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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Looking for info on Michelle Hofmann on 105th w/ Cantor.

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To Alex,
This is Brandy Turner. Thank you for saying what you said. Both my sister and I worry about my guys going into the war and us loosing them it would be just awful especially for me. I plan on marrying my guy soon. I pray to all that things will turn out right. From,Brandy

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My condolences go to all that are affected by this horrible tragedy, and to all that lost loved ones and friends in this horrible event. Keep them with you they may be gone but there spirits are still very much with you. Much Love.

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I am looking for ELVIN ROMERO he worked on the 106th floor. Please call (718)448-9544 or e-mail Thank you and God bless.

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Looking for VANESSA LANG/LANGER. She worked for Regus USA on the 92nd floor of WTC #2. Anyone who knows any information or has last seen her, please contact me"> We are still waiting to here from her!

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Please pray for JUSTICE

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I'm in the Air Force stationed overseas. When I hear statements like "...bring to justice" or "...punish those responsible" I hope in my heart that the powers that be are not hoping to bring whoever is responsible before cameras in front of a courthouse in an orange jump suit with a bullet proof vest. I hope that "justice" and "punishment" do not mean some type of tribunal at The Hague. What has happened is an at of war and we MUST answer with a declaration of war. Nowhere in the constitution does it say Congress may have the power to declare war ON A COUNTRY. When we know for sure who had masterminded the act, we should declare war on HIM. This will bring the full blunt of our military down on this terrorists organization. The country or countries harboring these animals should know that their interests are at stake also. Mr President, when we do go to war against these people... please DO NOT stop at 100 hours like your father did. Be the first president since Truman to finish what we start. Let's show the terrorists what real terror is!

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Looking for GARY RAY GRANT who worked as civilian at Pentagon. Please contact his (estranged) wife at">

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Anybody who has heard from anyone in WTC tower one above the 100 floor please contact me. I am searching for my cousin Steve Paterson who worked on the 105th floor, for Cantor and Fitzgerald. WE have not heard from him. we are looking for any information concerning that floor or others near it....if anyone got out....or if anyone was found. Thank you for helping our family in this time of despair. Steve Paterson has a noticeable birthmark of one white eyebrow over his right eye while the left eyebrow is brown to match his hair and eyes. Our prayers go out to all.

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we are looking for John Puckett. he is 6ft 3in,175lbs thin blond hair and green eyes. He was woking on the 106th floor of tower 1 at Windows on the World.We know he was there at the time of the crash and have heard of other people that work at Windows that have gotten out alive, some were taken to new jersey. If you have any info, please call his family at 516-676-5293 or email us at"> thank you for all your help and prayers.

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I am looking for my friend Matthew... We were chatting till approx. 08.45 am and lost contact!!! cant find him... please contact me at 0031641313787 or at
I am very worried and I live in The Netherlands so it is very hard for me to search accurately..

My heart and thoughts go out to all the victims and the families...


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looking for steve genovese

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looking for a friend
kacey (kyung Hee) Cho....
She was training at a new job.
she is korean, anyone with info please please contact the family at 973-881-8074.

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Does anyone have any news of Chris Longinetti? He is a friend that I haven't spoken to in a while, but the last time we did, he worked for Cantor. I would appreciate any information. My thoughts go out to all of you suffering and searching for loved ones.

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I am looking for a very close and dear friend of mine. Detective Garry Ferguson who is a member of the NY Dept of Investigations. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, please contact Caryn at">

My heart goes out to all of us who are looking for loved ones. God Bless.

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