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Archive through October 8, 2001

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Are you an adult? I sure hope not.

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Posts: 25

Fred and USA,

Fred was arguing that 40,000 to 50,000 were in the towers. I said 20,000 were there. If it was 20,000 then too many people died. I was implying someone on the inside was causing more casualties in order to start a war.

USA stated there were about 20,000; which gave my argument weight. Fred countered by saying, "Oh no, definitely 40,000 to 50,000!" But USA didn't understand that if there were only 20,000 people, which he said would have been true at that hour, then the casualties numbers were abnormally high. That would mean someone on the inside, who was at a much higher level than bin Laden was also in on the attack.

Since there is a legitimate question of how many people were there; 5,000 would have been too many people to die if only 20,000 were there; we only need to investigate exactly why the buildings came down and what was done to get people out. That's so we can know if anything didn't make sense.

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Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 25

Why would someone other than bin Laden be in on the attack?

In his speech to the world, bin Laden wanted rich Americans to feel the pain that poor and oppressed Moslem people have felt for many years. The speech was powerful, but terroist acts never achieve their goal; in fact, they always achieve the opposite. They make the oppressed people more oppressed. Is there anyone out here saying? "Now we feel your pain. We appologize for causing your pain."

Bin Laden may want us to feel his pain, but his attack did not accomplish that. And yet, prominent politicians are stating the moral problem in America stems from the fact that middle class people have too much wealth. Those politicians are saying this generation should experience a depression and a world war like their grandparent's.

This terrorist act has immediately transformed America into their grandparents.

Could some American leaders and organizations be behind these extremely well-executed attacks? As soon as the buildings were attacked, we all had less wealth and less freedom, but not one person is feeling the pain of Moslems, or appologizing for oppressing them, as bin Laden wanted.

Except me; I'm appologizing. I agree with the fact that America should be helping the poor and oppressed by doing what we could do so easily; which would be exporting our standard of living to the rest of the world. We pay people $1 to make shoes and clothes that sell for $100 in New York. You know, if we paid them $2 we could double their standard of living, and some rich person would be making $1 less. But do we care?

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