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Archive through October 8, 2001

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Some of you actually seem like decent folks on here, however impractical your philosophies actually are in the daily living of our lives.

I've waited and read what you all have to say and there is sometimes great value, sometimes questionable logic and than just foolish words.

I'd like to share something with you that may or may not matter. On October 25, 1983 U.S forces invaded the Carribean Island of Grenada at the orders of than President Ronald Reagan.

As you can imagine, the Democrats and liberal media vehemently attacked him for this. Than President of Grenada Maurice Bishop was imprisoned by Marxists with strong Soviet and Cuban ties. The island was occupied by Cuban Military.

We had some 1200 or so Americans on the island that were being held as hostages. Of the 1200 around 400 were American students attending medical school that were being held hostage in one of the hospitals.

On that night when we parachuted from that C-130 into the darkness landing onto the beaches and surrounding area, it wasn't fun. Nobody was overly excited about having to die, or to kill. We were all regular guys who wanted to be more, to take on the challange, but we never hesitated because that is what we did, we were U.S. Army Rangers.

The Rangers hit the ground and when we found the entrenchments of the Cuban soldiers a funny thing had happened. The Cubans had left everything they had been doing and ran away. We found weapons tossed onto the ground, guns that were dismantled with cleaing kits next to them, and plates full of hot food.

The Cuban soldiers were stripping off thier uniforms and throwing them onto the ground as they ran away. They took the civilian's clothes and tried to mingle in as not to face the overwhelming opposition we represented.

When we finally reached our objective, which was the hospital where the students were, there was little or no opposition.

I don't know if I can explain what happened next. These American students who had been held as hostages could not express what they were feeling to see us. They were overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. Needless to say, some of my friends died that night. But those students were saved, every one of them.

Those that died thought thier lives were just as important as those students... and you do. I wonder if the students on our campuses today would protest our soldiers and leaders if it was them, or maybe thier mother or father that had been saved on that October day.

We have our sons and daughters in harms way for what is a just cause. I don't think it will be as easy for them, But make no mistake we will conquer.

Try to support them. They want to live just like you, yet they are willing to make the supreme sacrafice, thier life. Not because they are war mongers, or killers, but because they are Americans who realize what it has taken, and will continue to take to keep the flag waving, and the children playing safely in our streets.

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I think we should thoroughly investigate the fall of the buildings, and the fact so many people failed to get out.

You say 40,000 worked in all the buildings of the complex. I think only 20,000 worked in the two towers. If I am right about that number, almost one out of three died in the towers. That is too many people to die in an upper story fire. I heard there was a log jam on the 16 floor of one building. The 16th floor would have been the perfect place for someone to set up a blockage, so people could not get out.

People were yelling, "There are explosions! The building is falling!"

The fact that there were loud explosions could be explained away, but it's also an indication that demolition charges were being set off.

Experts love to explain the physical reasons why the buildings collapsed, but if the experts knew the buildings were in danger of total collapse why did they send hundreds of rescue workers inside?

Why were rescue workers needed on the lower floors? There should have been a clear and simple escape path from there. The problems would have been on the upper floors. Some people, maybe hundreds would have been trapped, not 5,000.

They should investigate why the buildings came down, based on the hypothosis that the buildings were brought down by someone other than crazy terrorists who live in caves, profess deep moral beliefs, then go to strip clubs.

I agree, bin Laden would be hard to kill now. But the well-executed assasination of his rival, and the fact that he used to work for the CIA raises some other troubling questions.

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One of the tower was hit between the 60th and the 70th floor.
There were 20,000 poeple in that tower [half of the estimated 40,000, I don'tunderstand why you think there were only 20,000 in all. There are up to 50,000 at peak hours]
Gven that the poeple in the 40 stores between the 60th and the 70th floors had no chance to survive even before it collapsed but most definetely after, 37% of the 107 stored building died. 37% of 20,000= 7500.
I coumt only for one tower, excluding the planes, the rescue, the pentagon and collaterals.
Divide 7500 by two in regard of your estimate of the afluence and we are still in the numbers.

Only 6333 are rported missing [dead].

I think we have been lucky that day... That evacuating as many poeple as 14,000 from the first tower and 20,000 from the seond tower from so high and in such unexpected and unprecedented situation is a record.
To my mind the security mesure and evacuation plans worked fully and well.

