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Archive through October 23, 2001

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I am saying bin Laden together with prominent world leaders may have set the stage, financed, and executed the attacks. Bin Laden was making a statement, but the prominent world leaders knew what would really happen, which was to turn us into our grandparents, reduce our freedom, and take away our wealth. Franklin Roosevelt once bragged that he destroyed another millionaire everday. But his exact words were, "I have another millionaire for breakfast, everyday."

The fact that more people died than should have, and the fact that the buildings came down so unexpectedly could be an indication there was more to it than bin Laden. The buildings shouldn't have fallen down like they did. And there should have been only a few hundred, or at worst, a thousand casualties. Some people in the upper floors did get out. They were not all trapped. Almost all the people in the lower floors should have gotten out. There should not have been almost 5,000 casualities.

We need to study how the buildings came down, and study whether anything happened to increase deaths. If there are questions, we need to look for connections between bin Laden and any legitimate leaders.

George W. Bush is the only world leader not engaged in war-mongering rhetoric. He is saying we need to be patient and find the real evildoers. Thank God he is president. He is in a position, and may have the desire to blow the real plot wide open. The real goal of the evildoers is destroying wealth and freedom. They violently hate my generation, and President Bush's generation. Since the late 'sixties, we have always believed the world should simply be happy. We've strived to make the world happier and richer, and we've done a good job. We've done it so good that some misguided people say the world is too rich, and too happy.

But there are many places where we could do be doing better. We could be exporting our standard of living to Third World countries just by paying fair wages for making products that we use in America.

And yet, our father's or grandfather's generation say we are too rich, and that a war and a depression would be good for us, and they have the power to make war and depression happen, unless we expose them.

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There is good & there is evil, to defeat evil you must be strong.

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I made a page on the 11th sept terrorist Attack

Please clic on "Special: Terrorist Attack on USA".

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To God,
I've been reading your comments and have continued to be underwhelmed by your capacity for bellicoseness and rash judgementalism. It was not enough for you to attempt to brow beat and insult everyone with your assinine and fascist assertions, but in order to garner respect and cast yourself in a heroic light you state your involvement in one of America's most ignoble and cowardly invasions yet. Are you that pitifully shameless or are you so devoid of anything of merit in your life that you would have to stoop to that.

In stating your involvement in the Grenada invasion and in order to make it heroic you did a whole lot of editing. But even in doing so your accounts add to up to something less than heroic. You state that the Cubans ran and left their entrenchments without a shot being fired(obviously not all did this, as you state some of your mates died) and for the most part I agree. But for the handful of Cuban opposition, you were mostly unfettered. Where is the grand heroism in that? You seem to be asserting your equality with or superiority to those true heroes who ran into burning buildings in NYC on the 9-11-01. And of course the American students were glad to see you. Most middle class Americans would be glad to see you too if they heard any gun play. These were medical students.

Your grandest folly though is to try and present this as a rescue mission. This was never the above but a rather pointed opportunist political action aimed at overturning a coup. A palace coup if you like. Maurice Bishop was an avowed communist but was not moving at a pace that was deemed appropriate by his comrades so they, knowing his following, assassinated him and imprisoned his lieutenants. There was never an issue of any student's at St. George's being in any direct danger. This school was a major part of the economy in tiny little Grenada. That there was danger because of the conflict spreading through the Island, possible but not probable. If it were only the students we were worried about we would have airlifted them out. In fact the admissions director whose office was and probably still is in Bayshore, LI, was complaining about the above until the CIA paid him a visit of about 48 hours. When he returned from his "debriefing" his story and demeanor were completely changed. He now spouted the party line of the students being in danger. How do I know this? I lived in Islip township at the time and it is public knowledge.

Your editing didn't stop there though. You fail to mention the treatment that was meted to the passive combatants after taking control of the island. Little stuff like stripping them naked after giving out severe beatings and making them walk through the capital with signs that read "this is what happens to communists", "dirty communists", etc... That's pretty heroic. How do I know this? My 6'4", gungho, marine brother was there. As well as some people who later became friends and acquaintances. Some were students and one was a journalist who broke the news blackout that had been installed(that's pretty democratic isn't it?).

If you want to hear about heroism try to talk to vietnam vets(of which I know many) or Korean war vets or, if you can find one, a WW2 vet. You trying to make Grenada sound like an episode of "A Band Of Brothers" only makes you sound delusional.

The other issue I have with you is your banal, simplistic, vapid and prepubescent attacks on the liberal left and Clinton. Who taught you all that foolishness? Some drunken, gun toting, NRA members in an alcoholic haze, while playing russian roulette with cop killer bullets. Please, please, please,turn down the Rash Limbaugh show and back carefully away from the radio. You seem to be thoroughly under his spell and it's time for you think on your own. I think it was Justthefacts(sorry to quote you my more rational friend)that stated the ultra-right(as well as the ultra-left) tend not to use facts for argument. I see what he means.

