor or or is that the kind of work you actually do?

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to dustin

It was not a mataphor. I do work with people from many countries (there are at least represantatives from 40 countries). It is connected with the international organizations (NGOs) and working groups which cover all the world.
If you have any questions you can e-mail me.

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To God:

You think you're very clever.
Let's burn your ass with napalm!

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Hey DoG,
Excuse me for not satisfying your incredible intellect with my pityful answer but I thought you were looking for a simplistic answer to your simplistic question. I will try to clear up the doubts you have in me and flesh out that answer in this response.

If you had looked through the archives you would have seen that Facts and I had a very long discussion on this topic but since you have no time because you're running your "capitalistic"(hmm...rhymes with ballistic) venture and working out in your hot pants I'll understand and try to give a worthy synopsis of my point.

Firstly America completely f%cked up in Afghanistan. We put together a group of warriors(the mujahideen) that sat in the madrasses of Pakistan and formulated a form of Islam that, for many, would become hell on earth. We recruited Wahhabi's from all over including one millionaire who we knew had a great distaste for the US and was instrumental in the world of "terrorism" or Islamic fundamentalist extra-curricular activities. That the warriors were mostly of a Pakistani background wasn't really important. What was important was that, in the ultra paranoia of the cold war, we should back a side, any side, who could win. It didn't matter that, with even the minimum of foresight, we shoud have been able to see that the cure was as bad as or worse than the illness. How could women, for instance, be better off. I imagine it didn't matter. The Afghans didn't matter. What mattered was a win and only a win.

So after the USA installs a foreign dictatorship on the Afghans they do the honorable, ethical, and confidence inspiring thing(at least to the muslim world) and walk away from them. Like so many dead beat dads have done, we abandon our new found family. The ensuing decade becomes the worst in Afghan history with women suffering indignities they have never seen in their modern history. When is the next time we officially visit that part of the subcontinent? When we are sending them express mail through the business end of our bombers. Then we treat them to a post 4th of july fireworks display via our party stopper - the AC-130 gunships. They and the muslim world must think so highly of us now.

I was trying to be polite when I sent that last post but I'll be a little more frank(shirley you don't mind) now. I think you know that Forbes magazine is called the capitalist tool. After all, you are mr. "capitalistic". Well in being part of this attack on an innocent people who have had a dictatorship foisted on them by us, the troops are merely a expedient political tool. Yeah, they're getting rid of a pariah government but the troops are also killing the innocent that were put in this situation by this country, and as such, are pretty near to the people who attacked the USA.

Okay, I forgot that you consider all non-US, non-European peoples as expendable. I guess you say barbecue all of them. Well, my friend, haven't we been giving them the short end of the stick all along. Where has that gotten us. You sending post about lock the doors and throw em all out and buying sniper rifles for sighting towel draped pumpkins is absolutely nowhere, if you ask me. All I can say is that I'm glad that your kind are a dying breed. As stubborn and resistant as some of these anthrax strains out there, but dying indeed. But always remember, my friend, that you are the small pox of humanity. You and your ilk have gotten us to this armageddon like cross roads and without your kind we would definitely make great strides toward a better humanity.

Your buddy A.L.I.

P.S. was that you last night(as a telephone lifeline) on who wants to be a millionaire?

P.P.S. Did you see the Diane Sawyer interview with Bin-Laden's brother's ex-wife. Maybe you can send them a note and do some business. They could probably help your venture.

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I got a girl named Bony Moronie
She's as skinny as a stick of macaroni

i.e. the simpler things in life bring the greatest joy. It can be shootin' at towel head pumpkins, or getting to that Agave Worm. Conversely intricate conspiracy theories do nothing for my peace of mind. No sir. US and Israel are definitely hanging on one big tangled web though. Assassinated Israeli (ex) minister was one sorry-assed son of a bitch who supported every Israeli incursion con mucho gusto and saw Arabs as inhuman (lice). Chickens coming home to roost anyone ? Agree with AA about Sharon.

