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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I am looking for Christopher Forsythe, works at Cantor, any information please

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To Pitty Pat: I feel deep sorrow for you and hope you have someone who is there to comfort you. AS being a canadian, we all here have been doing nothing but watching every part of the news casts coming through to our canadian tv. To all the americans who suffer including yourself pitty pat, you will become stronger just like the rest of your nation. Take care-Canada

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From: Ottawa Canada, we are praying for you all. This was an act of useless destruction and should happen to NO ONE. I just wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you and that you are in our prayers.

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Looking for information on the PAJO family of NY. Family in WA State unable to reach and very concerned.

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I am looking for a good friend of mine named Jim Kontnier who lives and works in the area. If anyone has heard from him or has any information about him please let me know. My email is Thanks, Scott

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i feel nothing but pain for the losses that each
and everyone of you have suffered...i live in the
midwest and i watch in horror and disbelief as
the television passes on more and more
pictures and information...please know that
we are all thinking of those who have lost
loved ones, friends and
thoughts and prayers remain with you every
minute of everyday...we also pray that those of
you that are still looking for loved ones that you
find them safe and sound...we feel your pain
and we pray that maybe we can take some of
it away through our thoughts and prayers...this
has forever touched my life...from now on my
life will never be the same as i know neither
will any of your lives...god be with you all and
my you find peace in your heart...if there is
anything that i can do please do not hesitate to
write to me

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Looking for a very dear friend Chris Panatier who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor. He spoke to his wife and another friend at 9:05AM yesterday. We are pretty sure he was making his way down at that time. We have not heard anything since.
Please, Please anyone with any information about Chris Panatier please email me at or or call me at 631-689-2445

Our prayers go out to all.

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if anybody has information on sonia alvarez please leave me an e-mail. she was head of security at the world trade center. if there is any information on her please leave an e-mail.... i want to know if she is alright..she's a good friend of mines...... her and her family

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Formally a Pentagon employee, I am looking for some of my old friends:

Audrey Polite-Johnson Wash, DC
Brenda Murberry & Pam Coghill (Sisters) Fredrickburg, VA area
William Dickerson (works for the JCS)
Tom Warren, Bill, MAC, Cindy (CVAE)

If any one know any of these people and know if they are okay please email me at

Thanks alot,

Charlene Allen

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I am looking for A1C Ryan Mason. He is suppose to be at the Pentagon. Please email me and let me know.


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If anyone has any information on Vincent Wells, please contact me. He was on the 105th flr of tower 1 for Cantor Fitzgerald and was heard from immediately after the plane hit, but not since.
He is British , 22 years old, with blue eyes and a stocky build.
mail on
or call on 44 207 504 6582

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I am looking for Kenneth Caldwell, working in the south tower. Any information, please email me at Thank you

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"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power,and of love, and of sound mind." --2 Timothy 1:7

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We are looking for two people who were working in WTC during the attack. MARINA GERTSBERG, a new employee at Cantor Fitzgerald working on the 101st Floor, one world trade. VINCENT D'AMADEO also working on the 102nd Floor, also one world trade. Any information on these two people or of ANYONE at Cantor that made it out of the building. Please email

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I am looking for a friend of mine who is a New York firefighter. I have checked all the survivor's lists I can find and haven't found his name. I have checked the new York firefighters web site and a list of ones lost is there but he is not on that list either.I know his family lives close to Manhattan although I am not sure where or of how to get a hold of them.His name is James Coyle-if anyone has any information about him at all I would appreciate it. My prayers are with you all.........

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