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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Am looking for Patrick O'Shea who worked on the 92nd floor. Please email"> if you have any information. Thank you

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Sadie Ette's family is desperately looking for her. Her other name is Ini Ette. SO please inform Dinah at if you have heard anything. Thanks and God Bless you.

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We are looking for Tina Caviano wife of Carlos Santos and mother of Ceara Caviano-Santos...If anyone knows of Tina's whereabouts or condition, can you please call me at 718-275-6510. If you know Tina is okay, please tell her to call her family, we are extremely worried.

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To all of the angry and upset posts here - your anger is justified. All Americans, of every nationality and faith, are trying to pick up the pieces of broken lives.

Freedom of speech is something we obviously all value and use - otherwise we would not be posting on this board. Ignorant and violent responses are to be expected. But does venting to make yourself feel better help the dead or the hurting survivors? So express yourself if it makes you feel better. Be wary of creating more of the very situations you are upset about however, through blind ignorance.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Heather. I hope you are not upset with the expression of my thoughts - I am not being mean, I am serious - I'm sorry.

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Looking for cousin, David Jewel, stock
broker in the ground zero area. You may send any info to:
God Bless America!

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Looking for my aunt, MARGE BENSON. She works for the port authority engineering dept. She is 5ft, about 250 pds, short brown hair, green eyes. If anyone knows her whereabouts contact me at email{"> 973-627-5341

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your statement is so true i dont think anything has to be said i think that everyone should read this

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Hi, Im looking for a very dear friend named Vincent Slavin, please email me on"> or call my home 914-835-0487. If u have any information at all on this man I would love to hear from u. He worked for cantor fitzgerald.
thanks u and god bless

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After days, we have slim hope. But please, if anyone has seen or heard from Joey Eacobacci, have him call his family. His brother, Thomas lives in the city. He has an great Aunt who works at ABC. His family from Daytona Beach, Florida is in NY with his girlfriend of 5 years awaiting any word. He worked on the 105th floor for Cantor. We know he would have been last seen carrying 15 people down the stairs if he had to.... We are praying that all from the 100's were able to find their way down.... If anyone has any, any information, please call 453-5997 .(cell)

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Violence is the result of hatred and these actions by the undetermined individuals are the result of intense hatred. Growing up, how many of us said, "I want a peaceful world?" Those who have children, how many of you want your kids to grow up in a peaceful world? As a world we talk talk talk, but never take action. Is this a wake up call that we a citizens of the world have not done enough to create a better world? I don't know. In fact, I don't know what to think at all, this is one of America's darkest days. How will we respond a people. Can we let hatred control our lives or do we try to make society better then it was yesterday? God bless everyone and my deepst sympathies go to those involved in these acts of evil.

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I am looking for anyone from Hyperion Partners at 1 Liberty Plaza 36th Floor who can tell me anything about Itay Liban. Please call (408)590-0520 or email me at">

I have left messages but have not heard anything from anyone. Thank you.


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I am looking for James E. Potter, Jr. and his girlfriend, Christy. James worked in the Pentagon, but I'm not sure where. He graduated from Marshall University in Huntington, WV and I was fortunate to know and work with him through Student Government. I pray for all those who are missing and also for all the people who are helping find survivors. If anyone knows James or Christy, PLEASE email me at">

I pray for our country and its leaders.

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Looking for Colleen Supinski
Desperately need information on Colleen. She is about 5'2" 100 lbs with blue eyes. Works for Sandler and O'neill, fl 104 south tower. anyone with information about her or other employees, please let me know at

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Looking for Richard Dawson/Anthony Dawson (working for Telsis) visiting WTC for meeting.

Any information, call Nick Smith (858 272 8275)

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We are looking for any information on a Cantor Fitzgerald employee Brian Williams. If you have any information please call 859 341-5187 or e-mail

Thanks and God Bless

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