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Archive through September 12, 2001

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You all have to much time on your hands

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My colleagues and I are looking for Ezra Bialik, Milton Pachter, Kelly Avenoso, Shirley Goldstein and Moira McGinn-Wallace. All were employed w/ the NY & NJ Port Authority litigation department and related entities. They worked on and around the 68th floor of 1 WTC. Please contact or 843-216-9627 if info.

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I am very sad for the thousands of innocent victims, but all americans now get what they did till now to other innocent people and countries too.It is hard to say, but bad actions return now to the senders.Some kind of karma.

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I am trying to locate my aunt and cousin, Joyce Greene and Toni Greene who worked at the WTC. Please contact me ASAP with any information concerning these family members at"> Thank You!

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Whoever? Is responseble shall be destroyed by our
forces. GO ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am a looking for a friend Anil Umarkar who was working in WTC .Please contact me ASAP

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The Garchow Family in Michigan is looking for thier brother, Wayne. IF he see's this or if anyone knows anything about him or where he is please have him call home or his brother, Rick. Email Netty at

concern Friend

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I am looking for a friend of mine Raja Ehtesham who ws on the 101 floor in a video conference meeting with Finance Fusion. Contact me if you have any information and he worked for TCG group.

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Our hearts go out to all those who were affected in this tragic incident, in one way or the other. Our prayer here in NIGERIA is that the Almighty God will console and strengthen you. These evil doers will not go unpunished

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I am looking for Col Carol Barkalow, TC who is assigned to the Pentagon...Please let us know if she is okay...

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We are looking for my cousin, Joseph J. Pycior, Jr. He was working in the 4th corridor of the Pentagon and his wife and mother have not heard from him since 9:00am yesterday. If anyone has ANY info about him, PLEASE contact me at My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who is looking for or who have lost someone in this tragedy!

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Yesterday was a horrific day in world history. Thousands of people lost their lives. Millions more watched as their lives changed forever. I am a daughter. I am a veteran of the United States Air Force. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a citizen of the United States of America. I am of a
resident of the planet Earth. I am calling on my fellow residents of this planet to not let yesterday be forgotten. Regardless of nationality, ethnic background, religion, gender, or sexual orientation our fellow men and women
were killed because of intolerance, because of hate. The best defense against hate is love. It is so easy for us to love people who are similar
to us. It is much harder to look at someone who is different and feel that same emotion. Take a moment and think about the person that you "just
don't get". You know the one - the person who wears black knee socks with Bermuda shorts, or snorts like a pig when they laugh, or calls God by a different name, or has chosen a lifestyle different from yours, or made mistakes that
you think are unforgivable and go tell them you love them. Take the high road. Be the bigger person. If we were all bigger people maybe things
like this wouldn't happen.

Leave retalitaion and revenge to the governments of this world. Let them punish those who are responsible. Let us pray that retribution is swift and just. Let us pray for the innocents who will undoubtebly be caught unprepared as those yesterday were caught.

Don't let the tragedy of yesterday be just another tragedy. Don't let the thousands who died have died in vain. Don't let those of us who are
remaining not take away something good from this whole disaster. Let us learn to love and accept the differences in others, because ultimately
intolerance is the motivating factor behind terrorism. Don't let the terrorists win.

To the people of my planet I call on all of you to use the most powerful weapon we as human beings could ever use to overcome this tragedy - love.
Love yourself, love your neighbor, and love each other. If you have one, hang your flag in support of your nation, your world, and tie a white
ribbon to a tree, your mail box, or hang it in a window. White symbolizes peace, love, and hope. The hope is that one day love for one another will bring this planet a much deserved peace.

If you think it is worthy, please get this message out.

I love you all.

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Looking for any information about ANDREW BOGEN, of Harris Beach (85th Floor, 2 WTC). If anyone has heard or knows anything, please call Shane O'Neil (203-349-7000) or email me at or soneil@optonline. Many thanks.

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we are looking for Mark Rosen of Long Island. please is you know any information contact me at He was in Tower 2 on the 104th floor. thank you and god bless

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I just found out my cousin George Delatorre and his girlfriend,MOnica is also missing. They were in NY but was also told they were on a flight. George and Monica if u see this- CALL HOME!!


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