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Archive through September 12, 2001

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If anyone knows anything about Dorina Kovacs or Laura Segura please send an email to
Even though we are far from the disaster our thoughts are with you.
Thank you.

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For anyone trying to locate information on Marsh employees, please check out the following website for updates/contact information/phone numbers etc.

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I'm looking for a friend her name is Elsie Osorio, she worked at the Twing Tower #1 for General Telecomm, in the 83th floor if somebody saw her or know something where she is now please let me know, her mother, family and friends looking for her desparately. You can contact me at or Please call 917 749-7744. Thank you and God be with your.

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Hi..I'm looking for NANCY PEREZ...she worked on the 104th floor of the first tower to be hit...I'm a friend of the family who is desperatly searching for information if you have any info contact me at"> thanks

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Looking for any information on my sister Diane Viacava maiden name Jacobosky. Please contact family or Marcey M. to let us know you are okay. Call or Email please to let us know if you are okay.
Judi and mom.

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I am looking for my uncle, Anthony Peluso. He was in the 2nd tower on either the 93 or 98 floor.
He is a white male, 45 years old, tall, and slim, with black hair. He was working for Structure Tone Company. If you have any info please contact email me at"> Thank you very much and my heart and prayers go out to all. Rosana

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My prayers go out to all Americans and all people world wide.
We shall prevail....and ALL terrorists take note.

God Bless America

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I am looking for information for my family on a family member whose name is KEITH O'CONNOR. It is my mother's cousin and I am writing this for my grandfather. He was working in the second tower that got hit probably more than half way up. If anyone has information please email"> or call us at (973)284-1155. Thank you and god bless everyone's families.

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Indian people are praying for their friends in America

The people of India are praying for all our friends in America.Our heart goes out for those people who have lost their friends and relatives in this tragedy.

God bless America..United we stand and divided we fall.

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My prayers go out to all Americans and all people world wide.
We shall prevail....and ALL terrorists take note.

God Bless America

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Looking for Jon Albert
Janet Alonso
Jack Aron
Sharon Balkom
Jane Beatty
Joseph Calandrillo
Alex Chiang
Elaine Cillo
Susan Clyne
Danny Correa
Daphne Elder
Michael Boris Dank
William Dimmling
Dolores Fanelli
Steven Giorgetti
Warren Grifka
Matt Horning
Joseph Ianelli
Peter Klein
Carol LaPlante
Ken Ledee
Yuan-Kee Lee
Tonyell McDay
Helen Melnick
Louis Minervino
Margaret Orloske
Greg Reda
Alva Sanchez
Frank Schott
Joe Sisolak
Cathy T Smith
Astrid Sohan
Jim Storey (Houston)
Garo Voskerijian
Barbara Walsh
Mike Waye
Eve Ziminski

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We must resolve this awful situation using speed and perscision. We must hold the people who did this and their supporters responsible. After seeing a Palestinian news broadcast where people were in the streets throwing candy as a way to celebrate what happened to thousands of innocent people in the United States has made me sick. I feel that all of the people who look at this tragedy as a good thing should be punished in the same way as the people who are responisble. Sadam, Usama Bin Laden, The Taliban and any others that might have had any envolvment in this should be taken out. I do not feel that we can use negotiations to resolve this type of catostrophic situation. Although we do tell Israel to negotiate when acts of terrorism are commited aganist them, we will not negotiate and i am glad that we have the support of Israel and every other friendly counrty around the world. This has to be delt with. If these terrorists hide out in buildings that are surrounded with women and children i feel that we should bomb the buildings any way. we must destroy Usama Bin Laden's oil fields and sieze his money and put it twords the refief efforts. His organizatin must be dismantled and all of its cells must be destroyed. Usama Bin Laden Must be Killed and so must his followers and the leaders of the countries that give him safe havens.

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I am looking for my wife Shannon Fava. She worked on the 103rd Floor for e-speed Cantor. Please contact me if you have any information regarding either her or anyone who was on the same floor as her. She has a 3 year old little boy waiting. God Bless.
718-837-7374 Frank Fava

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Looking for Michelle Nelson. Worked for Cantor the 104th Floor. Havenot heard anything at all. Please call Kim Knight at 301-526-3598 or e-mail at"> or

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I'm looking for a find of mine. I have not heard from her yet. Her name is Megan Rose Lynch. She works for Dean Witter. She now lives in Brooklyn. Please email me at with any information. My prayers are with all the families out there.

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