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Archive through October 8, 2001

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is not an easy thing. If the terrorists had the mean to use them, they would have used them instead of hijacking airplanes.

In fact if a terrorist spred athrax or ebola into the subway he may kill the 50, maybe the 500 persons present just near him, no more.

Yes with 500 grams of germs you can kill 10 million poeple. But taking the pack to the top of a tower and waiving it open to the wind would be virtualy without effect.

It's possible but it's not easy. Even for Bin Ladden.

No worry about that.


We will have to attack the baboons. It's going to be done.

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A lot of what compassion said is true but we as teachers are only allowed to teach what the parents let us. In my state we have adopted a new curriculum, it is called character@heart. It is absolutely wonderful. It teaches good moral values. I agree with what you said about the different religions but i think they should be taught respect for all religions. I do not think we need to teach religion. But saying grace is common in most religions. Things like this has even been taken out of school.

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to God,

I was following this forum from the beginning and even posted few messages.
I am living in Europe and I have never been in America before. Although I have met few americans and they were telling me about America and what it is all about. And you know, it is completely different from what I have read in your message to Compassion.
I have heard plenty of times about the freedom in America. Freedom to live, freedom to speak, freedom to think. You are speaking about freedom, but at the same time your statement" Either you are for us or you are against us" is ABSOLUTELY CONTRADICTORY to the essence of freedom. Do you know that this was the favorite statement in totalitarian systems (Hitler, Stalin - nazi, communism)?. and the next quote "YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN AND YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO APPRECIATE THE FREEDOM ..." Does it mean that YOU have a power to decide who "deserves" the freedom and who is not, who lives and who dies. Who gave to you this power? Although you call yourself God (you really think a lot about yourself) you are not the one. So, at least stop playing God.
You are writing about "poor Compassion's students" who don't know anything about honor, loyalty. This implies that You are loyal and honorable. But there is nothing honorable in hatred and non toleration.
What I have learned is that the freedom is not only exterior thing. It is also the state of your spirit and soul. A prisoner, a slave could be more "free" than its master. You are living in free (???) country, but this does not make you free from your hate, lack of tolerance and ignorance.

To COMPASSION (up to the end of message): I did not have time to read carefully all your messages. But what I have read was really interesting. I was wondering about your education? (is it filosophy?)
I am not sure, but a lot of things you wrote reminds me buddism. (everything is just illusion, do not become attached to the objects).
And I fully agree with the Cause & Effect.
You have touched the question about the education, what influences the child when it is born. You wrote that the root of the evil is that "teachers are teaching wrong thing, parents are teaching wrong thing etc" I was interested in this topic very much, because I wanted to find the answer on question :"what makes us the people we are?" - family, genetics, social environment? There are plenty of scientists (psychologist, biologist)and theories about it. But there is no common answer. I have found some answers, but more answers I get the more questions arise.
There is a painting of the famous post-impressionist Gogen (I am not sure about English spelling). and this painting's title is "Who we are? from where we are? and where are we going?". It would be good if people ask these questions to themselves.....If you would like to comment something you can send me e-mail.

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Dear God,

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to communicate with you. I respect you because we are just like brothers.

It is all in the minds, it is just a matter of perception (right, neutral or wrong).
If you think Americans are great, it is your own perceptions. It is wrong because you are attached to the materialistic world, your mind is bothered by or attached to win and loose. It is a form of worry and it is a form of suffering.

An American is a human; a non-American is also a human. There is nothing great about human. We are the same, just like brothers and sisters.

You had used very strong words; they do not bother my soul at all. However, I hope that you can return to your original self-nature, it is pure, beautiful, wise and filled with loving-kindness.

The society has polluted our minds and they have become noisy. Hence, we have to keep our minds calm, quiet and peaceful so that we can realise our self-nature.

Today, my colleague said: I got some work to do. I’m going back to the materialistic world.

I try to live my life without any attachment to the materialistic world. Hence, I’m able to maintain a calm, quiet and peaceful life. This is true happiness.

You may kill all the terrorists; you are actually killing their material bodies, not their souls. You will never to be able to kill their souls. Hence, having powerful and high technology weapons are useless; they actually destroyed humans and our earth.

Hence, we shall put down our weapons; we shall treat each other as if we are brothers and sisters.

The Talibans stated that they do not want war, they want justice and they want to negotiate. If the leaders think that they are great, then they should show their compassion and communicate with them and find out the best solutions. The main objective is PEACE forever.

Do the leaders mean what they say or there is an agenda behind their minds?
George Bush looks arrogance now and it will be the root cause to future problems.

Killing is a sin.
Committing suicide is a sin.
Committing improper sex is a sin.
Any wrong thought, speech or action is a sin.

Live a wise and truly happy life.

With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

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Dear Fredledinque,

Humans with corrupted minds can go to the extremes.

The terrorists are willing to train and sacrifice their life because they hated the Americans. Hate is a poison and humans can do anything out of hate.

Imagine in future, a mess operation is performed on Americans or in America soil or any humans on earth using bio-chemical weapons or newly developed poisons.

We live with wisdom, not with intelligence.

Have a nice day, I need to fetch my 4 year old son from a child care center.

Live a wise and truly happy life.

With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

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to compassion, you wrote

"improper sex is a sin "
"ANY wrong thought speech or action is a sin"

the alarm bells are ringing here, and ringing loud. In the 3 weeks that I have been following/contributing to this forum, NO-0NE has sounded more Orwellian (1984) or Stalinist. The Thought Police could not have bettered your phrasing. Who decides what is improper or wrong thought, and how do you stop those who transgress ? Re-education ? It has already been tried my friend, see Mao's Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot's Year Zero.

