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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Hi everyone,
I am Brian My fiance Brandy wrote a message about me. I just wanted to say that everyone in NY and Washinton D.C are in my prayers. I also wanted to say that I am in college and I am very scared for my life right now. You see if we have a war I may have to go because I could get drafted does that not scare anybody else if it does then let me hear from you on this message service. I was watching the news. Yes I am young well kind of. I am 25 yrs old. Anyways I was watching the news and I saw that the Russians would help us if we got into a war now I think that is great because with us and the Russians we would seriously kick some major butt. Why dont we all Pray and hopefully god will answer our prayers and why dont we pray for all of the people that have gotten stuck under the buildings and hopefully god will make it to where some of the people that are trapped will be alive. Please lets all say a prayer. I know in my heart that if I do get drafted that the lord will be my light and he will save me and will make me come out of the war alive and I will come back to the US and I will be able to hold,kiss, and marry my fiance Brandy. Please pray. I wish you all the best of luck. God Bless. From,Brian

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"From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its young shoots become soft and tender and it puts out its leaves, you know of a surety that summer is near. So also when you see these signs all taken together coming to pass, you may know of a surety that he is near, at the very doors" (Matthew 24: 32-33 emphasis ours).

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I am looking for Daniel (Dan) Afflitto of Cantor Fitzgerald. We heard from him shortly after the plane crash and have not heard from him since. Please contact me if you know of any Cantor Fitzgerald survivors.

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone and anyone who has felt a loss due to this tradgedy.

Steven Kastell

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I am looking for Walter Sobczyk who worked in the Pentagon. Please contact me if you have any information. Thank you

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Prayer never helped anyone - Get a clue.
Instead of wasting time on bended knee - get out there and do something.
You think that if those in the towers had prayed they would have been spared ?

Only an idiot would pray to a false god -

Don't get me wrong, I morn over the losses, but prayer is not the answer here, ACTION is !!!

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i am looking for Vincent D'Amadeo.his name was spotted as a list in fine condition, but we have not heard fom him.if anyone has any infomation about the whereabout of Vincent D'Amadeo, please e-mail his wife Raquel at">
thank you everyone.......god bless

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I am looking for Linnea Bernosky: company - Merrill Lynch (WTC); age - late 30s; hair - medium brown, shoulder-length; eyes - blue or green; height - approx. 5'8"; body build - average. If you have any information on her, please email her concerned friend and former roommate, Thank you.

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My heart goes out to all the people involved in this disaster. My prayers are with the friends and families. God Bless you and take care of you.

Lisa Di Pietro
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

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I am looking for PAUL BOOZE, works in the Pentagon. Any information on Paul would be greatly appreciated. Our prayers are with him and his co-workers. Please contact Lisa at"> or Thank you one and all.

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Our prayers go out to the victims and their families. We must come together as a nation to defend our freedom. We MUST pray for our leaders at this time. They need wisdom and guidance in what they are preparing to do.

If you have any information on Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood,NJ. Please call 800-999-0904 ext 4667
She was on the 103rd floor of the southern tower at the WTC at the time of the attack. We have not heard from her. Family is worried sick.

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This terrible tragedy feels as if it had been our own. Now more than ever we have to be close, we have to be close neighbors and not distant neighbors as someone called us once.
Our prayers and love from Mexico.

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I am looking for Joseph Sacerdote. He worked at Cantor Fitzgerald/Espeed. I think he was on either the 95th or 102nd floor. Any information would be appreciated. Contact me at"> Thank you.

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Thinker and Blood Donor,

This one is for you.

You are not a thinker, you are an ass! In this time of need, people need sypmathy and knowledge that other people are here with them in their time of need. They don't need someone like you who is filled with anger making statements on a website that is made for caring comments and information about missing family or friends. It's people like who make the society the way it is now. Keep you hatred and angered comments to yourself. We don't need them.

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Please help we are looking for
MICHAEL DiAGOSTINO who works in Tower I.
He called his wife saying he was o.k., but has been heard from since.

Any information is appreciated.

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