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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I'm looking for my step-mother: Meta Waller. Please call Kimberly (in Kansas City) at (816) 943-8161. If you contact me, I'll contact the rest of the Waller family. I love you!

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We are looking for GAYLE GREENE of MARSH.
If anyone has seen or heard from her please contact-
Gwen and Harry at Applied Risk 845-365-2444">

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looking for Catherine Chirls who was on the 105th floor of the first building, does anyone know people who made it out of the building from that high up? (they had approximately 1 hr and 45 min to get out) thanks

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Looking for Orlando Brown, he worked in the Pentagon...Orlando...please contact Julie. We are concerned.

May God watch over our GREAT Country and comfort us at this time.

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Help! ! ! Anyone having information about Daniel Coffey or Jason Coffey from Newburgh, NY please respond or if possible call his home in Newburgh. Their number is listed in the directory. Thank you

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It is sad that there is even hatrid on this message board. Isn't there enough hatrid already? Look at what that has caused, thousands are possibly dead and why? Those of you who have displayed such words of hatrid on here should be ashamed. America has too much to deal with right now, for us Americans to be working against each other. This is a time where we need to come together for a solution, not to bring out all the negitivity. Push our differences aside for a bit and be thankful that nothing else has happened (yet?). No one can say what is going to happen in the days, weeks, months to come. Only the person(s) responsible for the terrorism yesterday, knows what fate lies ahead. We can only be prepared and try to get justice for what has happened.

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I am looking for Daniel Affilito husband to Stacy and newborn son joseph. The family is trying to find out what happened to the 104 floor. did anybody get out.

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If anyone has information on Leo Roberts from Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104 floor of Tower 1, please contact his wife Debra at (973) 694-2079. Thank you and God Bless!

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We are looking for John Cruz from New Jersey who was in the North tower of the WTC 101st floor Cantor-Fitzgerald. John if you can read this or anyone that knows any info please contact me at"> John your family and friends are looking for you and hope and pray you are alright and can call one of us. We all love you!!! IF ANY ONE HAS ANY INFORMATION PLEASE E-MAIL ME OR CALL ME AT 908-531-5289.

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First of all, I would like to wish that everyone involved will find peace in themselves. All of the families and victims you are in my prayers. We can't let these bastards get the best of us. If anyone has heard anything about Andrew Spencer please contact He should have been at work in building one? Please as soon as you hear a word e-mail me. Thanks.

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I am looking for Brian Hennessey who workes for Canter Fitzgerald on 105th floor. If you have any information on Brian please contact me at Thank you.

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Help! ! ! Anyone having information about Daniel Coffey or Jason Coffey from Newburgh, NY please respond or if possible call his home in Newburgh. Their number is listed in the directory. Thank you

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I am looking for a family friend, Joseph Maio, who worked on the 104th floor of the WTC for Cantor Fitzgerald. Please, if you hear anything about any survivors, or Joseph, please contact me at, or Mark at"> We can both be reached at (732) 542-2348. Thank you so much.

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The US needs to send a message to terrorists around the world that actions like this will not be tollerated. We must hunt down all those involved and enact apon them an end so forceful that terrorism everywhere will be brought to its knees.
We have become a world policing force, wether we wanted to be or not. Now the terror has fallen within our borders. How much more will we tollerate? It is time for the United States to show its military force and power. Send a message that will stop terrorism once and for all.
We have the strongest, smartest military forces in the world. Stand back and let them do their job.

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First of all, I would like to wish that everyone involved will find peace in themselves. All of the families and victims you are in my prayers. We can't let these bastards get the best of us. If anyone has heard anything about Andrew Spencer please contact He should have been at work in building one? Please as soon as you hear a word e-mail me. Thanks.

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