FBI closed in on terrorist cell in

Birmingham yesterday. They were looking for associates of Bin Laden and subsequently found Bin robbin', Bin drinkin, and Bin gamblin'. They are still looking for Bin workin'.

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Once I saw an oil tanker burn.

The steel of the tanker melted and folded into the tanker. The steel beams of the tanker didn't crash down, they just folded down, as they gradually (over a period of minutes) lost their strength. The lower floors of the WTC were not burning. The upper floors would not have collapsed suddenly, but would have just folded down onto the lower floors.

The lower part of the building would have held them up until it began to burn, and if the firefighters could have put the fire out, like they did with the oil tanker, the lower part of the buildings would have ended up as ugly structures of about 40 stories.

Yes, it would have taken an hour for the beams to reach critical temperature, but only where the fire was burning. It would have taken many hours for the entire building to come down.

You have to use common sense, and not listen to professor types who are in tight with people who just want to start a war.

The real reason Afghanistan has been attacked by major powers for the last twenty years is because they grow drugs.

After the Russians were unsuccessful in a war, we (the west) created a plot by installing a ridiculously oppressive Pseudo-Islamic goverment; then we organize the world to overthrow the idiotic government and make the world "safe" for "decent" people. And in the process we also get rid of the drugs, which was the real purpose from the very beginning.

But why the complex plot against drugs? If drugs are so evil, couldn't we organize the world to get rid of the drug crops in Afghanistan? No, we couldn't.

Too many people think drugs are not evil. And so, the authorities have to do a covert action to get rid of the drugs. It was drugs that sparked the awakening of the 'sixties. (Compassion, you say to be awakened is the most important thing, and it is.)

People took drugs and realized the most important thing in life was to be happy. People who fit comfortably into the world system are people who have no idea what true happiness is.

Then, if they take the right drug they can suddenly realize what it feels like to be happy. Their outlook on life changes. To preserve itself, the "world system" needs to get rid of the drugs from the world.

I am not a drug person, I have only taken any psychedelic drugs three times in my life. Do most people get hooked on drugs? Usually, as a result of a few drug experiences they get hooked on life. From experiences with drugs many people discover what true happiness feels like. Then they try to make their world feel that way. Drugs in the 'sixties lead to natural and healthy foods, loving attitudes toward people, and ultimately the drug generation became the Christian Movement of the 'seventies. But originally it was the drugs that changed the world. Jimi Hendrix asked, "Are you experienced?" People said, "Are you turned on?" Jesus said, "Have you been born again?" This is all the same thing. It means that you change your idea of what is important. You get turned on, you are born again, and you try to make the world happy rather than just making yourself rich or powerful. (The Bible says, When you make world happy, then you will get wealth. In my case with my tennis racquet design I made a lot of people happy but did not benefit. That's when I realized there was real war between people who just live for themselves and people who live for goodness. Because they made sure I did not benefit in any way, though I wasn't asking for a lot from what I showed them.

So this war is between people who are only looking out for themselves, not realizing true happiness, and people who think spiritually. Moslems are a good image of the enemy, being people who think spiritually and want to please God first. When Colin Powell says this war is to preserve civilization he really means he wants to create a world full of people who go to their jobs everyday and have no idea what true happiness is. Moslems (as they say not all Moslems) are a perfect image of the enemy. They do not necessarily do what will get them ahead in the world. They do what will make them happy and please God. I have made the case that drugs usually lead to God. In Afghanistan they do drugs, have several wives, and submit totally to God. Yes, in the eyes of the world system this is a country that needs to be conquered. The funny thing is, it has not been so easy to conquer these drug taking freaks.

I have said enough for now, thank you for the Internet.