Yes sending rescuers was a mistake. But how could you watch poeple jumping in the abysse in despare to escape the flames and do nothing? It was the first reflex. They are heroes.

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Fred that's what i thought. But the way i understood it only about 20,000 had arrived at work already. 40 to 50 thousand worked in that tower.

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America show strength not weakness to defeat evil!

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Dear brothers and sisters,

I would like to praise George Bush and the Americans for being calm and patient for the past few weeks, listening to feedback, making the right decision not to attack Afghanistan which will result in killing of innocent people. Instead, the leaders of the United Nation have worked together to focus on the terrorists.

The world leaders have done the right thing to dispatch food and other items to help those unfortunate and poor innocent people in Afghanistan. This is a good charitable deed; God, Allah, Buddha, heavenly beings or other great beings will bless you.

Let’s hope that the world leaders can work together to bring the terrorists to justice. Anyone who has committed crimes especially on innocent people will have to face the law.

I hope that the terrorists will realize that their actions are evil. They should repent all their wrong deeds and promise not to do any bad deeds again. Otherwise, their next life is hell and great sufferings. The proper approach to voice out and discuss any dissatisfaction with any country or leader is through the United Nation.

The Talibans have announced that they do not want war, they want justice. I wonder why the world leaders do not give them an opportunity to discuss this important issue. It may be a good opportunity for the world leaders to meet the Taliban leader, listen to him, brain storm on any issue, discuss, find out the best solution and solve it. This is the right time for the world leaders to show the people their leadership skill. If they can solve the problems without bombing each other, then the future generations will be more peaceful because the Taliban would probably be part of United Nation. However, the terrorists must face the law.

It is not an easy task to be a leader because it is difficult to solve the complex problems in our society. If all leaders can work together for PEACE and harmony, improve our education system and help the sick and poor people, it is a great charitable deed.

I believed that all of us would be willing to work hard to support the world charitable organization (managed by world leaders), pray for PEACE and harmony among all human beings and prepare ourselves for our next life.

Our solar system (galaxy) comprises of about 200 billion of stars and there is probably infinite number of galaxies.

Do you agree that we are relatively very small, just like atoms or quartz?
Hence, why are we competing and killing each other?

There are infinite worlds (hell, human, non-human and heaven) in the universe. In scientific term, we use the word ‘dimension’ to replace the word ‘world’. Our human world is one of the worst of all because human beings possessed the 3 poisons (greed, anger and ignorance) and worries. All religions believed in heaven and hell. There may be many different levels of heaven and hell. Hence, we shall work hard to become a very good person, cultivate our souls so that our souls will move into good dimension or the best dimension in our next life. However, there are exceptions; great beings such as Jesus, Buddha and other great beings from other religions have been born and lived on our earth to educate us. Why did they come to our human dimension, knowing that this is a corrupted place? It is their compassion and their vow that brings them here, they lived by examples and demonstrated to us the right way to achieve a PEACEFUL and truly happy life. Their teachings (education for us) have been recorded into books. Therefore, all religious people should read, interpret correctly and practice the good teachings into their daily life. However, bad people have exploited the good teachings and it resulted in arguments, conflicts and killings. Some bad people have modified certain religious teaching to become cults and it confused innocent people. Hence, all the religious leaders should share their teachings with each other and respect each other. Problem arises when a certain people say that their religion is the greatest. The other religions will not be happy at all.

Did the world leaders invite and listen to ideas from all the religious leaders?
They may be able to provide the answer to the problems. This is a good opportunity to gather all the religious leaders together. I believed that all of us would like to hear and learn from them.

Why didn’t the world leaders invite them?

I pray and hope that anyone who has an evil thought will realize that it is wrong, it is not too late to repent all your wrong deeds and switch your mind from evil to good.

I pray and hope that the world will be at PEACE.

Live a wise and truly happy life.
With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

I hereby repent all my wrong deeds in this life and my past life due to ignorance.
I try to do all that is good and nothing that is bad.
I live to plant good seeds for the present and the future generation.
I hereby dedicate all my merits to all living beings in the universe.
May all living beings be born into the best dimension and achieve peace and equality.

What is my interest?
My main interest is to gain knowledge about the truth of life and the universe.

