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Archive through September 07, 2005

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On Tuesday, September 18, I ask everyone to plant a seedling. It will be a sign of the rebirth of America. As each year passes we will see the strong growth of America. The care we give during the growth of this seedling, is the same we should give to our fellow Americans. We do not care what brand the tree is, all that matters is we nuture it & allow it to reach unlimited heights . Do the same with your fellow American.

This message was brought to you by
World Trade Center Database

Please read our urgent message regarding posting information on the net regarding missing persons.

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I work in the natural healing field.Given the name & picture of a person,I send energy for healing.I would like to help the victims' families
for free.Thru energy work I receive health inform-
ation about the person in the picture.If I can be
of any help to the victims' families please call
or fax: Phone Numbers (514)339-2871,(514)817-5929,
Fax Number (514)339-2824. Lorraine
We should all lend our support in whatever way we
can to those who suffered in this horrible,brutal
act of violence.

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CRYOGENIC (freezing) PRESERAVATION: OFFERS the hope of one day having a MEDICAL RESURRECTION...

When we die...not all of the body is dead....just the CNS...CYROGENICS allows some hope for science to bring us back into conciousness .
This event is so sad...if they get another chance it would't seem so awful..
Syracuse New York has 3 vacant Malls the Fayetteville Mall..(a dignified building with trees..vacant 5 years) that could serve as a CRYOGENIC BURIAL SITE for the victims..GOD BLESS

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Can the Salvation Army give the over abundance of food from the caring outsiders to the hungry poor and aged in New York City instead of throwing it out?

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I realize from deep within my heart how horrible of a time many, many people are going through. I have cried over and over again myself and have been angry at times,and I know that unfortunately because of my handicap and so forth I am not able to do a whole lot. But I really, really would like to be able to do something, anything at all. I know I can offer something very powerful and that is my prayers. I will pray continually that God would be a comfort to those who hurt and that He would wrap His arm around those in need. I would like to reach out to anyone in need who would like moral support, someone to pray with, someone to write to, or anything of the kind so I am inviting anyone who would like my help in any way to contact me by email and I would do what I can. My email address is God bless you all.

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Anyone got a spare dollar?
OK, here's the idea. I'm a poor law student in West Virginia, not the most wealthy of states. My thought is, if everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, got that spare dollar in their purse or couch or wherever, and all sent that buck to one address, how much money would the relief organizations have? A BUNCH. Because there are millions of people with a dollar to spare and we can rebuild what is lost.
Believe me, I want to hike on up to NY, my hometown, by the way, and help that way. But we're going to need money, too.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Just an idea from a broke college girl who lost quite a few old neighbors and friends in the terrorism act on NYC.

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hi this is angel, a bio college student from Baguio,Philippines..i know i may not be there right now to help in the rescue or may contribute financially,but i always pray for a fast recovery and everything will be normal again if God permits ..not only the America but for all the nations all over the world...let's just be strong,be calm and have faith in the Lord..God bless us all!!

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Grief and trauma counseling is being offered free of charge to rescue workers, victims and their families through the Counseling is over the phone, is confidential, and the individual can speak to a licensed psychologist to discuss their issues and learn how to best cope. The number to obtain immediate counseling is 1-866-DrTalks.

Psychologist who wish to volunteer their time to help council individuals effected by this tragedy should call 888-373-1015 for additional information.

The Press release can be found at

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Bio Clean of New Jersey is looking for a specific commerical disaster to assist with. We can decontaminate morgues, equipment, restore indoor air quality. We have been in Manhatten assisting with the NYC WTC Emergecny. We will deploy to all parts of the East Coast. NYC, Wash DC. Inquires may call 609-352-2180 24 hours a day

When tragedy strikes Bio-Clean of New Jersey is there to respond to your bio-hazardous decontaminatin needs 24 hours a day. See our web site

Our resources include

15 trained bio-hazard abatement technicians

2 Air scrubbers 1,400 CFM

3 Air movers

1 ozone generator

25 bio-hazardous suits

200 N95 respirators

6 Asbestos and organic respirators

2,400 pairs of latex gloves

3 Emergency generators 5,000 watts each

1 Flood Pumper

1 Extractor

2 ULV Foggers

3 15 Gal per day dehumidifyers

20 40 gal bio-waste containers

More resources than we can list.