Well I'll let you know that in the world of terrorism in which we now live. The one that is thoroughly connected to Islamic fanaticism. The US has a great deal of culpability. How? Think Iran-Contra. Think of Ronald Reagan promising never to negotiate with terrorist but, on winning the presidency, with an ex-CIA chief as his VP, they "bought" back American hostages with fairly sophisticated weaponry. Weaponry which was probably used in some form of "terrorism" along the way. Probably against Americans. What sticks in the craw was the speed with which the deal was consumated. It seems that the deal was hatched before the election. Bushes CIA connections could easily have facilitated this, but this is speculation. The fact is after doing all this The great Ronald Reagan went before the American public and in a sworn statement claimed "he could not recall". Then, to add insult to injury, Ollie North went before the same and stated he would do anything the Pres. said. I suspect that meant he would screw the American public as lomg the pres. said so. What a great episode in American constitutional history. My selectively omniscient friend if you analyze this, like most others, you will see the seeds of determination being sown in the field terrorism. In those deeds your great R. Reagan and his cohorts let the terrorist know that they could negotiate with and succeed over the great satan.

It was these vile excesses and the usurping of the US constitution that caused the public to lose faith in the CIA and it's games. This reduction of funding and faith continued under the leadership of G. Bush(father), an ex-CIA chief, and was therefore policy by the time of B. Clinton.

On really analyzing all your posts I have found out one awful thing about you my belligerent friend - You are everything you say you hate. You are a hate spouting fascist who, it seems, would do "anything" to rid this world of those you find no use for. Your posts only instruct us of the fact that you are only a different face of the same coin as the terrorist.

I know now you want to enquire of my masculinity. Well even in my golden gloves, high school b-ball football, college b-ball days I thought the way I do now. You need to read more into compassions statements on cause and effect instead of having an inquiry in that person's masculinity. there other very useful post on this and many boards you can tune into as well, even while you slavishly listen to your Rash Limbaugh and Howard stern(I do detect some elements of his inanity in your presentations).

P.S. do something about your moniker. This just adds to your buffoon like presence.

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To John Cauthen,
Your analyses are quite well worked and I understand where you are coming from but I don't think a plot of that nature would need quite as grand a disaster. What makes it more implausible is in the best case scenario the US economy, because of it's service nature base, could make a comfortably quick recovery. I think the possiblity of grand conspirators could only come from an anti-Arab anti-muslim camp. After all the CIA did warn the FBI of the entry of some of the men and we have had hijackings before. What gives? How and why did the FBI lose these men. Maybe there was a need to get consensus to go after Al-Quaeda?

These are only intellectual exercises but they are an important part of the process because sometimes things do pop up that we might not have seen unless we looked at all the permutations. This is what some people at the NSC and CIA do for a living.

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Just heard on CNN:
4,500 or so died.
25,000 managed to escape.

...30,000 poeple were in the towers.

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To Another Liberal Idiot:

I didn't have time to read your diatribe, I'm in between working out and running my hughely successful capatilistic company.

When I do find some down time I will speed read through your words to see if any make sense.



I'd manage to pick out something about a brother and a Marine, all Marines are usually brothers, that's the only branch that will take them.

I Remain,


Ta Ta


We took friendly fire, probably from Marines.

As Always,


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To Another Liberal Idiot;

I tried to read the letters and words you strung together and realized you didn't string anything together at all. Those arguments have been discussed and proven wrong so many times over;
you must have read them in some college magazine.

The basis for your argument is so weak (as is most typical liberal/communist bullshit) that it doesn’t even deserve a response.

I’d like you to understand that I was recently out with one of my clients whom attended college in Virginia. He admitted that he hadn't figured out that the real name of the War of Northern Aggression was actually The Civil War until he graduated from his institution of higher "whatever" and moved to the N.E. joining the working Americans that support the rest of you.

By the way, you use some big words there sporty, read a couple books lately? Nothing like a well-read man (or woman) as long as it gives you what you need, does it? Seems to be working out for ya? How bout the wife, she leave you yet? Oh sorry never married. Others might say Them's There Fighting Words!
Well the difference between you liberals and us conservative folk is simple. Liberals constantly posture for a position of leverage that will allow them/you to project your skewed thinking onto those of us who have organized our morals in a hierarchy that is based on decent, moral values.
Your evangelical attempts to convert the decent will never prevail. We know that Misery loves company, but you will just have to remain miserable while we enjoy our lives to the fullest. The social proof you look for to justify your behavior is just not there. We morally sound physically strong conservatives are usually to busy running our companies, making sure the economy grows and our families are fed. So we have a little less time and tend to be a little more to the point.

