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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Looking for Davin Petterson
6'2 Blonde/Brown Hair
Please email

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I am looking for a friend's sister, Cathy Salter. She worked on the 92nd floor of the south tower. She spoke to 2 people right before they were told to evacuate and no one's heard from her since. If you have any info please email me at Thank you and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Looking for Pat Mead who grew up in Dunkirk NY. Please let me know if anyone knows about him.

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To anyone who knows Donald "Donny" Delapenha who worked in one of the towers, please forward information to

Thank you and God bless.

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Trying to reach my brother. Clayton E. Cochran lives in Kensington, MD but works for the VA in Washington, DC. If he was at work (he sometimes travels for business) his building would have been evacuated with other gov't bldgs. He may actually be on a mini- vacation w/ his wife in upper NY state but that is not definite. If you happen to know, please email. Thank you. God Bless the families of the victims and God Bless all the survivors and those giving aide.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in this time of turmoil. God bless and take care.

Tina Sherren
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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I am looking for A1C Ryan Mason. He is suppose to be at the pentagon. Please email me and let me know if he is ok.

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Looking for Richard Flaster in NYC; it has been a long time since last contact, but am concerned for his safety; if anyone knows of his status, please contact Carrie South at

God Bless You All----

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I am looking for Robert Berthel. He lives in Staten Island and might have been in the area of the twim towers. If anyone has any information please contact his daughters at the Edison Mall in Fort Myers, FL 941 939-1933 ask for Donna Berthel. email at or">

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Why can't people remember that hate begats hate.
look what the New Yorkers showed when there was danger. They stopped and picked up the fallen and got them out of danger. Can we remember to do that with the rest of the world. Ya'll are preaching God, will do you also remember that he said to LOVE one another.

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Has anyone seen Jennifer Y. Wong of Whitestone, NY? She works for Marsh McLennan, Client Services Division in the North Tower (Tower 1) of WTC on 90+ floor.

Jennifer's description:
- chinese (but looks mixed), fair skin
- 25 years old
- long, black hair
- about 120 lbs., about 5' 5"
- had on a black top and khaki pants

Please call Eva @ 718-428-2792 if you know anything about her. Thank you.

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Please help - we are looking for Keith O'Connor from Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 88th Floor on Tower 2. Please Email with any inofrmation!!!

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Seeking news on ANDREW KNOX big Aussie friend. Made it to the roof, but mobile was cut off. Please email Hope to god you are OK. If anyone has info please call.

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To the citizens of the United States of America:

First I need to express my deepest condolences to the families, friends and co-workers of the victims of our recent terrorist attack. I, along with the entire American population, mourn for them. I cried so much yesterday. I am still crying. My soul cries.

Through my tears, some revelations have occurred. I should not only cry for the tragedy of yesterday but for all the terrorist attacks that have occurred in the past decades and terrorist acts yet to come. The United States of America has been a "sleeping giant" for the past 50 years. I can only hope that we have been awaken now and will strike on our assailants.

Why must we seek out only one person or certain factions to be held responsible for these attacks when the world saw the people of Palestine
celebrating in the streets? To me, their actions speak louder than words. The people of Palestine have taken responsibility. Yassad Arafat can cower and back-pedal all he wants to, but he is just a representative of his people. His people have spoken for him.

We need to go to war with all Arab nations. How many more attacks will we lie down for? How many more innocent lives have to be taken so they can
prove their idiot points?

Now, to address the Middle East crisis. This is what this is all about. The whole thing is stupid and infantile. The Arabs and Israelis have been hiding behind their religion long enough! I'm sure God, Allah or whatever
you want to call this entity does not want people to kill each other over a bunch of sand and rubble. Let's be real about this - it's all about power and who owns what. It's time and long overdue to speak the truth about
this. The US has been attacked because we have tried to be a mediator in their tug-of-war and just because the Arabs aren't getting their way they are lashing out. Just like children - worse than children. I say if you can't play nicely in the sandbox, then everyone get the hell out! Bottom-line here is everyone get out of the Middle East, it's not "theirs" any more. It
belongs to everyone, and in particular the US. I think we've earned it. We 've lost enough innocent lives over it. Wouldn't you take a toy away from two children fighting over it, so that neither of them could have it? Doesn't that sound fair? And if they kept trying to get the toy behind your back, wouldn't you destroy it or throw it away? This issue has always been so

Now to address our national security. What national security? We have been secretly invaded for decades because we are the "Land of the Free". I don't see Australia or Canada getting attacked like we do. Why have we let these
terrorists live in our country? Instead of saying terrorists, I should say any persons with Middle Eastern ethnicity and ties. We opened ourselves up to this. We let them live, work and learn here. For God's sake, it is believed that our Florida schools educated the maniacs to pilot those planes! Why isn't a policy that any nation that we are in conflict with shouldn't be allowed to freely live in our society? The US policies have allowed Pandora's Box to be opened. We were not wrong in 1942 to have Japanese Internment camps. That was a matter of national safety and
security. As it is today, the people of the Middle East living, working and being educated in our country to kill us are a matter of national safety and security. Call it whatever you want - "divide and conquer" or "conquer by assimilation"; we are allowing them to kill us. We are being attacked from within!

This is not a matter of race, creed, religion, or ethnicity. This is about AMERICA. Either you are for it or against it. Just because you have a
green card or paper saying you can live in America does not make you an American. Just because you may have been born in this country does not make you an American. It is a belief and we've been burned one to many times be
those people who say their "Americans". In other words, it's time to crack down and clean house. All nations we are in conflict with, particularly the Middle East, need to get out of America. This is war and how can we fight it effectively when we have already been secretly invaded. War does not care about race, creed, religion, or ethnicity. War is not fair and judging.
America must protect itself! Middle Easterners go home!

The American people will never be safe as long as we continue with our current policies and if we don't got to war with the Middle East. The
entire Middle East. Like I said, they can't play together so all of them must pay. We have approached World War III. The Middle East has provoked it. It's long overdue. This very well may be the "War to End All Wars"; but what is living when you have to live in fear? This is it - we've had it!

I feel confidant that many Americans feel the same way that I do, and can only hope that this message will be heard to many people, Middle Easterners included. WAKE UP SLEEPING GIANT - WAKE UP!


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I am looking for Timothy J. Storch who worked, or hopefully works, for The Port Authority. Bless you for sharing information if you have any.

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