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Archive through September 12, 2001

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We are desperate to hear about our father, Robert "Bob" Kennedy - he was working at Marsh on the 100th floor - Tower 1.

Please email if you have any information.

God Bless all who are still looking and all of those who are suffering.

Cathy Miller

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You know last night as I watched the news my children were playing, dancing and having a snack no idea what was going on. Then I see on TV young children around nine cheering that we got attact. This saddens me children should not cheer for death in no country. I just look at my children and I am glad they will never respond like that.
I want to send my prayers out to every victim, and every family, in fact every american. Just remember and sing the song "I am proud to be a American" and sing it loud!

God Bless America (he already did)

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We are looking for our son/brother-in-law/uncle
Paul Jeffers who worked on the 104th floor of the North Tower (1 WTC) for Cantor Fitgerald . If you know of his whereabouts please contact us at
Love, Mom, Dad, Dede, Joe, JP & Matty

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We are looking for Angel Lindenmuth working in the Army Section of the Pentagon. If you have any info, please let me know.

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You know last night as I watched the news my children were playing, dancing and having a snack no idea what was going on. Then I see on TV young children around nine cheering that we got attact. This saddens me children should not cheer for death in no country. I just look at my children and I am glad they will never respond like that.
I want to send my prayers out to every victim, and every family, in fact every american. Just remember and sing the song "I am proud to be a American" and sing it loud!

God Bless America (he already did)

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Daughter looking for Col. Douglas J. Lamude, works at Pentagon.

Please e-mail with information

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Thinker ou lack the ability to do just that, you don't have the brain to say something better and you attack people only hope in this time of despair. Grow-up and take a look, this is not just any event it is day for all to do everything and that including praying for the families that have lost a loved one and those that are still missing or wounded.

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Am looking for info on David Rice, age 31. He was an investment banker for Sandler O'Neil & Partners, an investment banking and financial advisory firm, on the 104th floor of Tower 2 (Tower South) of the World Trade Center. If anyone has any info on David, please e-mail me at "" so that I can notify his family in Oklahoma City.

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AMEN "SOMEONE" !!!!!!!!!

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Seeking information on Chris (Budda) Clarke, Sandler O'Neill 104th Floor. Please contact family in Philadelphia or email">

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My heart goes out to all of the families & friends of loved ones that have been affected by this horrific tragedy. I never thought I would see something of this magnitude happen so close to home for me. My prayers go out to all that have lost their lives & those still to be rescued. Hold everyone & everything close to your heart. My thoughts & prayers are with you all.

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we are looking for John Puckett. He was working at windows on the world on the 106th and 107th floor in tower 1. if you have any info, please call his family at 516-676-5293.

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MY God in heaven;telling all of us not to pray and that it's wasted time??? This entire nation needs to drop to it knees and to pray for our deceased loved ones as well as their families, who all died in this horrific tradgedy.It's an attitude like yours that contributed to the sick perverted ones that caused all of this.There will come a day that you may have to cry out to the Lord, and guess what??? He will be there for you.
As well as praying for our nation and all the innocent people, I will definately hold you up in prayer, thinker.

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Wow Thinker, you really are a non believer. I feel sorry (for you) that you don't believe in the "Supreme being" who made all things, Almighty God. It is He that not only created every human being, but sustains us every second of the day, every day of our lives.

Rest assured that when I say my prayers for those that have been injured or died as a result of this horrible act of hate that I will be praying for you too, praying that you will one day turn to the Heavens and begin to pray for a compassionate heart.

My thoughts and prayers are with all the families effected by this tragedy. God Bless you all.


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I can only imagine the feelings that one must go through in regard stop NOT knowing what has happened to a loved one. I am far away from NYC and have only watched what is happening from the safety that my distance allows me.

Finding this site and reading the messages has brought home the feeling of lost that is floating through America at this time.

We must be careful in how America fights back. Especially an enemy that does NOT seem to care what happens to them.

I wish all the people luck, happiness and faith during this time.

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