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Archive through October 8, 2001

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I think it´s very important at this time to try to remain calm. We will avenge our people´s death but at the time of our own choosing. Our mistake was underestimating the terrorists hatred and ability to carry it through, but seeing the way these people live allows it to be more clear to us why they would choose death. We have to be careful not to allow ourselves to be consumed with the same hatred that has consumed that nation. Time passes, and avengence is ours. But in the meantime, we must do all we can to show strength, stability, perserverance, and to keep focus on our goal, ridding the world of terriorism, dismantling the "beast" and remember that we are not sharing in those people´s reality. Our reality is much nicer, much more compassionate. Just look at the reaching out of other nations. We (the other nations and the US) now have a common enemy, a common goal, to rid the world of the true evil and to maintain civilization. To stomp out the pests of the world. To get rid of those who "speaked with forked tongue." Remember, these people see things so differently then the majority of the world. But they ARE the minority. Be assured, and confident, this will be handled accurately, and timely. Because we are Americans and we stand united with our brothers and sisters of the civilized world.

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Just another note. I would love to organize a march in one of America´s streets and have it broadcast. Instead of buring flags and images of people I would have everyone sing, "You can run but you can´t hide, O Bin Laden we will find you"

If I could I surely would.

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I'd like some valid reasons why the U.S. government shouldn't put every muslim and person with middle eastern heritage into interment camps, and close our borders immediately to all foreigners?

I don't want liberal left pacifist opinions, just logical reasons why we shouldn't. Given the pattern of behavior of the Arabs/Terroist in the past and the continued threat of additional terroist acts on our soil, isn't it a normal solution to an obvious situation?

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To Guido:

your the man.

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I recomand this post from another board.
It develop how the Quran doesn't call for Holly War.

I recomand the board also. We talk about the Balkan, Israel and Chechnya among other topics.

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There are 5,000,000 muslims in America. 50 has been involved in terrorist attack acording to the fbi.

It makes one on 100,000 muslim or 0.001% of the muslim population potentialy dangerous.

The waekness of this number is a logic reason I think.

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compasion wrote

"1. The parents are teaching the wrong things.
2. The teachers are teaching the wrong things.
3. The society is promoting the wrong things.
4. The poor children are under a lot of pressure and stress.
5. The children are exposed to wrong values on TV programmes, movies, internet, media, etc.
6. The world is focusing on the wrong things.

I agree with him: this is the root of the problem.

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to god (?!)
one reason against internment camps is of course their rights as US Citizens as protected under The Constitution. i.e. freedom from persecution. While it is safe to say that our illustrious founding fathers did not have millions of Muslems in mind at the time, nevertheless the constitution is the foundation of our free society and we compromise the basic rights of our citizens at our peril. Sticks in the craw I know,as I would not mind if they all skedaddled back to where they came from , but that's not going to happen is it ? I believe the logic in this argument is upholding the constitution of the United States of America. If you think this is left wing/liberal then you haven't been following the NRA gun control argument.

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My heart goes out to everyone who lost someone in the terrible tragedy on Sept 11th. But, I don't feel that the US should be concerned about taking out Bin Laden. They must first get his people. Without his people what is he? Just another person. If we starting bombing Afgan than are we any better than the terrorists? We would just be killing innocent people like they did. I don't have the answer though, I'm just terrifed of all the talk lately about bio-chemical warfare? I have a four month old daughter and it hurts me to think about what I've brought her into. Really, what good are gas masks? It terrifies me every day to see all this stuff on the news about biochemical warfare and how the US is not prepared to handle one of these attacks. They need to focus on protecting the citizens, not causing more disaster. My prayer is for world peace and the end to terrorism. It is not for bombings and deaths!

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To Freddy;

I have no idea where people like you live or come from, the word I used was LOGIC, you must be a college student in california. The cia, nsa, fbi,occ and inteligence agencies of numerous other countries have just began to scratch the surface of the vast network of muslim/arab supporters in at least 23 different countiries. Now for your remarks that are anything but logical your penalty is to be ignored until some thing of value comes out of your head.

To Facts:

I am the furthest from a constitutional scholar but I can tell you this, what the fathers had in mind does not apply today, as it didn't during WWII when we put the Asians or Orientals (whatever) into internment camps. It is Americans who are tired and poor. How many of those millions of Mexicans running over our borders do you see running to the Military recruiters office?
I don't think that will ever happen.

It is time to call a spade a spade;

Bill Clinton and the liberal left destroyed our defense infrastructures, Destroyed our intelligence gathering capabilities, Sold out our top-secret defense info. to the Chinese.

Bill Clinton gave the terrorists the confidence for an attack by his destruction of the Americans value system making us appear slovenly and weak.

Bill Clinton made a mockery of the highest office of the most powerful country of the world, perverted the constitution, lied under oath and gave the fundamentalists the very fuel they needed to hate the people of this country.

Bill Clintons legacy will be the hole in lower Manhattan where some 6000 Americans are buried alive. That is what he will be remembered for.

So don't tell me the fluff numbers of Muslims/Arabs involved the pacifist use to twist the facts, and don't tell me the constitution should be used to protect terrorist so they can murder our citizens.

Wake up, this isn't Kansas anymore.

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another reason is that it won't help whipe out BinLaden and co from the suface of the Earth.

It's would be the most inefective action.

BTW do you have any other stupid suggestion of the sort?

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To Cindy Morgan,

Being a mother, it is a self-nature natural concern and love for your daughter.

Good quote from you:
I'm just terrified of all the talk lately about bio-chemical warfare? I have a four month old daughter and it hurts me to think about what I've brought her into.

