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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I am looking for a friend of mine Raja Ehtesham who ws on the 101 floor in a video conference meeting with Finance Fusion. Contact me if you have any information and he worked for TCG group.

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May God bless all of us. I am looking for Brian McCarthy of the NYPD. He is from Long Island. Please forward any information on police and firefighter survivors to My prayers continue to be with all of you.

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i totaly agree with malena im only 20 and i have a heart. when i found out the tirable news my heart just broke in to pieces even though i didnt know anyone who worked there i felt the pain of the familes who have lost a loved one its so sad that somethig like this happend and when somene goes and jokes about it or yet another country goes "and chants that we desrved this" comeone no one should have to go throught what the nation is going through my prayers are with everyone in this time of need

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For the world - May "God" bless us and keep us all in his care, may he make his light to shine upon us and may he guide us and may we follow in paths of goodness and righteousness. Please let this awfulness of awfullnesses be the key to turning the hearts of the world's peoples to a way of life that acts out of love, kindness, fairness, compassion, co-operation.

For those individuals suffering through loss, fear, pain, anger, I am so sorry,I wish I could do something but all I can do is offer love, thoughts, prayers, hopes,for your recovery and finding of hope again. For those who have died, may they be at peace, and thank you God for their time with us in this world. I promise to do what I can to help make things better so awfulness doesnot happen again. Love You.

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I'm looking for information on the whereabouts/condition of Ben Lloyd, who was working in the WTC at the time of the attack. If anyone can help please email">

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Looking for my step-sister. Don't know her married name, just 1st and maiden names--Carla Braley. She did work at the Pentagon the last I heard of her.

Thanks. Mary Huckabay

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Looking for my step-sister. Don't know her married name, just 1st and maiden names--Carla Braley. She did work at the Pentagon the last I heard of her.

Thanks. Mary Huckabay

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Thinking about Kevin Kittinger. Please e-mail"> if you know anything. Thanks.

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If anyone knows the where-abouts/conditions of the following people from the Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance company please contact me: B. Edward Ramberger, James Harris III, Dany Ramsey and, John Mallady. They are all very dear friends of mine and I will keep them all in my prayers as I will all of you and your loved ones.
Thank you! God bless!

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Dear all human beings:

I can hardly express my sorrow for all what happened yesterday, but I want to tell all of you that is time to unite our inner forces in order to fight against evil forces that surround us in our planet earth. Yes, don't be surprise.... This is not a joke, there are evil forces around us waiting for the right time to strike our souls, our inner peace...

We must be alert and remember all the Nostradamus' predictions and the messages that our Virgin Mary and other prophets have gave us in the past years: "There are gonna be really hard times, tragedy and sorrow will be all over the planet earth"... We must be prepared and pray... We have to ask our God, which ever your god or goddess is, to protect us... WE must unify our mind forces in order to protect our loved ones... Plase read all the profecies and BELIEVE... This profecies have been told to us not to scare us, but to prevent us of what we will probably, soon or later, will have to face and to give us time to prepare; analize our life and try to become better human beings... This is what is all about, to love all human beings,animals and all living things, to share what we have, DO NO HARM, and do live in peace all together!!!!

My blessings are with all of you and we will keep working hard in the spiritual side for all of us....the children of GOD!!!

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I am looking for Shabeena Rehman, she's the project manager from IBM working at 57th floor of morgan stanley offices at WTC. If anyone knows if she is ok please contact me at">
Shabeena I hope u r fine. My heartgoes out for all who were involved or lost a loved one in this horrible tregedy.

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I am looking for Jim Smith and Andy Rosenbloom, who worked on the 102nd floor. thanks for any info

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Any info on Kathy Cramer from manassas, Va??? She works in the Pentagon.

Drew & Lisa (fantini) Sauer

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We are looking for our friend, Hemant Kumar Puttur who was working for Marsh USA, 97th floor of WTC. If anybody knows info abt him please drop an email to or call at 914-949-4199.

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This message is from Lali Joseph ,Nalanchira ,Trivandrum, Kerala,India.
Looking for Sister Olinta,from Kerala, India.
Her contact 0013167442020,Kansas City. Any information about her wiil be highly appreciated.

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