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Archive through September 12, 2001

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This is a call for all true Americans to boycott all arab owned businesses, airlines which allow arabs to pass through their gates, and to ostracize and evict all arabs, innocent or not, from this country.
The propoganda and lies will no longer be tolerated by us. America supports Israel, and asks for them to ignore any pleas for unilateral peace by the 'palestinian' (in quotes because there is no palestine and never, ever will be) terrorists who pretend to be victims, as they continue to support and impose terror upon innocent civilians.
There is no turning back now. You have brought this upon your people and allies. You will all have a chance to meet allah soon enough. You will be 'martyrs' in your own destruction, as not one of you will be left to celebrate your sick interpretation of 'martyrdom'.
We attempted to act as diplomats in the peace process, but you have mistaken us for fools. Not only will we forever subscribe to the statements above, we will only elect officials who completely and unequivocally support this doctrine for America and its true allies.
We also call on each and every non-muslim nation to join us in our stand. Without oil, arabs have no money; without money, arabs have no power; without resources, arabs have nothing. We must seriously consider taking their land, oil, and other assets which allows them to flourish and to support terrorism.
Americans wish to join forces with the major world powers in the pursuit of ultimate global peace and progress.
Defend the innocent, Defend the truth, and Defend democracy, forever.

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looking for Mary Wieman worked for Aon in building 2 on 102 floor. Does anyone know her or saw her trying to get out.

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We are looking for CHARLES "CHARLIE" HEERAN of Cantor Fitzgerald. 104th floor. about 6foot, blond hair and blue eyes. please email or call if you find him or know anything about his whereabouts."> or call 718-318-1461. Thank you and God bless.n

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Missing Person:
Eddie Ching (Wing Wai Ching)

If you have any infomation on where he is please contact me at We are all worried sick to see if he is ok and just want him home.

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DEBROAH RINKE If anyone has any info Please contact me.. she worked in Law office at WTC

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Looking for Nadia Solieri.
Worked in South Tower, possibly on 43rd floor (not Morgan Stanley employee though).
Her friend Manjiri Bhawalkar is looking to know that she is safe.
Any information please call or email;
Alan Rintoul
617-491-2483 (home)
781-348-7171 (work)
thank you.

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Looking for 25 year old Australian named Luke Kendall. Arrived in New York on Sunday night at 7:40 from Montreal Canada to Grand Central. Was suppossed to leave for LA and may be there. Is missing in action, has red & Black backpack, asics running shoes, nike ankle socks, brand new american eagle sunglasses, indiglo watch, very tanned, no jewelery. No piercings, no tatoos. Please call Amy and Lyndsey and your mom!!!!!!!
416-992-4178, 905-257-1772. Or your mom she is very worried about you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Looking for El Shatan

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This is for all of you grieving the loss of loved ones, and for you that are fortunate to have your family and friends survive this horrible tragedy. I am a proud member of the National Guard and am ready to protect my GREAT COUNTRY. The people responsible for this WILL be punished. We will not back down. I am glad America is pulling together as one. Do not give up hope and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

SSgt Knight

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Dear people of America I Am sitting here tonight in the UK in disbelief..I am 46 years of age and never in my life have I lived anything like heart and prayers go out to you all GOD BLESS YOU if anyone has any problems contacting any one here in the uk perhaps I can help?? Please send me an e-mail
Please dont give up hope...

a stunned friend of you all


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Looking for KRISTIN MONTANARO. Employee of Marsh & McLennan on the 93rd floor of the North Tower. 5'7'', wearing blue, sunburst tattoo on inner right ankle, large surgical scar on right knee.
If you have ANY information please contact her family at (718)448-4115 or email me at">

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I am looking for Yvonne Bonomo.She works for American Express Travel in the World Trade Center on the 94 floor. Yvonne is 5'6", brown hair and brown eyes. Yvonne D/O/B is 12/15/70. Please contact me if you have any information about Yvonne Bonomo. Thank you.

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Looking for REV. DONALD FUSSNER, a Catholic priest from St. Peter's Church, across the street from the WTC. If anyone has any information about him, we would be extremely grateful for the news. EMail:

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Looking for Cantor employees Scott Weingard, Greg Richards, Laurence Polatsch, Fred Gabler, and Morty Frank. Please e-mail me with any information.

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looking for info on tommy bowden worked for cantor fitzgerald..was near or on the 101--106th floor please contact me or

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