Your concern applies to all parents regardless of race, language, religion and nationality.

George Bush (leader of USA) is also a father.
He is also concerned with the well being of his children and grand children.

We are all concerned.

Who is the terrorist?
Many generations ago, the Americans killed some people for some reasons due to jealously, anger, hatred, etc. As a result, some innocent people were killed.
Now, the great grand children of those people (known as terrorists) took revenge and killed the Americans and resulted in the lost of innocent life.

Now, the Americans took revenge and killed the terrorists. The terrorists may take revenge now or in the future. Both continue to kill each other in future. Both may land up using bio-chemical warfare.

Who is the terrorist and who is not?
To those people that were killed in the past, the Americans were terrorists.
Now, the Americans claimed that some people are the terrorists.
Hence, the ball moves from one end to the other (back and forth forever).

A non-terrorist is a person who does not kill any human beings.

So, how do we solve the problem?
It is time to think and act wisely.

What is the purpose and meaning of living?
Are we born to kill each other?

What is the purpose of education?
It teaches a human being (like you and me) to live his/her life correctly.

What do you mean by living his/her life correctly?
1. Cultivates good moral values (no killings, it is a sin to commit suicide, not egoistic, no love affairs, no divorce, no bad habits, not stubborn, not jealous, not selfish, no discrimination, no anger, not greedy in food, wealth (money & property), luxury, power, etc).
2. If somebody win, somebody is going to loose. Hence, somebody is going to be unhappy. If I kill you and if your family members hated me, they will take revenge.
I taught my children, nobody win and nobody loose.

CAUSE & EFFECT is true?
When we killed someone, we are going to repay now or in future.
When we sincerely do charitable deeds, our future life will be blessed with true happiness.

What are charitable deeds?
Think (thought), say (speech) and do (action) anything that is good for the society.
Do all that is good and nothing that is bad.

Fill our thought, speech and action with loving-kindness. If all human beings were taught and practice to LOVE each other and NO KILLINGs, we can guarantee that our children will live a PEACEFUL life in future.

By just observing the behaviour of the people around me, it is impossible that ALL human beings can achieve a truly happy life in this generation or next generation.

It is a sad story.

Yesterday was over and it was just but a dream.
The moment now is going to pass and it will become a dream.

The next moment is going to come and it will become a dream.

Hence, all objects or forms are just like illusion. Hence, do not be attached to objects or forms.

Hence, everything seems to be a dream.

I try to be mindful at each moment.
I try to live a simple & selfless life.

With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

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Your sign on name should be confused. It is anti-americans like you that destroy the moral fabric of the Great Country of America.

You want to point blame I say again:

Bill Clinton and the liberal left destroyed our defense infrastructures, Destroyed our intelligence gathering capabilities, Sold out our top-secret defense info. to the Chinese.

Bill Clinton gave the terrorists the confidence for an attack by his destruction of the Americans value system making us appear slovenly and weak.

Bill Clinton made a mockery of the highest office of the most powerful country of the world, perverted the constitution, lied under oath and gave the fundamentalists the very fuel they needed to hate the people of this country.

Bill Clintons legacy will be the hole in lower Manhattan where some 6000 Americans are buried alive. That is what he will be remembered for.

So don't tell me the fluff numbers of Muslims/Arabs involved the pacifist use to twist the facts, and don't tell me the constitution should be used to protect terrorist so they can murder our citizens.

Either you are for us or you are against us. Either you are American to the core and stand by her in times of savage murder upon her citizens,

or you go to the middle east and try your pacifism on there.

By the way are thier any anti-government peace protests in the street of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Araibia, Yemen, Omen , Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt....etc.


Let me educate your little mind of mush.

The reason you couldn't spew your give peace a chance anti-government treason in thier governments is because they would gut you and use your stomach lining for a soccer ball(or futball as they say).


What do you think would happen to you and your child like associates,


We tried peace, we seek the GUILTY!!!


Save your rhetoric for the young impressionable minds of college students who have no understanding of loyalty, honor, duty and service.
All they care about is getting laid and getting thier way.

With people like you it is not what is right, but who is right.

And I will tell you what is right. That we allow the evil satan filled Moslems to understand that they canot, and will not prevail with terror upon innocents.

What you think or feel really does not matter, and it will not change my great country, and our inevitable victories.

You and all pacifists will always be a abberation on this great countries back-side, and that is all.

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Sharing the thunder.

Interesting to note our Prime Minister Mr. Blair seemingly take a harder line than President Bush on the Taliban etc.
As we hear, the two leaders talked on the phone last night before today's speech was made. It's obvious that it must have been agreed that Mr. Blair would say what he said, especially as pressure must be mounting on President Bush to start military action.
I think that there are 3 conclusions to be drawn from this.
1) President Bush is no fool. He's resisted taking Knee jerk revenge attacks on the scum, and has galvanised the world, as much as humanly possible to look at what has happened and what will happen. It's a good move allowing Mr. Blair to steal some of his thunder. It means that when the U.S. strikes back it won't be seen as a unilateral act at all. Also it makes the muslim murderers even more isolated in the minds of right thinking people.
2) The jubilant scenes seen in a lot of the muslim world after the attacks in America, followed by the feelings of patriotism by the American people is now being followed in Britain and probably other countries with a conviction that stopping these cowards and preventing them repeating it is the right thing to do.
3) If you were to go into a pub around were I live or probably most of Britain and maybe Europe, the normal opener in a conversation is to look at a clock and say 'have we not bombed em yet'.

The time is nigh. God bless America, God save the Queen.

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