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Archive through September 12, 2001

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This has been an attack to the whole world. I'm not American but I am deeply concerned about all this. I want to give a message of courage to everyone. It's important to be very united in these difficult times. God bless America.

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Heavenly Father,
Tragedy has struck our nation and we find ourselves shocked, vulnerable, confused and angry. We ask you, God, for your grace and your mercy. Please guard over the lives of all the rescue workers and others who are risking their lives. Please be with the families of those who have lost loved ones or are waiting for news of family members who cannot be contacted. Give President Bush and the military incredible wisdom to deal with and stop the terrorism. AMEN.

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He lived two blocks away from the twin towers. I'm afraid that he went to rescue some of the victims...

Please Anthony, be alright...please....

IF you have any information, I'm begging you to send me an e-mail to

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In times such as these, we the civilized people of this earth, tend to lash out in anger at anyone who we feel meet the expectations of those behind this terrible terrible act of cowardice. Every American has a right to feel that way. This atrocity was worse than Pearl Harbor in that no military target, no military advantage was to be gained. They maliciously and intentionally attacked women, children, babies, and peace loving men. They took from us, for no accountable reason, husbands, wives, children, babies, leaving the lives of those that are left, in shambles. They left us with pain, heartache, and an emptiness that will remain far longer than the pain of Pearl Harbor. We as Americans, powerful, strong, proud, forgiving, have not forgotten Pearl Harbor even thou we have forgiven.

The perpetrators of this cowardly act choose to punished innocent. Men, women, children, and babies, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, loved ones whom they did not know, were no threat, had never harmed their attackers, who in time of need reached out and would give to those of the world, anything possible to help in their time of need. Willing to give more than ever they wanted to receive.

We, as a country, are vulnerable, only because we wish to enjoy, and share our freedom with those who would enjoy it with us. We leave our doors open, unlocked, and invite the world to join us. We open our borders to the sick, the weak, the starving, those seeking a better life. Those who chose to do so find health, happiness, and opportunity, offered by no other country on this earth. Those who do not, want to destroy that which is so good and great. What they fail to realize and understand is that they have simply made us stronger. Stronger than we were before their cowardly act.

It is time for this peace loving country, to stand up and take notice of what has happened, and to understand that it could happen again, and most likely will, if we do not deal with the attackers as they dealt us. We must utilize our might as a world power to inflict greater devastation at a much greater cost on them, in their homeland. It is time for this country to show the world, once and for all, that as a nation, we stand together, united as one people, and as one people, that we will no longer tolerate being tormented by those who would call themselves children of God. We must face the fact that not all people of this earth wish to live in peach and harmony. We must face the fact that only by inflicting great pain, will those who have harmed us, learn that to unjustly punish, that they too will be punished, and to a much greater degree.

It is time the ”Sleeping Giant” is awakened.

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In times past, our great country has asked us for our sons and daughters to support her in time of need. Mine are ready to defend this great land, but so am I. This country is missing a great resource if it does not consider allowing former, able-bodied veterans to volunteer to active duty assignment in this time of war. Show me my C-130 and lets go get the bad guys.... x-82nd Para

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Hi everyone,
I am Brian My fiance Brandy wrote a message about me. I just wanted to say that everyone in NY and Washinton D.C are in my prayers. I also wanted to say that I am in college and I am very scared for my life right now. You see if we have a war I may have to go because I could get drafted does that not scare anybody else if it does then let me hear from you on this message service. I was watching the news. Yes I am young well kind of. I am 25 yrs old. Anyways I was watching the news and I saw that the Russians would help us if we got into a war now I think that is great because with us and the Russians we would seriously kick some major butt. Why dont we all Pray and hopefully god will answer our prayers and why dont we pray for all of the people that have gotten stuck under the buildings and hopefully god will make it to where some of the people that are trapped will be alive. Please lets all say a prayer. I know in my heart that if I do get drafted that the lord will be my light and he will save me and will make me come out of the war alive and I will come back to the US and I will be able to hold,kiss, and marry my fiance Brandy. Please pray. I wish you all the best of luck. God Bless. From,Brian

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Help me find peace for my family, we are looking for ROBERT SCANDOLE who worked on the 85th floor.
if anyone saw or talked to him please let me know.
We will all never be the same. tom">

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We are looking for information on Osvaldo "Ozzie" Saldana. His family has not heard from him since the attacks yesterday. He works in the vicinity of the WTC towers. Any information is appreciated. Please contact his brother, Ed at 615-589-3776.

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My heart goes out to everyone in NYC and Washington DC. When I saw what happened I was in shock my heart just sunk. Tears came to my eyes just thinking about the people trapped in the World Trade Center. When I heard of the 2nd attack to the Pentagon, I felt so devistated, I could'nt belive it I was in so much shock I thought to myself "is this a dream, please tell me it's a dream Lord". With tears in my eyes I thought to myself "what can I do to help" I wished that i could be thier to help. When the news suggested that everyone donate blood and that the blood that they were highly recommending O+ and O - and i thought to myself "wait a minute i have O+" so i grabbed my keys ran out the door and drove to the nearest hospital and donated blood and after the fact i felt a little more satisfied to know i could have safed a life.. well May God Bless everyone and as a country toghter we can overcome this devistation and saddness upon our country. Again my heart goes out to everyone in these two cities and around the world.. 🙂

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Andrew Golkin- If anybody has seen or heard anything about Andy Golkin, who worked at Canter Fitzgerald, please contact Meg Reiss at:

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I'm looking for SEAN O"Neill; who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald 104th floor. He may have been seen on the street before the collapse of the 2nd tower. Call us at 914-967-2877 or
O'neill family

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I am looking for a Gary Shamay who worked on the 104 floor of tower 1 for Cantor Fitzgerald. If you have any info please contact me at @AOL.COM">CRAZYIRENE@AOL.COM. i pray for all and ther families.

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I am searching for a friend that is looking for his cousin Martin Giovinazzo. Martin worked on or about the 92nd floor of the 2WTC I believe. Martin, Pat in NJ is waiting to hear from you.
I am also looking for a friend that I went to high school with. Her name is Teresa Finch. Last I heard she had moved to Manhatten and is working for a architect firm there. I lost touch with her and her twin sister Isa when I graduated the year before they did.
Any information of Martin Giovinazzo or Teresa Finch please email me at Any information will be appriciated.

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My heart goes out to all the people involved in this disaster. My prayers are with the friends and families. God Bless you and take care of you.

Lisa Di Pietro
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

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