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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Please, my daughter and I would like to hear from her father and his family. Michael Militano, Melinda, Joey & Millie, or anyone who knows them and if they are safe.
Gob Bless you all!!
Lisa-Kay Caswell & Tiffany Militano

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Hopefully this tragic ordeal will finally get through to the American people that "United we stand, divided we fall". It is now time for all of our people (americans), to stand together & become one & stop hating each other. GOD BLESS AMERICA

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As a retired soldier, I want to thank everyone for their words of support. Now, I believe, the "mastermind" of this attack has agents in every country and many cities here in the U.S. I think that if everyone who reads these messages would take the time to fly the U.S. flag, or put it in your window, or on your car, it would make him and his cohorts think about what they have done.

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I am looking for my friend, Eugien Lazar. He
works at Cantor Sitzersield @ 103 Floor,
Tower One. He is 5'5", 140lb, dirty blond hair,
dark blond eye. Any news please contact SIU
CHONG @ 212 673 5368 or

Thank You!

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May GOD BLESS all of us, and guide us through these troubling times.

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They just arrested three men at train station up the street from where I work. They believe that they are part of the terrorist goup.

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With all this hate the terrorists have for us, don't you think it's finaly time we stop hating each other in our own country. Just look at what has happened in other countries such as Ireland, the middle east (amongst themselves), and now hate toward us from another country. Don't you believe the book of REVELATIONS in the bible is coming true! This time of need leads me to believe that we can love one another! But why does it always seem to take a tragidy to bring us together????
My heart and prayers go out to everyone involved. May the hijackers find their refuge in Hell and may the innocent victims find their way into the gates of heaven. May the injured find comfort and a speedy recovery physically as well as emotionally! God Bless you every one!!!!
North Carolina

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May GOD BLESS all of us, and guide us through these troubling times.

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We are trying to locate Jeffrey Wiener, who worked for Marsh on the 96th Floor of the WTC, tower 1. Please contact with any information about Jeff or others who may have been in the same vicinity. Thank you...

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I am looking for Joseph Doyle. He worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald on the 101st floor of tower 1.
If anyone knows any information about him or anyone else who works for Cantor-Fitzgerald please contact me at"> Thank You

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I am looking for Suzanne Forsyth who worked for a bond security company at the WTC. If anyone has any information, please let me know at My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who does not know if their friends and family are safe and of course, to those that have survived or have been lost. Thanks for any help.

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My thoughts are with all of you, My prayers are for each and everyone of you, that you find your loved ones. My heart is breaking...

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With all this hate the terrorists have for us, don't you think it's finaly time we stop hating each other in our own country. Just look at what has happened in other countries such as Ireland, the middle east (amongst themselves), and now hate toward us from another country. Don't you believe the book of REVELATIONS in the bible is coming true! This time of need leads me to believe that we can love one another! But why does it always seem to take a tragidy to bring us together????
My heart and prayers go out to everyone involved. May the hijackers find their refuge in Hell and may the innocent victims find their way into the gates of heaven. May the injured find comfort and a speedy recovery physically as well as emotionally! God Bless you every one!!!!
(from North Carolina we send our prayers)

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we are looking for kathy logudice , she was working on the 105th floor merril lynch offices please contact family at 321-267-0105 if you have any info

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to all the medias: Please do not print any names or show any photos of the terrorists. Their twisted minds will think seeing their names or pictures flash accross the globe as some sort of glory. DO NOT give them an ounce of credit. Refer to them as 'lunatics, terrorists, cowards" only. Each of these savage beasts will remain a "NOBODY"

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