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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Please help me locate John Gormley. He is a paramedic with the NYFD out of Manhattan. We called him Dice after Andrew Dice Clay. If alive, please tell him that Merry Hineline hasn't forgotten that he will always love me. 🙂 If you have any information, please email me at

Thank you,
Merry Hineline

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I'm trying to locate a friend of mine ... George "Chito" Mendez, US Navy, photographer for White House Communications Staff, based at Pentagon. Any info on whereabouts/condition would be greatly appreciated. My prayers are with you all. Catherine

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I would just like to know if the Rapaccuiolo family from Middle Village, NY is OK. Nic, Jay, MR+Mrs R and the rest? Are you all right? I tried to call but could not get through. If any one knows, let us know. We hope for the best...
-J (D.C.)

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I feel sorry for someone like you...God help you, one thing I can truly say God is not mocked, what you sow you will reap...THINK ON THAT. By the way I'll be praying for you and the victims, families, and the Nation as well. By the way I already gave blood and I'm 900 miles away

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I am looking for Christopher Verhasselt, he works at the Pentagon. If anybody has any information, please contact Lisa Acton at
Thanks and God Bless to all!

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We are looking for our sister Danielle Kousoulis who works at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor. We last heard from her at about 10:15 A.M. (1.5 hours after the collision). She was still on the 104th awaiting directions from EMS. It appears she was with others. Any information would be greatly appreciated. - Faith, Eleni and Peter Kousoulis

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Looking for SETH MORRIS - Cantor Fitzgerald employee believed to have been on the 102nd floor. Please contact 609-792-8362

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Looking for my father who has no address and no phone number. His name is John Campos, and he wanders the streets on New York living in a mental combat zone, residue from Vietnam. His is 5'6'' with brown eyes and hair and was born in 1948... If anyone knows about emergency psychological trauma centers who might be able to help me locate or verify his status, please email me.

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I have several sites that I am searching names on if you would like some help, you can send the information to me at . I do not work so I have plenty of time to help as much as possible.

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I hope all the terrorist actions will stop as soon as possible, these actions only cause still more attacks in return, what more can we do then pray that this will end very soon, otherwise we'll getting more violence than we ever can bear.
Enough is enough. Let's pray for all the people who became victims and all the people who lost their beloved ones and for all the people who are still alive and pray to be found under the ruins.

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I am looking for numerous Cantor Fitzgerald employees.

1. Burke, Matthew
2. Armstrong, Mike
3. McVeigh, Tim
4. Scandole, Robert
5. Sullivan, Patrick
6. Grady, Chris
7. Mulligan, Peter

I am also looking for a firefighter named Tim McGuiness and two other men named James Patrick & Ed Abad (not sure where they worked).

God bless to all dealing with this horrific tragedy. Any information about any of the above, please call Patrice at (212) 674-6158.

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APPARENTLY THESE TORRISTS HAVE FORGOTTEN HIROSHIMA! I feel pitty for the hijackors they are probably young brainwashed people, my anger is tords the brainwashers. They should suffer as the innocent people at both WTC's, the Pentagon, and the flight that went down did. I feel we Americans should show NO mercy to our attackers.
My prayers go to the the hurt and families that have lost. God Bless America, keep faith in God!!

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Looking for information on Martin Boryczewski - Cantor Fitzgerald Tower 1 - 104th Floor, please contact">

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If anyone has information pertaining to the firm Sandler O'Neil (104th Fl WTC #2) or specifically about James (Andy) O'Grady, I would greatly appreciate it.

My heart goes out to all victims, family, and friends effected by this heinous tragedy.

God Bless,


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