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Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 18

C'mon Compassion, we get that your a
Buddhist already, and being a Buddhist
myself, I know that Buddhism and Evangalism
should not mix. We are taught to be an
example, not a proselytizer. Because we can
really only change our own minds unless
already fully enlightened. And for the record,
my understanding of the teachings is that the
expression is "to avoid sexual misconduct"
which is quite different from saying that
married sex is the only ok sex. Completely
different in fact, depending exclusively on ones
own personal vows and commitments. And
back to the relevant subject, discussions of
suffering, compassion, hatred, vengaence Etc.
can be conducted with ones own view and
philosophy in mind, and from that center but
dont necessarily warrant dissertations on
ones religous beliefs system

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Are you really that naive? Do you think that the Taliban will actually make a deal? You are completely mistaken. If people like you ran the government, thousands of more innocent Americans and people from other nations would end up dead because of your failure to eradicate the poison of the planet. My advice: Wake up. Oh Yeah,
the attack has already begun! Burn those opressive terrorist supporting Taliban bastards and the fuckin! Al Qadea netowork. Burn them all and send them to hell where they belong. Freedom will prevail!!!

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watch as that big fag Bin Laden runs in fear. ••••! em all!

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"only about 20,000 had arrived at work already. " 9:50 am what time do the NYers start theyr working day? 11am?

- It's still New York! We'r number One, Baby!-

Eminent Member
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I was agreeing with you. Apparently, you didnt' realize it. They did say that normally there is 40,000 to 50000 in those towers. So the number is a lot lower than what it would be. We go to work here at 7:00 and I have been told it is about 10 there. But personally i don't know. I don't live in NY. It really doesn't matter, the situation could have been much worse. I'm very thankful that we did not lose more people.

God bless AMerica!!!!!!!!!

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To Stella Magdalen,

Thank you for point out any errors (if any) I had made.

Evangalism, Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc are just names. We recognised that all these names are very sensitive names. If it is not used carefully, it will lead to a lot of arguments, quarrels, conflicts, etc.

You are right to use the word ‘to avoid xxx misconduct’. The important point is that our act is proper and do not harm others.

If I had used certain words or statements that are wrong, it is due to solely to my own fault. Please forgive me if I have used any wrong words. I’m still a human being, trying to help where possible. I had tried to read my messages a few times before I sent it out.

I did not ask anyone to believe in whatever I had said, it is up to you to verify and find out the truth. You have your mind and I have my mind.

I believed that faithful Christian followers will go to Christian heaven and it applies to other religions.

When our times come for us to leave the earth, we have to give up all material things that we possessed, we cannot bring them with us, and nobody can decide for us, it is decided by fate.

If it is possible, do not attach to names. Different names are a form of discrimination and discrimination is a root cause to many problems.

We have to understand that the society is complex. Hence, we do not discuss religions here, we emphasize on cultivation of good moral values and improve our education system.

What is important as a person?
Try to be a good person and try not to do bad or evil deeds. We must not forget that a bad deed affects people around us. The best is: ‘do all that is good and nothing that is bad’.

We may be different now but one day we will be the same (equality).

Thank you.
I need to see my mistake so that I can correct and improve it.

Live a wise and truly happy life.
With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

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Posts: 8

To Compassion is naïve,
Thank you for the comment. I did not rule out that I’m naïve. I will learn from any mistakes. I wrote for a purpose and a good cause.

My previous message stated clearly that the world leaders are making the right decisions, working together to focus on the terrorists and hence innocent people will not be harmed.

I’m hoping that the world leaders will work together as a team to suppress the terrorists. The world leaders decide on the action to take and I respect their decision because I’m rule by them. I respect the law of any country and all people. I only ask for peaceful means of solving problems so as to minimise unnecessary killings. FORCE is always the last resort.

I said that the terrorists will have to face justice or the law.

I had mentioned the cycle of CAUSE & EFFECT.

CAUSE: the terrorists had attacked the Americans and innocent people.

EFFECT: they will have to reap what they sow.
One may not believe in CAUSE & EFFECT, however the important thing is to do good deeds.

The strike on the Talibans is a new CAUSE. Osama has announced that they will cause harm to all Americans. What will be the new EFFECT?

I hope and pray that there are less or no more disasters in future.

Thank you.
I need to see my mistake so that I can correct and improve it.
Live a wise and truly happy life.
With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart.

Eminent Member
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 27

so it's started.
good luck to all our men and women involved.
to the Taliban and al-Queeda : now it's dark you fuckers.

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Are you a woman? I sure hope so.

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