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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I am looking for my friend Benjamin. I do not remember his last name, all I know is that it is french. He was working at the World Trade Center, in one of the 2 towers. He is french and he is from Paris, France. If anyone knows where he is or if he survived, please let me know. Thank you
Kim Tanner

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dear all,

I am nineteen years old, people have told me that i am too young to comprehend such horror, but i dessagree. never in my life have i felt so deeply sadened by something so tragic. To think that people would do such a thing is unbelieveable to me. To kill, no to MURDER hundreds of inocent people, and for what? What point were these people trying to get across to us that had to be done by killing people instead of talking about it rationally. whomever is responsible for this is a monster not a person. may God have mercy on there soul(s).
I fermly stand behind president Bush in whatever he does. He has a trial by fire on his hands and needs all the support we as Americans can give him. God bless you all.

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I am looking for Crystal Dewberry of American Express. Originally from Kansas City, KS. Please call Danny or Kelly with any information. We love you Crystal and hope you are okay. Also e-mail at Thanks.

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I am trying to locate Christian "Chris" DiSimone. He worked at Tower 1 on the 98th floor for Marsh. If anyone has seen him, or has heard anything on his whereabouts please contact me at His family has not heard from him and we are desperate for any information. Thank You!

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THis is Brandy Turner. I live in AZ. I don't want a war because my fiance Brian McGiLL wants to marry me and I don't want him to get drafted. He is 25 in College he doesn't need to go to war. All of you on the eastern is in my prayers. From,Brandy

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I'm trying to locate a friend of mine ... George "Chito" Mendez, US Navy, photographer for White House Communications Staff, based at Pentagon. Any info on whereabouts/condition would be greatly appreciated. My prayers are with you all. Catherine

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I am desperately looking for Eva Zucker, 749 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10001. She lives near the area of concern and her nephew and I have not been able to contact her at her home, which is (212)662-0131. Any information would be helpful. Thank you all and God Bless us all. I can be reached easily at or (305) 379-9000; or (305) 751-0288. Thanks again.

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Blessings to all those who have weathered through the hours upon hours of not knowing as well as those who may have found out too soon that their lives were to be forever changed by the ruthlessness and evil of the world that we live in...
In this time of grief, sorrow, pain, and doubt - reflect of these words from the late, Rich Mullins. This is the message that the our enemies, foreign and domestic need to hear and understand...We'll Carry On!


Momma, I've got two strong hands.
And they're fine as far as hands go
I can shoulder the future, I can face the wind
For the dream that I must follow
It's a dream that can kill with its beauty
It's a hurt that can heal with its pain
And with all of these miles that lie before me
I may never get home again

But I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on, I'll carry on

I kissed the earth on my daddy's grave
Said goodbye to my brave young companions
But when they hoist that sail I know my heart will break
As bright and as fine as the morning
I don't know where this road will take me
But they say there's a place there for a man
And I'm only afraid that my dreams may betray me
And I'll never get home again

But I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
And I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on, I'll carry on

And oh, I can shoulder the future, I can brave the wind
Oh, we go on, we go on, but we never get home again

So I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on, I'll carry on

And I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on (I'll carry on)

I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this (promise you this)
I'll carry on (I'll carry on)

I'll carry the songs I learned when we were kids
I'll carry the scars of generations gone by
I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on

And I'll carry the songs (carry the songs)
And I'll carry the scars (carry the scars)
And I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on

And I'll carry the songs (carry the songs)
And I'll carry the scars (carry the scars)
And I'll pray for you always, and I promise you this
I'll carry on, I'll carry on

- the late Rich Mullins

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We are looking for Brian Martineau, he worked for AON on the 101st floor of Tower 2. We heard from him at 9am on Tuesday morning but haven't heard from him since.
Any information please contact:

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Looking for CHRISTOPHER VERHASSELT, around 30 years old. Worked at the PENTAGON. If anybody knows anything about him, has any info at all, please send an e-mail to

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Please people, do not judge others by what they say right now. Do not be rude. This message board is a source to vent our sadness, grief, wonder and astonishment. Please try to understand that everyone is in pain regardless of what they say right now. We must stand together as a country and support one another. Yesterday's tragic events will undoubtedly change our lives forever, individually and as a nation. We must pray for the lost lives and their families and the future of our country. Despite our differences and our views, we should be rallying together as ONE. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to all who are missing loved ones or who have lost their loved ones. God bless you all.

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My heart goes out to all of the families that lost loved ones.

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My brother was on the 104th floor of the South tower when it was hit. His name is Chris Newton-Carter and he worked for Sandler O'Niell Bank. If anyone has any news of his whereabouts please e-mail me at We love him so much and are desperate for some word.

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John McDowell is:
33 years old, 2/16/68
185 lbs.
He has a scar on both sides of his left knee. He was last wearing a silver cross.
Please contact me at

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To all those directly affected by this horrific senseless family and many other families in Nebraska are praying for you and your families...praying for those who are lost and for those who have passed on and for those left behind....We as Americans should never have to face this kind of tragedy...I have literally cried watching all of the broadcasting on TV and on the radio crying for all those who have lost their lives and for those who have lost loved ones...knowing that it could have been my family or my friends....May god help us through this and instead of us throwing so many racial remarks and having so much anger that he helps us to unite as one and to do whatever we can to help those so desperate in need...If there is anything that I can do to help Please let me know...I cannot give blood due to being severley underweight but I want to do so much to help those who need it......Until I get further notice My prayers and thoughts will be with you all....If there is anything that I can do please e-mail me at ...May GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!! Sincerley Heather

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