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Archive through October 03, 2001

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To Jack Kearns. Why do you write "Kill all Muslims, Kill all Arabs." What religion or race are you? Are you a religion or nationality that has no faults? No one race or religion can be blamed for what happened. Only people can be held accountable for what happens. At a horrible time like this we all need to unite together to show that as Americans, that as human beings we can not be torn down by a tragedy like this. The people that say "Kill all Muslims and Arabs!!", you are no different from the people that did this horrible thing. They too feel that all Americans should die for giving aid to other "enemy" countries.

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The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident.
Psalm 27:1-3

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Iam Barbara from Italy.
This is a simple message to speak to american people: come on Usa , you are the most important country in the world, the best! Come on, USA! italy is with you!

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Dear Families,

Just a note to let you know that in this time of tradgedy, our prayers and deepest sympathies are with you always. We hope that the relief funds and blood drives are helping some for you. May God guide you in this time of great need.

William Fritts Family (Richland, MO)
Robert Callahan Family (Richland, MO)
Peggy Fritts (Richland, MO)
John Callahan Family (Dallas, TX)
Charlie Fritts Family (Richland, MO)
Steve Callahan Family (Kissimmee, FL)
Mildred Donald (Lebanon, MO)
Johnnie Donald Family (Springfield, MO)
Mark Struckhoff Family (Springfield, MO)

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My name is Ron Wolters

From my wife and myself, bless America
and knowing that the USA is going trough this

My toughts about it is like this:
They can take away brances, but as long as you have your roots, you keep growing.

In ather words, the USA and the people who live it
is like big oak tree, with strong roots, so this tree will keep on growing.


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My name is Angie from Pittsburgh PA. I have watched all the things on tv everyday since this has happened. My heart goes out to all the victims family and friends It is so nice to see everyone come together .

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Even though I did not lose any personal person in my life, I grieve with all of the families. I share in the agony this great nation of ours in going through. Through the darkest days, we will overcome. We have rallied before in the face of great tragedy, both personal and as a united nation. We are the victors already...
Traci Davis, Indianapolis

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I live in Northern Maine, My name is Roxanne Sock!! I wish to send out my deepest sympaties to the families of lost loved ones, families of missing loved ones, the firefighters, rescue teams, and everyone for their efforts!!! I am here behind U all and I send out my prayers and thoughts for a brighter tomorrow!!! Keep up the search and don't give up!!! God shal prevail on the evil-doers!!! HE always does!!! They always say what comes around, goes around!!!! And I know it will go back to that rotten Osama Bin Laden thrice fold!!!! Go get them Mr. Bush!!!!

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My name is Matthew, and I write this after
seeing the horrors of the attacks of the United
States live on television in Britain.

Even in the destruction of our residences and
workplaces, we will never lose our faith in the
spirit of America.

Even in the terror that we face, we will never
lose sight of hope.

To all of the people killed or injured in the
terrorist attacks that have devastated our world
and civilisation, may God protect you in

To all of the families of those who have lost
loved ones in this despicable act of
cowardice, know that the world opens it's
heart to hold you there forever.

Though the past will get further away from us,
our thoughts will be with you forever.

We will never forget you.

God bless America, and let Him provide
guidance for us all in this our time of need.

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A message from Pretoria, South-Africa...
Dear American friends,
It's spring in South Africa and wonders of nature is all around me as I write to you, reminding me that there is a God and that He will not forsake us - I see your sad faces in each flower and I think about you each time a bird sings....My prayers and thoughts are with all of America -to those who lost loved-ones, may God watch over you, may you find the strength to bear this terrible loss. We mourn with you and you are in our thoughts....In spirit South-Africa cries with you, America - as a nation, we are fighting crime daily, we also experience the loss of life and the terrible tragedies of crimenal deads - with the terrible attacks on the lives of our innocent South African farmers especially, butalso on all SA citizens, may all murders & crime one day cease all over the world. Go well.
With kindest regards
Adelai van Heerden
South Africa

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There is a new website that has forums like this. It also has a database of survivors and missing persons (as well as victims). If you know someone that is not listed on it, PLEASE ADD THEM! Go to

Make your voice heard! Put your comments on their Forums!

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On the 11th of September I was at work in a public office, when my collegue came back from a visit and told us the devasting news. For the rest of the day it was difficult to concentrate on work. The new and later the visual pictures of Mass murder of innoncent people the lack of regard for human lives leaves me with a sense of fear.It is that fear that that gives me the power to streach out my hand in solidarity to America. God Bless America God wrap all your people in your loving arm. you are God you are might. We give you the glory. There is none like you Lord in time of war you be our shield our guide and our comforter. We ask for your mercy Lord. Amen

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the message posted on the 21-09-2001

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The sadness and grief that I feel because of this horrific act of terrorism that has taken away loved ones from their families cannot be described. However, our light will never dim, it only makes our light shine brighter for the world to see. The love for our country, its citizens and our friends and families from other countries who have shown their sympathy, love and support has grown stonger. May God show us the way and keep us safe throughout this tragic moment in history and into the future. GOOD WILL OVERCOME EVIL!!!!


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In behalf of my family and friends, I would like to send my deepest sympathy to all the victims and their familys. We are all so sad about your lost ones. We pray that God will comfort and strengthing you. What happen on Sept. 11 should never happen to anyone. We have heard all the stories of all the brave people who risk their lives to save others and it just break our hearts to hear that some have lost their own. I know for sure that they are definetly in heaven. Because to give your life for someone else is the greatest thing anyone can do. So, to all Americans we pray that God will keep everyone safe
until we all can be really free! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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