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Archive through September 12, 2001

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We are all praying for your saftey.

I still sit here watching the footage on the TV still in disbelief that this has happen. When I was told about the event in America while I was at school, I couldn't believe it, and even when I saw the footage it seamed too unreal - like some footage from the high priced special effects from a movie. Knowing the news I told people at school the news of the plane crashing in to the tower, with it going over most people's heads also taking my first reaction to it. Today the feeling of everyone in school was totally different.

The normal hustle and bustle of our form class (homeroom class) was sitting at our desks reading newspapers with photographs of the events that have been seen world wide. The mood of the day was a combination of disbelief, sadness, and anger that this has happened to the people of America.

I think that the mood of the people worldwide - especially in the young - the main users of Instant messenger programs. A message had been spread around asking people to put their status messages to busy as a mark of respect - everyone I talked to said that everyone had their status on busy on their user lists - mine included.

As my username on MSN last night said - Mine, and the people of the United Kingdom as a whole's thoughts and prayers go out to the people of America.

God Bless you all

Sarah Barraclough





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I'm looking for my sister Alva Jeffries-Sanchez who worked on the 96th fl or the WTC #1 at Marsh & McLennan. If anyone has seen or knows anything about her, please contact me at e-mail address: We're so worried about her and all the others who may have perished in the attacks yesterday.

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I am looking for a friend, Clyde LoChin who worked for the EEOC. Please email me at"> with any information. Thanks. My prayers are with the victims and families.

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Anyone who knows anything about employees for Keefe Bruyette and Woods in tower 2 or specificaly about KEITH O'CONNOR-88th Floor Please email
Thank You.

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YARYURAs - Relatives in Saskatchewan are looking for you. Please e-mail with news about the family.

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Looking for my cousin, Alyssa Wright. She works in the financial district, and her family has not heard from her. Please email us if you have any information.

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Please help! I am looking for a friend of mine whom I have not heard from... him name is Jade Ferrari, he lives in NY and also is owner of a club called the 'JA LOUNGE'. He also has a brother Jon who lives in Brooklyn. If anyone has any info, please email me at
Thank you.

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I watched the news reports in disbelief, my heart feels heavy with sadness for those who were lost and those who are suffering. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, may God give you the strength you need as individuals and as a nation.

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I have a friend searching for MARC FENSTEL, he's Dutch-English-Irish, 23-24 years old, over 6 feet tall, with reddish blonde hair and glasses, and may have been working for Morgan-Stanley in the first tower yesterday. If you have any information, please e-mail me at -- sending love to all of those still searching, and to those who have received information on their loved ones.

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looking for my daughter-95th floor Trudi Alagero

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I am looking for my cousin Sadie Ette who works in Tower 1. She was on floor 106 when the first crash happened and frantically called a family friend for help. The phone went dead while she was on the line about 8.50 a.m. Sadie also known as Ini is 37 years old,black,5'5", about 145 ibs, wears glasses, has black hair and brown eyes. Anyone with information regarding her condition or location should please e-mail me at or call at 707 454 0693. I will be very grateful.

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I have thought of nothing but the beautiful, innocent victims of this mass destruction and prayed for all of their souls. I am also praying for those who wish to do harm to us. I am doing this because maybe, just maybe if God-a true God-comes into their lives they will realize what they are doing is wrong. I hope one day that whoever put this horrifying plan together will not only be punished, but have remorse because I know that they have none right now. I pray for the children of the Middle East that were cheering on the attack on America that they will grow up to realize that we are all matter where we come from and we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. May God be with all those lost, injured and families of those that are still missing.
Love from Jennifer and Chris from Indiana

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Prayer for Peace
Lord make me an instrument of thy peace
Where there is hatred ,let me sow love;
Where there is injury,pardon;
Where there is doubt,faith;
Where there is despair,hope;
Where there is darkness,light;
Where there is sadness,joy.
Divine master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled,as to console,to be understood,as to understand;to be loved,as to love;for it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,it is in dying that we are born into eternal life. -St. Francis of Assisi

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My heart goes out to not only all the victims, their families, their friends, and their co-workers, but for all of America's people!

I pray for all of you. I pray for the children who have lost their lives and for the children who have lost their parents. May God hold you beautiful children in the palm of his hand and warm your souls with love and care. May our children who survive this tragedy physically, also have the strength to survive it emotionally.

To all of America, we must realize how very crystal clear the prejudice is in our nation! There is NO NEED for this judgement of other human beings. We are all a human being. What differentiates us is the beauty of our very own physical identity. COME TOGETHER, PEOPLE, AND STOP THIS INSANITY OF PREDJUDICE!! Love thy neighbor for who they are and what they do, not for how they look and how they dress.

I believe that angels are among us. I also believe that God will help those who help themselves and who help others. Someone once told me, "Lessons are repeated until they are learned!" I firmly believe this.

I send my most heartfelt and loving prayers, hopes, and well-wishes to all of America. May God and peace be with you. I love each and every one of you!

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Looking for past co-workers friends. I just need to know they are ok - Jason Rich, Fotis Manouvelos, Eden Kesller. Please e-mail me if you know anything about them.

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