To God (still not comfortable with your handle )
Honor and Duty are sadly undervalued in today's society. They can be taken to unwelcome extremes of course, see the Japanese in WW2, no-one had stronger devotion to honor and duty than they did. However, Sons of Nippon notwithstanding, I agree with you, and feel we should re-examine what these ideals mean to us today. I think there's a place for them.

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Compasion wrote:
"You may kill all the terrorists; you are actually killing their material bodies, not their souls. You will never to be able to kill their souls. Hence, having powerful and high technology weapons are useless; they actually destroyed humans and our earth. "

Terrorists are soulless. They are only in materialistic organisation.


BinLaden is going to especialy impoverished countries were his money is dearly needed. There he can hire armies of mercenaries (yes mujahedeen are paid in $). Do you know that the family of a "martyr" suicide bomber receive good money for theyr contribution.

We have to arradicate them swiftly and mercilessly because they are like nazi.
It will be done by force because hey won't leave alone.
There is no other way out.


Don't you?

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"Improper sex is a sin"...


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We become the people we are by genetics, parenting skills, and social environment. If you think about it more women work now so more children are taught values by caregivers than by their parents. Caregivers spend more time with our children than most parents do. Also, just because you are a good parent doesn't ensure your children will turn out to be productive adults. Our children's peers and other environmental factors play an important part in who we become. Erickson, piaget, vygotsky, and Bruner are some good examples of how children develop in who they are. I have a masters in Early Childhood Education. There has been much research done in the factors that make a child who they become.

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re: parenting and values
any parent who feels they are losing the battle could do worse than read "Love is not enough" by Bruno Betelheim. Recommended.

Fredledinque- jpeg outrageous !!!!!!! already winging it's way to a few friends and colleagues.

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Before we get into World War III there are questions I want to have answered.


Only the tops were engulfed in flames, they should have stayed up many hours, maybe days. On TV I saw them come down, and it looked like a demolition caused by internal charges that would have been planted beforehand. If so, who planted them? Who really brought down the World Trade Center?


WHY WERE THE STAIRWELLS BLOCKED? Was someone on the inside trying to increase the number of fatalities in order to start a war? Who would benefit? Who really did this?

Did you know bin Laden and his entire army were originally funded and trained by the CIA?

If someone killed bin Laden's rival so easily a week before the bombing, why can't they kill bin Laden or cut off his money? Do they really want to?

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To ilona,

Thank you for your good comment.

I lived an IGNORANCE life for 36 years and I only realised it at the age of 37. Now, I'm 38.

I had asked many questions, I had searched, read, listened, watched and I guessed that I had found the key word i.e. EQUALITY.

EDUCATION is the only way to solve all sufferings.

I respect all religions. In my mind, we are supposed to be EQUAL but sadly now we are not.

With the existence of so many religions, we cannot achieve EQUALITY.

I suggest that at the moment, you take your time to read all my messages thoroughly and if in doubts, you may ask any questions.

I shall try my best to answer.
If your mind is calm, quiet and peaceful, you will be able to find out the root cause to all sufferings.

I'm felt sorry for those evil minds because they do not know that they are sufferings. My compassionate heart extends to all living beings in the universe.

It is fate that brings us together.

Live a wise and truly happy life.
With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

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This is the only feeling I have left.
After horror, disbelief, compassion for the victims and their relatives and friends, etc.

Against myself.

Because I would love to believe all the nice words written by Compassion and others here.

Because I would love to believe that all American Muslims would prove American before Muslims.

Because I would love to imagine that Pres. Bush was right calling for a Palestinian state.

And because I would love to think there is an easy solution.

There is none.

What are we looking at ?

Millions of Wah'habites (name of Islamic madmen supporting violence as a mean for spreading Islam throughout the world).

Many of them already in our countries (and in my case, in France, using our tax money to live off social security and sometimes welfare). Apparently behaving like nice citizens.

Many of them in countries we need to work with for oil.

Many of them will not be satisfied before Israël and America are destroyed and replaced by Islamic nations.

More of them coming through "our porous borders" (see J. Farah's commentary in this name on

And I feel rage, because it's not my nature to wish harm and destruction.

But what's left ?

I lived many years in the travel industry, directly connected to the U.S.A..
I had been invited at the inaugural of the Windows of the World restaurant in the World Trade Center.
For many years I guided tours to downtown Manhattan.
It may sound absurd to most of you as Americans, but the W.T.C. meant something to me.

And part of my world collapsed, too.

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To Michel of Paris

I agree with you totally

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John Cauhten

Like the Eifel tower, the twins held on a web of metalic beams which melt down in the explosion of fuel.
The building structure was such that it could never fall on the side like a timber.


Almost everyone in fact got out before the collapse. On the 40,000 poeple estimated to be inside the towers at the time of the impact, 34,000 managed theyr way out. Thanks to god.

Did you know bin Laden and his entire army were originally funded and trained by the CIA?

It was a long time ago when the CIA helped the Taliban against USSR.
BinLaden is wanted man by the same "CIA" already for several years.

If someone killed bin Laden's rival so easily a week before the bombing, why can't they kill bin Laden or cut off his money? Do they really want to?

To kill Bin Laden the same way he killed Massood, you need a suicide bomber.
Such a poeple are found in the fanatized movement and not in anti-fanatic groups.

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