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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Our thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent victims lost and injured, and their families. May the strength of God be with the rescue workers, so that they can continue with the difficult duty that they are facing. We are carrying heavy hearts for all Americans, our lives will be forever altered by the tragedies of yesterday. Remember we are
"One nation, under GOD, INDIVISIBLE!"


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BOOM!!! Let the 'shroom clouds rise!
A glassy waste land is a beautiful thing
Kill'em all and let God sort them out.
If any are let to reclaim the Earth so be it. Is YOUR soul saved?

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If anyone knows where Elizabeth Keenan
(Papierowitz) is, please contact me at"> She works
for the IRS

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We are looking for RAY ROCHA.He worked on 101-103 floors of Cantor Fitzgerald. On the list site he was first listed as critical and injured and then fine, however, we have not been able to find him at any hospitals. Please call us at 617-448-9003 with any further information. Our prayers are with you all.

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I am looking for my friend FRANK SPINELLI who worked at Cantor in the Emerging Markets area.Any information please call 212.922.1157 or e-mail at


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My deepest prayers and condolences goes out
to the familes, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents and so on.. who lost their loved ones. God Bless!

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I am Looking for my friend Martin Lizzul...he showed up in the survivor database on the MSN website, but we haven't heard from him or know his condition....if you have any info please call Nick at (516)747-4010 or email me at Thank You!!

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Looking for Alex Basso, Department of Defense Employee working at the Pentagon. Anyone with information please email Tammy at God Bless

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As I read these notes from supporters around the country and the world, I can only think of how this tragedy has not only affected us here in NY but all around. My family was lucky in coming out okay, but the feeling of not knowing where they were or if they were okay was the worst. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost someone, whether it be family, friend or associate. In some way or another everyone here is connected to the tragedy at WTC. We know someone who has a family member or someone who knows someone who knows someone. My prayers also go out to the families of those passengers on the planes that were forced to know what was going to happen and were helpless to stop it. This tragedy has shown us that we must stand united. We will share our tears and sorrow, but we will also share our strength and courage. Everyone who has been helping, whether it was in letting the people use their phones, giving water and food, giving their blood, time and energy thank you. We are showing that we as a nation will rally together and stand behind our own. To those who are helping in the aftermath, the police officers, the firemen, the hospitals, construction workers, we cannot express how grateful we are. We will get through this together and together we will come out stronger. We will prevail. God Bless us all!
Elizabeth, Bronx, NY

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Terrorism is a cancer… The only way to eradicate this disease is to destroy those who promote or perpetuate the use of terror in the name of Islam. Only then can the world be free of these coward assassins who hide behind the cloak of anonymity. My prayers to the families of the victims.

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I am deeply sickened to hear that in Paterson New Jersey there were people in the streets dancing and waving their flag from another nation.

While the Bible tells me to forgive, I'm sure we all find this hard to do. My feeling is we need to close our borders to any nation that harbours terrorists. On top of that all people from those nations wether they were born here or not should be exported back to these nations. As soon as America is rid of these sick people, we should then and only then destroy their nations in their entirity. As these people lay there dying I hope they remember how good they had it in America and how they danced at the senceless death of innocent people. Better yet we should make the jets we fly them back in, into kamikazze attacks and let them die as our heroic americans did also.

God Bless America and Good Riddence Cowards!!!!

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I am looking for STEPHANIE IRBY who worked on the 96 floor.(unsure of which tower) If you have any information regarding Stephanie please e-mail me at">

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I am sad and proud of everyone in New York and Washington, and I want to find out more about those three guys on the plane near Pittsburgh: add their names to the heroes. I'm looking to see if my godson, Patrolmen Robert P. Young is OK: can't seem to raise his phone in Middletown, NY. Appreciate any help.

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Missing Person:
Charles Lucania
Ht: 5'9'' Wt: 185Lbs Marks: Scar on left Knee; Scar on abdomen Hair: Dark Black Curly Last Heard from: 94th floor building two WTC

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looking for stepen fogel and matt leonard at cantor/e-speed. anyinfo please contact

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