I am looking for my sister-in-law, Jane Josiah. She worked in Tower 2 on the 90th floor, I believe. Not sure what company. Any information on her please email me at dedhedpat@yahoo.com. Thank you. I would also like to offer my hope for all of us that our friends & family will be found alive. Be Strong.
I am looking for my dear friend Jean Y. Kimm.
She worked on the 83rd floor of the World Trade Center #2 at IQ Financial.
I've tried getting in contact with her to no avail. If anyone knows anything of her whereabouts or where I can contact her, please kindly let me know at: kbakuya@susteen.com
Best Regards,
I am my beloved's, my beloved loves me. He took my stripes of pain & misery that I may be free of sickness. My beloved came & found me when I was hidden in the darkness. He called my name & said, "Come unto me." I heard him call-but he was a stranger; for a long time, I answered him not. I was naked & he wanted to clothe me. I was hungry & he wanted to feed me. I was homeless & friendless, lonely & alone; he came to visit me. My beloved called unto me, "Where art thou? My lost love-come hither unto me! I seek thee, I miss thee, I long for thee, I love thee. Come hither unto me." But the rains of torment kept me hid from my beloved's face. The jaws of the pit encompassed me round-a-bout, the urgency of my beloved's voice could be heard. "I will be your safe haven, the rock of your soul. I will protect thee from the enemy, who is destroying thee, if you will only come unto me. Find rest for your soul, child. Find rest for your soul. So much had come to hurt me. So much had caused me harm. Because of his urgent pleading, I could not resist him anymore. He knocked on my heart's door & I asked him to come in; there was so much within my heart-there was no room for him. He told me of some rearrangements-some changes to be done. I was more than happy & asked him not to leave a one undone. The demons had invaded my heart to cause me harm-had to run! He carefully cleaned each cranny, each baseboard on that night. The darkness that had engulfed me, now appeared as light! I felt so warm & cozy & I viewed life anew. I found all my friends & family had not gone, there were now in plain view. I saw their many prayers, the many tears they had shed, for me. I wondered how, for so long, I was mixed up in my head. I now felt the love they held for me. I was thankful, the beloved had shown this to me. "God, you're so good!" I said. I am my beloved's, my beloved loves me. He took upon himself my sins at Calvary. He hung in shame before all the world, naked & alone. That I might have eternal life with all up there & never be alone. I am my beloved's, my beloved loves me. GOD, Please send your comfort. Amen.
If anyone has heard from David P. Gill, your friends in the Camarilla are concerned about you...
I also have a friend @ Merril Lynch. My friend is fine, and I pray that yours is too - take faith in the link below.
Know that all of Australia is behind the US on this.
Looking for ron gilligan who worked on the 103rd floor of the WTC. Please advise any information to cgilligan@broughton-park.com.
I am seeking a list of the 33 unaccounted for NYPD officers...victims of the WTC attack. I am specifically searching for information on NYPD Officer Jay Gottfried of Long Island City Queens, NY. Please, if anyone knows of an access site to a list of missing or "okay" officers, or if you know of Jay's personal well-being, email me at pipechick@earthlink.net.
I'm looking for my brother, Tom Wohltjen, who's with NYPD truck company 105 from Brooklyn. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
May God gave them a mercy to the people who did this tragedy and I pray for those who lost their family, friend and especially for the children who lost their mother and father on this tragedy. Be strong and God always be there where ever you need Him.
I'm looking for my brother, Tom Wohltjen, who's with NYFD truck company 105 from Brooklyn. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for my sister, JESSICA KANG working for Reuters in NY. If anyone has any information, please e-mail me at sskang@ekso.co.kr
Yuko Usami. Are you okay? call D.Mitchell of Chicago or reply to this email: slmeyer@alltel.net
I am looking for my cousins and my Aunt.
Anne Chrzczon
Greg Chrzczon
Jeff Chrzczon
Christine Chrzczon ... Please contact me or Kathy back in PA, we are worried about you all.
other e-mail is Anettemr@hotmail.com
Israelis all horrified at the disasters. Be strong !
I am looking for any information about Arthur Doscher who worked for Allstate in Two World Trade. My father was in the building and escaped without any harm but is very concerned about his where abouts.