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Archive through September 12, 2001

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United we stand -- and shall continue to stand, stronger than ever, for as long as it takes

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As I read these responses I am saddened to see an overall feeling of hate, wrath and revenge. If we attack the monster responsible for these acts, we are on their level. We must rise above the hate. Furthermore, an individual or a group of individuals is responsible for this crime, not a race, religion or country. We must also rise above prejudice. Let this tragedy be an opportunity to break the vicious cycle and do the right thing.

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First of all to all of you who are blaming the Palestinians maybe you should go listen to the news and find out that none of the suspects were from there. Second of all the reason those people are celebrating is not because of the joy that others are dying. Its because everyday they are killed with weapons made in the USA, they have lost families and had their houses burned down everyday by the Israeli's. Or are they not human, do they deserve to die??? I agree with all of you that what the people did by celebrating is sick and wrong, but those people don't have the freedom we have here, they are controlled by the government, they do as they are told. And their media is so limited that all they know about the US is that they help Israel kill them everyday.
The people who attacked the US do deserve to die, but other innocent people in the world shouldn't have to suffer because a few idiots decided to blow up the world.
I am a Muslim Arab living in the US, I have been here since 1991, I consider myself American, and now I have to fear for my life and my family's life because people have already been randomly attacked because of their percieved nationality.
Not all Muslim Arabs are against the US, if we were we wouldn't be here living with you. From what a few terrorists did we shouldn't all be condemed for it. Don't be ignorent people open your eyes no one is really white, if you trace everyones history back you are from somewhere.
All we can do is unite as humans and get rid of terrorism in the world, not of innocent humans!!!

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As I sit here tears streaming down my face I write to send my prayers and condolences to those that have lost and that undoubtedly will lose. I am a fireman soon to be police officer and I know what it is like to lose a brother fireman, and a brother officer in the line of work ..but to lose such a large part of my family of red and blue, I have lost a large piece of my heart, as has America. Those brave soles ran into the disaster with thoughts only of saving others...they paid the ultimate price. Please, do not think I am downplaying the loss of civilians and your family and friends...nothing will ever heal that wound. I am just speaking from my fireman/police officer that will never be the same. To all those that lost...words can never express the hurt and loss. To all brother and sister firemen and officers...we must remember this. Firemen/Police officers commit one act of bravery in their life. That is taking the oath of office...Everything else is just line of duty. We may have lost, but those that perished performing their duty...pray for their families...cause their souls are resting happily in that station in the sky. God Bless Us All.

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we are looking for Cantor fitzgerald employee:
Atsushi Shiratori. any info please email or call
773 203 1299 / 773 486 3866
thanks Anna + Tom

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If anyone knows where Elizabeth Keenan
(Papierowitz) is, please contact me at

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my name is adrienne drummond and i am so glad that you are ok and i hope many other people made it out and please pray that more people will still be alive after they move the rubble. god bless you and everybody else

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Looking for Mike Horn of Cantor Fitzgerald/espeed. Call his family at (516) 782-8465. Any information.

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I would like to give all my support to the American People and to the families and friends of the victims of this horrible tragedy .You are in my heart and in my thoughts.I will never forget this dark day for Humanity. France is with you to help overcoming this terrible hardship.God bless America and all the Americans.

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If anyone has information on James Waters, please contact me at

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I along with my school in Pennsylvania, are praying that all of the missing persons are found.
I think that the song by U2 is telling the truth about all the media on television..." You've got to get yourself together, you got stuck in the moment, and you can't get out of it." I think that this song should be dedicated for those who are making this seem like its worse than it really is. Pres. George Bush has said," They can shake the greatest buildings, but they can't shake the foundation of America." I was scared when I first heard of this disaster and a million questions ran through my mind, "Do I know anyone that works in the WTC?", "Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning", "Are they doing this on purpose, for a reason?", "Are we going to be safe in schools?" Even though teen-agers are supposed to be important role-models, I thought that I can do what I want to do to keep myself safe so I called my mom from school and she said that if anyone of her kids called that she wouldn't say "no" to pick them up. I felt safer there with my mom and my sister at home watching what was happening around us...on 5 hours away from WTC, and 1/2 from Somerset.
The only thing that I could not believe was that the people on the top floors actually jumped out of the buildings... and there were pictures in the newspapers and that's when I realized that this is not a joke and I broke into tears. I felt the fear that those people felt as much or even more of the fear that those elementary students felt, possibly watching their parents/grandparents/family friends/reletives work crumble or maybe even seeing them jump to their death, hoping to have some bravery that their kids/grandkids could have something to remeber them by. I can't give blood/help with the rescues or talk to those who are dead... but I can pray and hope for the best or possibly more.
My step-father is going to WTC to help find people that may be trapped or hurt,etc. I just hope nothing else happens there.
-Brianna, 14

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I am Looking for my friend Martin Lizzul...he showed up in the survivor database on the MSN website, but we haven't heard from him or know his condition....if you have any info please call Nick at (516)747-4010 or email me at Thank You!!

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Looking for Eddie Schunk, Cantor-Fitz, 101st floor. Any info, please email">

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I am looking for SNEHA PHILIP. Please have her contact Ron at home or on his cell.


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i am looking for any info on thomas 'tommy' bowden ....please contact me at or call 9737436134 or 9737688090...please with anything.....we need to know..

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