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Archive through September 07, 2005

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For those who feel helpless and too far away to act, a memorial quilt has been started in the United States for the victims of September 11, 2001. If you would like to add a 2 foot square to the quilt please E-mail our National Coordinator for a detailed form and requirements.

Ms. Jackie Bell

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My name is nick arivett,and I m an Ironworker here in nashville can you
give me info about the need for Ironworkers?Thanks

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My name is Carla Melendez, I live in New Mexico, but am originally from New York. My family I would like to do something to help. We can not do much from here except open our homes and our hearts. Our prayers are with all the victims and their families. Any information about children who are orphaned and need a loving home would be appreciated. You can contact me at GOD BLESS EVERYONE.

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I am offering to put up a free one page customized memorial for anyone who asks. The person only need complete a short form, completing as much, or as little information as they would like. I've tried to make it very easy and designed a few attractive and customized templates.

There is so little I can really do that I felt this was at least something. I will never show banner ads on this site, nor will I sell it or in any way commercialize this tragedy.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions that you may have.

Rachelle L. Biggs

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If you want information of any kind or just someone to listen. And you also are wanting information on how you can help. Call 1-(866) GETINFO. This is new and was created by the Red Cross on 9/26/01. Its is live 24/7.
Thank You. And God Bless.

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A very kind helpful site:

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Change Hurts - September 11

On September eleventh everything changed
Its events brought horror, uncertainty, shame
How can this happen? Who did this to me?
This does not happen! How can this be?
Who could conceive such a horrible crime?
How could they map it to places and time?
Who could plan terror on scales not seen yet?
And then convince others to aid and abet?

We pray for the families of all those souls lost
We grieve and mourn with them - a terrible cost
Manhattan's best, our Washington planners
Air travelers, firefighters, and New York's Finest
We applaud all on the bucket brigade
Rescue workers, nurses, all those giving aid
Our spirit's unbroken, our resolve remains hardy
Take heart in the efforts of this recovery party

Who could enact such awful depravity?
Cataclysmic events of such immense gravity
What makes them unlike us? What makes them abate?
How can they justify such acts of hate?
How do they think? Are they inhuman?
How do we comprehend, normalcy resuming?
How can such evil exist in this place?
How do we find it and give it a face?
How is it born? What makes it grow?
Where are the answers that we need to know?

If Oklahoma was terror, what does THIS mean?
How do we process the images seen?
Our psyche's been violated, surely as rape
The devil came in, he got past the gate
And what of the gate, so strong in our minds?
How could such evil get past the lines?
How do we rebuild it - repair the breach?
In mind and in reality - do we have this reach?

Terror walks among us, not to be seen
Procreating evil wherever it's been
How do we conquer invisible foes?
This is our dilemma and nobody knows
We lost our innocence September eleventh
Just like our parents' December seventh
History repeats but our generation is tasked
With foes unimagined and questions unasked

Our flowers, our poems, our prayers and our candles
Begin to heal wounds, help us get a handle
But what of our children so indelibly marked
Is there a way to get out of this dark?
Our minds need new chambers to store what we've seen
To process the pictures, to know what they mean
To conjure the questions that need to be asked
To formulate resolve, to avenge, get to task

Our world is physically shattered and marred
And something within, so hurt and so scarred
We'll heal and rebuild and avenge this we must
Lest we lose yet another valued human trust
We will move forward, learn from this sad song
Draw lines in the sand, not borders but right/wrong
Right will stand together and in memory of souls lost
We'll fight the invisible and win at all cost


Dedicated to the victims of this tragedy and their families.

Laurie Dunn
September 16, 2001

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Hello: My name is Terry C, I came out on the net looking for help for myself, after having lost vitually everything in my life and still trying to keep up my spirits. After reading some of the issues, my problems are small and common to many. Life is worth something, value it. Now in my life, I wish to utilize my time and effort to assist and make our lives very meaning full. I would like to start and run a company, that would help, "Disaster Relief Individuals Frightened by Terror", instill into the laws of Gov'ts Worldwide programs, utilizing "friendly technology" that becomes part of a Charter for ever human being on this planet. Are we all game for it? Disasters are happening frequently these days and not enough aid is out there to combat the stress on peoples lives. Let's make this the First Universal United Virtual Company to run like any other company but to add value and meaning to life. If everybody wants to help in any way you can by contributing your skills, talent, and dollars to a virtual company that will have everybody as part of the company with profit/debt sharing. So that in times of disater, there we will be, as a company for each other united, we will also be divided in countries, we will conquer "terror".
Fore Fathers of Nations tried to unite there people within the nations by bring value to peoples lives. Today we do have one thing of value common "Technology" that plays part in everybodys lives. Lets use technology to good will and combat terror, by replacing terror with "Friendly Technology" together let it be there for help and be part of the aid in "EVERYBODY"S LIFE". Stop! Think what life has brought or brings into your "being" isn't that worth something? Let's put a value on it. Lets trade "Life values" between nations and as a Virtual Company it is our biggest asset.
Coments, email me at Give of yourself and add value to life. Life is better then the mighty dollars. Govt's, here us an act on it. People join in our company and lets grow it together. Peace With Spirit Terry

