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Archive through September 12, 2001

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My prayers and thoughts are with all the children of America young and old, with the husbands and wives and friends of the ones you lost. I can't find any words of comfort for there is no words that could ease such pain. Also, I ask God to bless and protect the survivors, and every person who has offered there services just because they want to help.

May God be with you America

THe Chartier Family
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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To all those families who have lost loved ones in yesterdays trajedy in WTC, the Pentagon, LA, NJ, San Fran and around the World, my deepest condolences and I pray that our US leaders bring swift, severe and just punishment to those who are responsible!! We might not be able to find these terrorists without the help of the other countries of the World that have owed us since the World Wars!! Time to anty up and kick it in and help the country that bailed you all out and throw some man power at this global man hunt!! You are either running with us or running against us and death to all who protect or harbor these terrorists!!
Please support the Red Cross and give blood if you can and give monetary or medical donations to them as well.
It's a shame that something like this has to happen for Americans to pull together, but it has happened and WE ARE TOGETHER and united we stand, ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISABLE with LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL!!
"...Red White and 'Blue' will triumph again! The keydets will fight 'em and never say die, that's the spirit of VMI!!"

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May the Lord send His Holy Spirit and healing to the friends and family of those who died. May the Lord grant His perfect peace, bless you and keep you in this time of loss.

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I am looking for my cousin JUDE SAFI, who worked for cantor fitzgerald on the 104th floor.
If there is any info about his or anyone else's wherabouts from this company please post it here

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I am looking for my cousin David Chandler who is in the Air Force and was at the Pentagon. Please contact me

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The 121 Signal Battalion is looking for LTC Tim Kokinda, U.S. Army Signal Officer. He had just left this battalion as our commander, we are all concerned about him.

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The 121 Signal Battalion is looking for LTC Tim Kokinda, U.S. Army Signal Officer. He had just left this battalion as our commander, we are all concerned about him.

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I'm am truly heartbroken. I can't believe anyone would do this. I just read some messages of people that are alive and I'm a bit mad at some people who can look at this tragedy as being funny and post things such as "Ba Ba Bouy and Bart Simpson" You are very pathetic. This is not a time to laugh or joke about this. Nothing about it is funny. You should feel aweful and ashamed of yourself and I hope you grow up. I have friends who know people who work there...many of people..who were there and helped. Its a shame that all these inicent people had to die. I wish there was something I can do. I'm in Pa,im only 18 years old and I feel like I've known these people and lost part of my own life.Lots of workers from here went today. My heart goes out to all the families and victims. God Bless you. <3

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I am looking for Sandra Wright AON Corp 103 floor World Trade Center. Please call Steve Cartledge 215 741-1236

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I am looking for JOHN R. HALLEN. He worked at the WTC on the 24th floor for what used to be the company, Merrill Lynch. I hope he is safe...please help if you have any information.
email to

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DAN CLARK, Army Core... Please let me know if he was in the pentagon!! I pray he is safe. call Joy
703-369-1886. email
God Bless Us All.

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Valerie J Hanna, 57 VP for MMC Marsh. She
was last known to be alive ten minutes before
the first plane struck, on the 97th floor in
Tower One.
Any information, good or bad news, would be
greatly appreciated.
Her loving family:

contact: Lydia J Robetson

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I am helping to locate my best friends sister. Her name is Lana Smith and she was in the Pentagon at the time of the tragedy. Please if you have any info e-mail me at

God Bless All!!

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Im looking for my Aunt Rosa Feliciano she worked at the WTC 96th Floor. If you know anything about her please call 908-789-4460 or e-mail at She worked for Marsh Co.

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I am helping to locate my best friends sister. Her name is Lana Smith and she was in the Pentagon at the time of the tragedy. Please if you have any info e-mail me at

God Bless All!!

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