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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Firstly, let me begin by saying that I do not approve of any form of terrorism. I can say this as I was directly involved in a fifteen year war against terrorism in the jungles of southern Africa and have seen and experienced more than can be imagined.
There is a strong possibility that these acts are linked to Bin Laden's followers, even though he may not be directly involved.
Their reason for this, possibly for the US to experience first hand what is a daily occurrence in the mid east.
Why the US? Because they see Israel as their enemy and the US insists on backing Israel unconditionally for some reason, therefore the US now becomes the enemy too. As far as they are concerned, they are at war, so acts of this sort are normal for terrorists at war.
Who are we talking about? Right wing extremists and fundamentalists. The use of the word "Islamic" somehow tends to make people think that they are linked with the rest of the muslim world. If this was true, then all Americans must be linked with McVeigh and Nichols, or all Catholic's must be terrorists like the IRA in Ireland.
It is pure ignorance and lack of knowledge of world affairs that leads people to this kind of thinking. I do know enough about the religions and foreign affairs to justify my thoughts.
Bin Laden and followers are the same as McVeigh and clan except that they happen to be of the "muslim" faith.
The muslim world does not support Bin Laden and his escapades, as the muslim religion is one of peace and harmony, and NOT killing and violence. They would soon rather see an end to his ways too.
Therefore, think or research before "attacking" anyone.
Yes, if Bin Laden's people were involved, or whom ever for that matter, they should be dealt with severely.
My prayers and thoughts go out to all victims and families.

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I am searching for a friend of mine that is looking for his cousin that worked in one of the towers on the 92nd floor.
His name is Martin Giovinazzo. Any information about him would be appriciated. My email is

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I am looking for ----Alecka Micklewright--- or any of her family just to know that they are safe and well- we are all very worried, and are close friends of hers in london- she was supposed to be flying out to stay with OLIVIA CORBETT in england the night of the tragedy. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH AL IF YOUR OK A.S.A.P, its THEA. me, jules, liv, luce fel,sar,bibs, ellen are all thinking of GOD BLESS ANYONE WHO HAS LOST SOMEONE< WE ARE ALL THINKING OF YOU!x

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hey uri -your a loser posting something like you did you must be part of the group. whether your part of the grouop or not, you are obviously of very limited understanding. wwhether your joking or not-you certainly appear to be very mentally ill!!!. You won't last. Trust me!!!

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Uri yyour dead

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I am also looking for a friend from high school. Her name is Teresa Finch. Last I was told is that she lived and worked for a architect firm in Manhatten. Any information would appriciated. My email is

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i hope that everyone prays for each other and remember that we are stronger than the ppl who did this we may have lost loved ones but remember they are really still here.

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Looking for Chris Beck, member of NYC Fire Department & Paul Ferrara (sp?), member of NYPD. Both originally from L.I. If anyone knows a list of surviving firefighters/police please forward it to

Thank you so much.

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i am looking for Alexandre Jeissou, a Frenchman working in NYC who worked very near the towers, and for a short time inside them

there is a list of survivors, including their state

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World Trade Center Survivor Database which updates every ten minutes. As of 15 minutes ago, there were 2300 people on the list. I had to load it several times though - I suspect it's getting a lot of traffic :

CNN's 'Partial Victim List' shows names from all four flights & the WTC. There are not many on this list so I assume these are ones whose families have been notified. This was updated about 2 hours ago, and again about 2 hours before that.

This is one of the sites to "check in" if you're in the affected areas and doing okay. It also lists several other sites that have the same purpose. It has real-time updates - I added two people I know, and then searched for their names - it found them immediately.

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I hope you find your own loved ones save and my best wishes are with the victims and their families.My prays are for you all in NY. Best wishes from Germany.

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I am looking for Garvin who worked for Dun and Bradstreet in the World Trade center, I just hope he is ok.

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Le doy las condolencias a todos aquellos que perdieron sus familiares en tan horrible desastre, esto estara marcado para siempre en las vidas de todos nosotros, pero hay una esperansa que deben todos tener presente, que nuestro dios jehova esta con nosotros y para todos aquellos que perdieron su vida tienen la esperanza de ser resusitados y vivir para siempre en condiciones justas, felices y sobre todo sin ninguna maldad.

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I am looking for Roger Pardo-Maurer who works at the Pentagon as Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense for the Americas.

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