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Hey John,
Try to think of it this way, if the upper decks had alighted on the lower decks with any gentleness the towers would still be up but in a situation like this gentle alightment was beyond control. Yeah the bottom floors could support the upper floors but, just like a house of cards, if the load is dropped too hard it'll fold(you gotta know when to holdem, know when to foldem(K. Rogers)). Physics explains it as the law of inertia. As I see by your response you saw a tanker burn and the beams took minutes to bend. Well the beams of a ship are a much thicker grade of steel than the hull, as much as 4 fold so in regular sea going vessels and more in icebreakers, and don't do much in resisting a vertical(up down) load but are there mostly for the horizontal load of water on the hull. The beams also don't have much weight on the structure above them to support yet they took minutes to bend. Imagine if the had the increased load of all the concrete and steel above them. The scantlings(shipping term for gauge of metal) of a ship are also designed to allow for floatation hence they can never be as thick and strong as a building. By the way did see that the Swiss tunnel collapsed where the fire was the most intense(2000 deg. F).

I think you had a better conspiracy scenario when you were dealing with the hard right trying to preserve their power. If it were drugs they were trying to stop they would have annexed or found a way to install givernments in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, etc... as these countries export a drug, cocaine, that is doing far more damage than opiates are right about now. In fact wasn't it DOG's hard right that had the contra's and the Miami cubans dealing coca to help fund their anti-communist struggles. Didn't they give them safe passage into CA. A lot of big money is still being made in this market by some very connected people I suspect. The cocaine experience is far different than the coca experiance by the way. While opiates rob one of vitality and spunk, cocaine does almost the opposite by making one violently paronoid or just plain violent. That's why a lot of athletes were doing it a while ago. It's easier to break down into minute fractions for street sales(retailing) and hence more profitable. I gotta feel that it's the bigger danger.

Okay JC.

Hey Facts,
how ya doin. I hope that while you were up the country that the bass were bitin, the geese were gallopin, and the deers weren't duckin. I jus plain hope you bin havin a good time.

Now Isn't this a piece of modern day brinkmanship we see there in the good ole middle east. You take one our finest(don't barf) and we'll take some of your school children. We'll also leave a standing invite to invade your territory if and when it pleases us. I really feel good about my tax dollars now.

Simply AA.

To Ilona,
welcome back. It's great work you are doing over there. We need the NGO's more than ever now to present some semblance of balance in western foreign policy as well as to try and show the developing world there is some care by the developed world towards them. But as the old African proverb goes - you have been given a basket to carry water. I'm also glad to know that the wrestler didn't frighten you away.

soon AA.

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Hey Facts,
Did you see last night on "Greenfield at large" the asst. editor of time int. say the Israeli's have admitted to having 4 terror cells operating in the west bank area.

I tell you this because on the same show a gentleman by the name of, I think, Daniel Pipes of the "middle east forum"(a D.C. think tank) states that the only allies we have in that part of the world are Israel, India, and Turkey because they are democracies. Well lets see. If I were having the worst home crisis in my life and were counting on and asking my friend, who I've supported, right or wrong, for most of their existence, to keep a low profile and make some peace with their neighborhood while I tried to take care my problems would I still consider them my friends? If , in them not listening and causing a crisis, they endangered my family and said they only had themselves to worry about would I be able to feel a friendship there? If I were a masochist maybe or had some mutual friends in my ear speaking convincingly on their behalf.

I guess he and his TT don't consider the allowing of American bases in the holiest of places in Islam as a stretch or friendship? I suppose he doesn't consider the signing of a peace treaty with the most hated enemy(at the time) of the Arab world sincere and friendly? I get it, nothing the Arab world does is as valuable as the infallable actions of our beloved Israel.

And when the heck has India become our ally. Haven't we had something against them since they spearheaded the Non-aligned movement? Then why have we funded Pakistan in their every endeavor democracy or not?

I think they better change the name of that TT to "the Israel lobby" and I can change my sign on to "questions".

Jus a little bit a AA.

P.S. did lt. general C. Kennedy say that Mohammed fought on Ramadan when he was heading up the Ottoman Empire?

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