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Archive through September 02, 2006

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i think you should get a bunch of moterized coveyer belts witch would move the debri much fasster and less man power so the men can work in other areas of the site sorry about yor loss

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God Bless each and every one of us that has been affected by this HORRIFIC act upon the Human Race. I am living in Houston, TX area and fluent in Spanish. If there is anything that I can do(calling, Emails, translating) to help, please do not hestitae to call upon me. Vivo en la area de Houston, TX. Si hay algo en que les puedo ayudar(llamadas telefónicas, traducir, enviar mensajes por Email), por favor de comunicarse conmigo. ¡Que Dios nos Bendiga!

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We live in New Mexico 20 minutes outside Albuquerque - we will be more than happy to take a dog of victim - we have 4 Female Labradors - have any Female Labradors or other pup that need a good home - please contact us - we have 2.5 acres - love animals - hate to see what has happened - Also, anyone needs a place to stay while the airlines is a mess please contact us.

God Bless America


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To Our American Brothers and Sisters,

Here in Sydney, Australia We are all mourning your loss and are here for you all. I think the entire world is shattered over this tragic,
meaningless, senseless loss of life. We will all stand by your county and President, Please know we are all praying for you all. I am so far away and would offer my 20 years plus Nursing experience, as well as being a disaster relief nurse and also surviving through a few major disasters myself.. I know how terrible it can be. If anyone is in need of any help, an ear or a shoulder don't hesitate to write and I will do my best to help you..I know how traumatic a disaster can be and the post traumatic stress can be paralyzing, if you need me please email me at email at
I maybe far away but I am only an email away. I feel so worried about children whom maybe left behind at home with no parents..I hope someone is able to help them and quickly. I just want everyone to know I am here for you all. I know we will all get through this together. United we will all stand together..with our head held high..These people will be stopped and punished

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I wish I could take all that happened on the 11th of September away from everyone. To the families, friends and loved ones severly affected by this my heart, along with the entire nation of Australia goes out to you. Everyone has been affected, in different ways but this is now our time to come together and put a stop to these terrible acts. Australia is behind you all 100% of the way. God bless you all.

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My heart goes out to ALL who have been affected by the attacks.My prayers are with you!!If there is anyone that needs to talk or knows of anything that those who have been affected needs please do'nt hesitate to e-mail me at
My prayers and thoughts are with you always.
God bless you all
God bless America

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I am a 34 year old Mother of 2, In Jefferson, Colorado. I just now recently came across this sight, I am just so touched by the outpour of love and willingness to help by americans, canadians, even people from Brazil!!!! You are just wonderful!!! It has been almost 10 months now that this HORRIFIC tradgedy happened to us. I cannot say I know how these loved ones of the victims are feeling, I can only imagine!!! I wish you lots of LOVE & PEACE & HAPPINESS in the days ahead! GOD BLESS AMERICA & EACH OF YOU!!!! IF YOU NEED A FRIEND FROM THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF COLORADO......YOU HAVE GOT ONE NOW!!! FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR GOOD NEWS THAT YOU ARE GETTING YOUR LIVES BACK TOGETHER!!! WE WILL RISE!!!! WE ARE AMERICA!! LAND OF THE BRAVE!!! MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU ALWAYS!!! ( THANK YOU!!!

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