Having said that, If you would like, we could meet (you may want your brother to attend) and I could disfigure your face so bad that the prostitute you fell out of wouldn't recognize you. Can you say Orbital Blow Out Fracture? Maybe Two?

I have a sprawling estate in Charlotte, N.C and a penthouse apartment in New York. If you are ever going to be in the vicinity let me know. I think it would be fun to actually see you.
Well back to things that actually make a difference.

I feel much better.

Your Friend God

You did peg me though; I have much more in common with the fundamental extremist than I ever did with liberal pigs that pervert the freedom of America to fulfill their self-serving motivations.

For my Army Ranger brothers who fought by my side…..

WhhooAA Rangers Lead The Way!!!!

GOD (Former 1980 AAU Freestyle 160.5 National Wrestling Champion)
There’s a clue Jackass, look up the records and you got my name! Duh..

get it G.O.D.

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Another liberal idiot;

I'm everything you hate because I am everythng you could never be. You should embrace me and learn from me, for it may not be to late to change your spots.

Your Friend,


now go to sleep.

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To God and Another American.

I don’t know the details and history about the invasion you both discussed. So I just was reading the information you both provided.

To God - you disagree with what Another American has stated, but ALL you reply is that “The basis for your argument is so weak that it doesn’t even deserve a response”. So, you DON’T BOTHER to reply with the facts. (Don’t you have any?) All you do is to accuse the person, not the opinion. You are writing about Another American’s wife? HOW this refers to the topic discussed?! Are you implying that the person’s opinion, thoughts and beliefs depend on his marriage? Maybe you should learn a little bit logic.
You are writing about your strong moral values and in the next sentence you are willing to meet Another American and “disfigure his face”?! Are you always trying to prove your opinion with fist-fight? In that case I believe we are in different weight categories.
Although you call yourself God you are not the one. So, at least stop playing it. (you really think a lot about yourself and you do have problems with self-confidence. What you has written recently only proves it. You are trying to solve all problems and disagreements with the force. Your I am “wrestling champion” statement confirms it. But do you really think you muscles have something to do with the STRENGTH?)
You wrote that you are leading company. I am just curious – are you disfiguring the faces of your competitors as well?

You are stating that people should embrace you and learn from you. I have one more question: “SINCE WHAT TIME INTOLERANCE, HATE, CRUELTY AND INABILITY to communicate without aggression became valuable to learn???

To another American – you should be happy and proud that “you could never be like God”.

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Go watch Oprah and keep out of it.

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Go paint an apple, or wash your lesbian girlfriends underware. But whatever you do, don't write on here anymore, no one cares what you think.


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Vaporize all Muslims, Yeeha.


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Sorry, but YOU are not the one who is going to tell me what to do and what not. (where is so precious for americans freedom)
Thank you for confirming my opinion about you. Everything you have is muscels, very less brains, big mouth and no heart. You have too vivid immagination and no facts.
If you have something to tell, except rude accusations, I am listening. If all you can do is offend - then quite it.
You didn't answer to any of my questions. Don't you have anything to say?
You are speaking about mariagge and private life. Are you sure you didn't mix anything and went to the right forum.
What are you trying to achieve with your indecent messages? Do you want to shock me, offend me? Well, in this case you are not succeding. Everything you have managed to succed is to minimize any respect to you.
When I am communicating with someone I am listening ones OPINION. If the other part begins to "go on personalities" that means he has nothing to say any more and he is out of the arguments.
I am just wondering how old are you and what education do you have (if you have any except secondary school)?

P.S. Didn't your mother taught you to speak polite with the ladies? Apperently not.

Besides I do not hide behind the mask.

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this place is getting interesting again.
after my initial rush of adrenalin and patriotic fervor at the commencement of hostilities 5 days ago, some doubts are setting in. Apparently the cracks had begun to show in the Taliban's grip on Afghan's and vital tribal leaders. If we had held off just a little longer we could possibly have achieved the toppling of these losers without any bombs. Now they will be able to shore up some support that was just recently very precarious. One step forward three steps back ? It feels like a ground invasion is imminent, which will result in many US and British casualties. Another casualty will be support of moderate Muslem world.
It galls me to say this, but that support is of great importance in the long run. It galls me to say it because I believe we have the right to smash al-Queeda and their lunatic hosts into tiny pieces. However , the methods we use to destroy the terrorists and their harborers were always going to have consequences for the whole world. Personally I favor the use of covert operations aided by the precision intelligence that is starting to come now that everyone is co-operating,also the freezing of assets is more effective than a hundred cluster bombs and bunker busters.
This is important so let's do it right Mr. Prez.
God Bless America

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