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Archive through September 12, 2001

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i am looking for my cousin Palmina DelliGatti
she worked on the 98th floor of tower 1
please contact me lisa if any news

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i am looking for my cousin Palmina DelliGatti
she worked on the 98th floor of tower 1
please contact me lisa if any news

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Looking for Swede Chevalier...He was working for Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact my sister at 914-769-7114. She loves him very much! We all love him!

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Lets not forget what was really attacked yesterday, our freedom. This is the freedom that many, many red blooded American men, women and our allies died to give each and every one of us. This is the same freedom that gives us the right to cross state boarders without travel papers. The same freedom that allows our press to report the despicable acts that was perpetrated against out country. The same freedom that allows us to pursue religion, whichever faith we should choose to follow. The same freedom that gives me the right to post this message and for Heather to voice her opinions. The freedom that my father fought for in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. The freedom my brother fought for in Vietnam. The very freedom that I served in support of the Gulf War to preserve. The freedom that our beautiful flag represents. The Same freedom that was viciously attached yesterday. Our freedom has been threatened by those who wish to take it away from us. We have had to fight to get it, fight to keep it and will need to fight to preserve it so that our children can enjoy it to. Show that you love freedom and fly your American Flag to show honor and respect to our fallen brothers and sisters in New York and Washington DC. Show your love of your country and show the terrorists that united we stand with your American Flag.

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Like all Americans, I am shocked and devastated by the cruel and evil attack that has shaken our country. I will like to reach out and send my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all the victims, and their loved ones. At this time, there are countless police officers, firefighters, paramedics, national guardsmen and other sources coming together in an effort to do whatever it takes to help where it is needed. As we sleep and wait, the people in our Armed Forces are taking the necessary steps to protect us, and show the rest of the world that this attack has made us stronger in our belief in democracy, and that we will fight to ensure that all Americans can feel safe on their own soil. "Thank You" to all these men and women. As a former New Yorker and a veteran of the USArmy, I stand behind our Armed Forces in whatever has to be done to guarantee that this will not happen again. I pray that this attack will strenghten our beliefs in what this nation stands for. "FREEDOM"

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We will fear no evil- God Bless this country and wrap His arms around us as we comfort one another.

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My friend is searching for her brother, Andrew Fisher, last known to be in a meeting on the 106th floor of WTC. We do not know which bldg. Please email me if you have any details. Our hearts, tears and prayers are for all those that are grieving!!

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If anyone has any information on Frances (Fran) Cilente please contact me at">
Her family and friends have not heard from her and we are extremely worried.

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I'm looking for Sgt. David Robinson. He worked at the Pentagon. African American who was born in Savannah, Georgia.

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I am looking for my friend Joe Eacobacci. He worked for Cantor, specifically Tradespark, on the 105th floor of 1 WTC. Anyone with any info please contact me via email or at 201-217-9393.

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Looking for Peter Ortale who worked in WTC tower 2 for Euro Brokers/Bankers. Last heard from that he made it to lobby after second plane strike. Email or"> Call 1-800-517-8970 or 856-905-4594.

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We are looking for any information on NEIL SHASTRI, an employee of Scient Corporation who was at CANTOR FITZGERALD/ESPEED on the 103rd floor. The last time we heard from him was around 9am on Tuesday, but we haven't heard since. Please let us know if you have any information regarding ANYONE from Cantor Fitzgerald, regarding survivors, hospitals, etc. Please e-mail">,">, and/or call 201-447-1517. We will let you know if we find anything else. Thank you.

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My name is Jennifer. I too, am completely horrified and in shock about what has happened. I am oringally from Upstate NY, but now live in Fl. Besides the fact that I am scared for my country, I am also scared because my Fiance,a United States Marine is active duty, and also because one of my very close friends from College works in a hotel in Manhatten, somewhere, and she is 7 months pregnant, I have been trying to contact her since yesterday morning around 9 am, all day, and all day today since 6 am, I can not get in touch with her. I don't know if she is okay. This is a horrible tragedy that we as Americans have to face. I pray that who ever has done this, all of them, that they be dealt with the way that I, as well as many other Americans would want them to be. I am angry and I am scared and I can't watch the television without crying, but Damn-it, I am also Proud to be an American, and we will not let this break us or our Spirit.

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anyone with information about anyone from cantor fitzgerald-we are looking for TOM DOWD-please call 845-782-6364 or email
-my heart goes out to everyone

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