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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Dear foad please inform us about yourself and your family. simin

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My best friend, Arlene Fried, worked in the legal dept. of Cantor on the 104th floor. We have not heard from her. If you have any info about Arlene or any others from Cantor Fitzgerald, please let me know at"> Thanks.

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something must be done to stop these animals we seem to think are humans. they have no respect for human lives. sanctions only seem to work on educated people, not animals who could care less about anything but thier own causes in life. if these are the so called chosen people of god, who party at such a great tragedy, by burning our flag, passing out candy and cake, and chanting god is great. it makes me wonder about the roots of religion. there is only one way to deal with them, and as barbaric as it seems it is all they understand. we need to inflict the same horror on them,only 10 fold. then watch them cry as usual about what animals we are because we killed women and children. they always do. violence is all they understand. they are raised from the cradle to these beliefs. let us return the favor.

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If anyone knows a John or Joseph Gregory who worked on the uppper floor of the trade center, please notify Also, our thoughts and prayers are with those who are missing and their families and our hearts and sympathy with the families and friends of those who died in this horrific and unforgiveable tragedy.

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For the Sloan's, go to the following web site. Paul is listed as being "safe":

I'm a friend of his from Brown. Our thoughts and parayers are with you.

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My family is searching for "Wayne Saloman". He worked on the 88 or 102 floor at the World Trade Center. Wayne worked for Canner & Ested. Please contact me if you have any information or know of anyone who worked for the same company who has survived this disaster.

April Saloman
Phone: (480) 570-2424

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I am searching for my friend Steve Lazarus, who lives in lower Manhattan. If you know of him or his whereabouts, please email me at

My prayers are with all of you.


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If any body knows Micheal Boccardi Or anything
about him E- mail or call
518-573-0649 24/7

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we are looking for a fireman in rescue 5 - carl bini.

please email"> with any info.

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Looking for Alan Onley in Washington D.C.

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A close friend of mine, Barbara Barron, works in
the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. I have not been able to contact her and am very upset. If anyone
has any information about her, or, Barbara, if you see this, please contact me right away!

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Australia, We send our best wishes in hopeing that you find your loved ones.

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The president's correct when he called these people cowards. Only the lowest of the low could do something like this. We will respond, but only when absolutely sure who did it. Then justice will be served.

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Please if anyone has any information about Firefighter John Burnside or any other Firefighter,N.Y.P.D. or EMS worker please post it on the following address

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If anyone has any information on Eddie Ching (Wing Wai Ching, please give me a call at 732.679.0355. He was on the 1 World Trade Center floor 104. Please also let me know if anyone from that floor and above survived. Thank you for your help. You can also email me at or God Bless Everyone.

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