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Archive through November 6, 2001

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To Fred,
I'm not so sure that the coalition wants the Northern Alliance to take charge. They are not all so upright in their backgrounds, as well as many are expecting some ethnic backlash(read cleansing) if they should get in control of the country without the proper safeguards being set up. The best bet for the future of Afghanistan seems to be a mix of short term involvement by the UN with a coalition government, being assembled by the former monarch, to take full charge when all the consequentials are worked out. No one seems to be rushing to overthrow the Taliban before this is accomplished and that seems like it is going to take an inordinate amount of time.


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Yeah. When they have power, men are more gentle than women, odd as that seems.

I used to know the Israelis were the oppressed ones. Now, the Israelis have become the bad guys. The way the people who are currently in power operate: by assassination; by creating disasters, maybe the WTC attack; by stating their objective as one thing but doing something different needs to be carefully watched and reported.

Right now, the bad guys might be in power. Why did a CIA agent visit Bin Laden in the hospital?

MSNBC stated as a fact that the US established El-Queda. Now, top people act as if they don't care if they catch Bin Laden or not. These are extreme inconsistencies, they need to be questioned.

The real goal of the bad guys is to destroy wealth. Everyone who does that, telling Californians not to use their bridges, works to accomplish the goal of destroying wealth. You have to question which side, good or evil, Gov. Davis is on. And I despise the very appearance and voice of Tony Blair. He is like a Joker in a deck of cards; he seems no less than diabolically evil to me. You must question the legitimacy of powerful people who lessen our wealth, such as, closing down the airlines for five days. Until 12 o'clock the next day? Okay. But five days? They brought the airlines to their knees. Who are the real bad guys?

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When the situation in Afghanistan is understood as, "these people were having too much fun", then you can understand the Russian invasion and why someone set up the Taliban.

We are not going to destroy the Taliban, and we will only do what we are forced to do to help the Northern Alliance, because they want to take Afghanistan back to what it was: a drug-growing country. Growing drugs might not be bad in the eyes of God. Drugs have lead a lot of people to God, in a lot of ways. In the New World that we want to set up in Afghanistan and everywhere else, there is no spirituality, just going to work and not getting into trouble. Like the book, 1984.

Bill Clinton won four wars, one in the impossible place of Bosnia without losing hardly any lives, because he fought to make things better. Afghanistan is on the verge of turning into a debacle because we are really fighting to make things worse. The World Trade Center? What is that? Well, it was an excuse to get into this war, in which we are trying to destroy another country. Not exactly classical American values.

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What are we supposed to do? Just let them kill 5,000 people and say they mean nothing to us. These people were from all nationalities not just our own. By the way, we didn't ask to be terriorized. We were chosen my OBL to be terriorized. Apparently, he wanted us to get into the war. Personally, I feel that OBL is trying to gain control of all the middle eastern countries and consequently will try to gain control of us. OBL wants power and he tries to acheive it through terriorism. He uses the religion of islam,as a sheild, in order to gain support from other muslims. But he is now starting to turn on some of them according to his latest video. He says that they have become unbelievers. The Egyptian foreign minister responded to him and said this is a war not between religions but between OBL and the world. Considering egypt is an arab country, I thought this was a bold statement. I was very proud to here that even the muslims are starting to realize they are not targets. This could only help the war on terriorism.

I am proud to be an american and proud that our president wants to protect our people.

God Bless America!!!!!!! GO ALLIES!!!!!!!!!

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It is true that bin Laden hates the West and hates Muslims who compromise with the West. It is also true that the West hates what bin Laden represents. All Muslims are decendents of Abraham's lessor son. The West are decendents of Abraham's greater son. The West, the Greater Son decided how the world would look and act. We don't like people who look and act like bin Laden, so we don't give them good jobs. And we say, "If you want to get ahead, you have to be like us."

But bin Laden says, "I don't want to compromise to your ways. I want to be able to live my life according to my ways." This is not bin Laden's personal problem. He is very rich. But most poor Muslims are not accepted by the Western-influenced world. So they cannot get good jobs and cannot make enough money to be truly happy. If Israel would only accept the Palestinians as honored and valuable members of their society and pay them accordingly, and give them respect for the jobs they do, there would not be a "Palestinian problem".

As it is, the Greater Son is mandating to the Lessor Son, be like us to get ahead and have a life. The plan for a successful life is to conform, work hard, and to become the boss. We don't respect the laborer and we do not pay him much.

But the Lessor Son is always going to be a laborer for the Greater Son. Islam means to submit. They do not have our ambition. We don't want people like that working in our companies. We don't respect them unless they become like us.

Bin Laden is a Lessor Son who, of course, was working for the Greater Son. We know his job was with the CIA. We know the CIA set up El Queda. I think the CIA said to bin Laden, "Your people are just throwing rocks. Do you want to be able do some real damage?" Bin Laden had a chance to be effective. But the CIA's real purpose was to make him look evil and dangerous, so the West could, with impunity, go out and annihilate them all.

Bin Laden does hate the West and hate our ways, but the West hates his ways equally. We worship pride, ego: we are go-getters. We keep others out of the good jobs. We don't pay them much because being fundamentally submissive doesn't work in the Western world. They pray five times a day! We can't spend valuable time doing that!!! We mainly see people like that as a hinderance to living smartly. We reject them. And since we reject them, they cause trouble, so the CIA set up bin Laden and used him to make all of those people look evil and dangerous. That does not deny bin Laden organized the attacks and the attacks killed about 5000 people. But the CIA may have created a situation so everyone would agree we should go after those people with everything we have got.

Moslems best represent the type of person the people in charge don't want to have to deal with. The World Trade Center attack was an excuse to go after all those people who don't fit, who are the lessor sons who don't compromise with the ways of the West, but do deserve a good life. (If we paid people living their own lives in Third World countries decent wages for the work they do for us; there are also other ways besides more pay that we can make work just as productive and more pleasant; there WOULD be world-peace.)

But when you say, "Go USA kill the bad guys", you may be doing exactly what the real bad guys want you to do!

The terrorist countries were shocked and appalled by the level of violence in the WTC attacks. We are proving with every day that we are very capable of that level of violence and the level of planning that went into it.

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