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Hello: My name is Terry C, I came out on the net looking for help for myself, after having lost vitually everything in my life and still trying to keep up my spirits. After reading some of the issues, my problems are small and common to many. Life is worth something, value it. Now in my life, I wish to utilize my time and effort to assist and make our lives very meaning full. I would like to start and run a company, that would help, "Disaster Relief Individuals Frightened by Terror", instill into the laws of Gov'ts Worldwide programs, utilizing "friendly technology" that becomes part of a Charter for ever human being on this planet. Are we all game for it? Disasters are happening frequently these days and not enough aid is out there to combat the stress on peoples lives. Let's make this the First Universal United Virtual Company to run like any other company but to add value and meaning to life. If everybody wants to help in any way you can by contributing your skills, talent, and dollars to a virtual company that will have everybody as part of the company with profit/debt sharing. So that in times of disater, there we will be, as a company for each other united, we will also be divided in countries, we will conquer "terror".
Fore Fathers of Nations tried to unite there people within the nations by bring value to peoples lives. Today we do have one thing of value common "Technology" that plays part in everybodys lives. Lets use technology to good will and combat terror, by replacing terror with "Friendly Technology" together let it be there for help and be part of the aid in "EVERYBODY"S LIFE". Stop! Think what life has brought or brings into your "being" isn't that worth something? Let's put a value on it. Lets trade "Life values" between nations and as a Virtual Company it is our biggest asset.
Coments, email me at Give of yourself and add value to life. Life is better then the mighty dollars. Govt's, here us an act on it. People join in our company and lets grow it together. Peace With Spirit Terry

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I know in my Heart we are United as One and always will be. I see the Spirit of America every where.I like everyone else want and need to do something. I am Angry that someone can install so much fear in so many of us. I refuse to be Scared but I will always be angry. I live in a small town that I feel is not doing its part to help in anyway. We have had no candle light services. No open prayers services are local Fire Department has done nothing that I know of.So I have taken apond my self to do something that makes me feel Proud to be An American and is a small way helps me get throught each day and I would like to pass it on to all who need and want to do something no matter how small it may seem. I have gone out and bought as many Flags and stickers that I can afford each week and I pass them out to anyone and everyone I see who doesn"t have one on their car and I ask them to Please but it on their car so show support.If you can only but one sticker or Flag and you can get one person to place it on their car its one more Flag or sticker to show the world we stand together.It may seem small to some but it Helps me get throught each day. To know so many are working so hard in New York and that I live in a town that has shown so little support makes me angry. So I do what I can. God Bless us all. and God Bless America

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Hello My name is Miranda Alvarez I would like to help in any way possible. To all the victims that lost family, friends, and loved ones if there is anything that a stranger such as myself can do to help ease the pain. I have ears that hear, a shoulder to lean on, and a heart that cares about the victims of the attack. If anyone out there is in search of help or if you know someone please contact me via e-mail @
I may not be able do much, but I'm here for anybody who might need a stranger. You are in my heart and in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you close by his side.

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HAS ANYONE VICTIMIZED BY 9/11 BEEN HAVING TROUBLE GETTING FINANCIAL AID FROM RELIEF AGENCIES? I have heard rumors that the monies are simply not being disseminated in a substantive way. If you have had a bad experience getting the aid you deserve, aid which we, the International Community, has donated to you so that your lives might continue on with the just compensation you deserve, please write me. I am a writer and if the rumors I hear are true, I want to expose it.

And please,readers, do not send me crank e-mail. My brother in-law is a NYC firefighter and for the first several hours of the attack we believed him dead. He lost 4 best friends and 14 buddies. He is aching with grief and I ache with him. Please, please--this is as serious a matter as can be had.

Victims, survivors, contact me at"> In the re: write 9/11 relief troubles

I am still weeping for you all and weeping for my city. I want to make sure that everyone affected never has to worry about finances for the rest of their lives. It is the least America can do for you. And it is hardly anything at all.

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You have decided to join the fight against terrorism by informing myself of the current events of today, by realizing that terrorism is not only a product of those who are opposed to my society but a product of the influence of my society on others. I have come to understand the importance of my existence and have finally comprehended my ability to make a difference. I have decided that I will do everything in my power to protect my community, my country and my way of life from those who wish to wreak havoc upon it. Today, I have decided that it is my duty as a citizen of the world to protect the civil liberties which I have been granted and to assure that my fellow citizens are given the same opportunities with which I have been truly blessed. Today, I am committed to make a difference in the fight against terrorism and the movement to protect my civil liberties.Be a part of this treaty

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Nearly everyday I think of all the people that lost their lives so innocently.I personally feel so lost that physically I cannot help anyone but my haert and prayers go to all that have lost.I will always be here for anyone who needs to talk.
I live in England but my heart is with you all.

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