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I was watching the news and, like so many
people, I felt the urge to express myself in
some public way following the attacks against
the United States and the literally thousands
of people who have died as a result of those

So, I decided to put together an iMovie that I
called "KEEP HOPE ALIVE" culled form
various news sources and using a little known
song that has helped me get through many,
many tough times, "Love Will Always Find A
Way" by Peabo Bryson.

I invite you to check it out (but be prepared: it's
a 10MB file and will take quite some time to
download if you don't have a high speed
connection). You will also need Quicktime
installed. f you find it brings you any comfort or
helps in any way, feel free to pass it along to
whoever you might think might find something
in it for themselves.

The URL is:

Tonight, I was watching the news and, like so
many people, I felt the urge to express myself
in some public way following the attacks
against the United States and the literally
thousands of people who have died as a
result of those actions.

So, I decided to put together an iMovie that I
called "KEEP HOPE ALIVE" culled form
various news sources and using a little known
song that has helped me get through many,
many tough times, "Love Will Always Find A
Way" by Peabo Bryson.

I invite you to check it out (but be prepared: it's
a 10MB file and will take quite some time to
download if you don't have a high speed
connection) and if you find it brings you any
comfort or helps in any way, feel free to pass it
along to whoever you might think might find
something in it for themselves. The URL is:

Sincerely yours,
John Bernard Jones

Sincerely yours,
John Bernard Jones

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I live in Paris,FRANCE ans as many people in Europe,I am still under sept.11th shock.I feel so useless here,just donating on the web and I would like very much to help American families hurt by the tragedy but in a human way.Has anybody got ideas please ?Romain CUNY.

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I would like to share my crazy idea with the many
skilled determined clean up workers at the WTC
I have not been there to see this mess for myself.
Watching the equipment shown on tv as they clean
up the area reminds me of watching demolition
workers cleaning up after tearing down a building.
Given the urgency and lenth of time expected for
cleanup in this case, I just keep wondering if the
idea of going about this a bit differently might
make it go easier and quicker. Steel building
structures can be fabricated and installed very
quickly. I have seen steel buildings delivered and
installed in days. Would it be unrealistic to
consider designing and constructing a Very large
steel structure over a large area of the rubble
and line the roof of this structure with many I
beam Rollers and electric winches as they do in
the steel factories to move things around. It
might be worth building a tempory factory there.
Maybe even put a roof on it to keep the weather
off. It kind of apears like an outdoor factory
now. There only difference is the lack of tools
that let one man move pieces of steel that it
would take the heavy equipment to move. If
possible or realistic I would think this structure
would make the workers job easier, add safty and
help speed up the removal of the heavy pieces of
steel and rubble. If not realistic at least know I
have been thinking of you wish you all the b

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I am 15 years old and i live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I live so far way, but this horrific act against the United States has hit my heart. September 11, 2001 will live in everyone's hearts and minds. I'm writing this message to find out if there is anyway shape or form i can help. I can't donate blood, i don't have alot of money and I can't go to New York to help, but if anyone knows a way I can help, Please email me. Thankyou and God bless America.

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My heart fealt condolences go out to everyone. I don't know if this can help but here an active list of forums on the Internet.

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I'm Eleonora, from Italy.
Disaster, terrorism, fear: these are the words that during these day we heard from everyone, after what has happened to America and the world... Today I want to say that we must react against this disaster!
Here in Italy I would do something for all the americans who have lost their friends, their parents...
I think that the only thing I can do is to be a FRIEND for you...
If you want to write me, here is my e-mail address:,
Please let me do something for you!
I pray for you all, with love Eleonora

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