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Archive through September 02, 2006

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Im in Western Colorado, originally from NJ. If I was there I would go to NY & help. Unfortunately
im not able . If anyone wants to talk, cry,vent write me, Ill be available. If your running a scam forget it, your out.

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Dear Friends,

I pray that this post finds you well and that you are safe amongst
friends and family.

Words are difficult to find... This tragedy hits me especially close to
home because I have lots of friends and colleagues in the New York area.

My heart goes out to any of you who may have had family, friends, or
co-workers who have been affected by this horrendous tragedy. My deepest
condolences go to the families who have lost their loved ones.

Its hard being in th UK and feeling helpless in such a horrific situation...but...if there's ANYTHING I can do or say to help, please contact me. I can make calls...24hr internet if you need help..anything...mail me.

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I'm so saddened by this great tragedy. Now all we can do is ban together and help our fellow citizens. I don't know what I can do exactly,but I'm willing to try.If I can be of any assistance PLEASE let me know. I'm located in New Bedford,MA.
*You can e-mail me at @AOL.COM">SUZEE9770@AOL.COM

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As the widow of a New Jersey Firefighter having friends actively employed by the FDNY and Newark Fire Departments, I am inviting all of you feeling the need to assist in some small way to make donations to:


Widows & Children's Fund C/O
Uniformed Firefighter's Association
204 East 23rd Street, NY, NY 10010
or call the UFA office at 212-683-4832

I can tell you first hand that these brave men and women do not, and could never, earn the money they are worth.
Although money can never replace their loved ones be assured that by making a financial contribution you are helping to relieve, at least, their financial burdens that will be upon them now and in their future.
Please pass this on.


Donna Ennis and Children
Wife of New Jersey Firefighter Stephen Ennis
Died in the Line of Duty: July 1, 1988

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Please, if anyone needs help with anything, e-mail me. I am an American living in London. We have an extra bedroom if you are stranded here, if anyone needs ANYTHING, please God Bless all of the families involved.

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I have just launched a web site to help you locate loved ones. The database is small so far but growing - please post your loved one's details at

Visit the site and give me suggestions for improvement...

Bless you all

===Toby Wallis===

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I want to help. Watching the rescue efforts has proven to me that I need to be in NYC assisting. Say the word and I will be there! Stay strong Americans, stay strong!

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I want to help. I am an EMT and I am willing to do anything that is needed. It would be an honor.Whether it be medical or whatever. My heart and prayers are with you. Please email me if I can do anything at all.

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I live in Greenwich Village, NYC. I really want to help. Please contact me if I can help in any way. 212 242 9788

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IN GOD WE TRUST......With Love from Canada...
And this, we must do! I can't begin express how this has affected me personally. As a 26

yr old Canadian woman, I feel the attack on the U.S. was the most disturbing act of
terrorism ever....even typing that word makes me sick!!! I wish there was something that

I could do. Like so many other fellow Canadians, giving blood, was what I could
offer...However, I sincerely wish that I could offer more than that. Even a HUG! America,
I am right on the border of the U.S. and Canada, and if anyone reads this, and feels like
there is anything that I could do, please e-mail me at
God bless you America! And God bless our children! And of course God bless all of those
innocent victims. The world will be forever changed....With all my love, and deepest
sympathy......Your neighbor, Allie xo

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Manpower, clothes, food; I can rally people together to help. My prayers go out to the families of the victims of this horrible disaster -
Thank you NYPD, NYFD, and all the rescue personnel; you are all so greatly looked upon as being people with such tremendous heart. Thank you so much for your efforts...

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We are located in Columbus, Ohio and would like to help. If you need to contact family anywhere we can help. Just let us know. Our email is, please let us know what we can do.

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New Orleans, LA has had a fund drive on a busy intersection of downtown. OUr local NBC affiliate has raised more than $500,000.00 for the Red Cross in less than 24 hours. Children with their piggy banks stand next to wealthy business men all of them waiting to make a donation. Every city should do this!!!!!!!

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I am a proud retired 21 Year United States Army Veteran. Currently a Reserve Police Officer and a dedicated American. I am a motivational speaker that built my program on a journey that I took. I built a homemade "Rickshaw" and walked from Mason City,IA to Washington D.C. to meet with Senator Grassly. I helped a family raise money for their twelve year that was with cancer. I incorporated a film with my presentation that shows the journey and the deep American pride of the Americans I met a long the way. I have a message of true interpersonal healing and American Hope. If anyone can use my services please contact me at 1-800-274-2530 and ask for Perry or 641-424-8047

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I and my family have been crying over this for days. We feel as if there is any way anyone needs help PLEASE contact us. We live in North Dakota and need to know what is needed for families and for children. Our son wants to give toys to his friends in New York who have been left without a parent or loved one. If anything is needed, we can find it and get it to you no matter what. The Julson's Mandan, North Dakota

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