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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I'm looking for Vlad Arghir, German citizen visiting New York. My name is Victoria Luta (from Romania). My email:

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I have sat mesmerized all day watching the events unfold. I pray all find their loved ones. I pray for the ones lost. I pray for swift justice to the ones who concieved this attrocity. I hope the ones celebrating in the middle east choke on it. My love goes out to all of you searching and for the ones found. GOD BLESS.

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I am looking for Peter Owens. He works on the 104th floor of World Trade Center Tower 1 for Cantor Fitzgerald.

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Dear Americans

My deepest condolences to all the family members looking for their loved ones. I m in vancouver, canada & trying to see if i can be of some help.

God Bless you all. Everything is going to be fine.


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Looking for Lou Paar. He was employed by Sandler O'Neill & Partners on the 104th floor of tower2.

Please email if you have any information, or know how to check on employees from Sandler O'Neill & Partners.

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Have faith all my brother's and sister's. Our Lord is omnipotent (all-powerful) omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipresent(present everywhere). One night I had a dream. I was walking across the beach with the Lord, and across the skies flashed scenes from my life. In each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One was mine and one was the Lord's. When the last scene of my life appeared before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand, and, to my suprise I noticed that many times along the path of my life there were only one set of footprints. And I noticed that it was at the Lowest and Saddest times in my life. I asked the Lord about it: "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way. But, I notice that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why you left my side when I needed you the most." The Lord said: "My precious child, I NEVER left you during your time of trial. Where you see only one set of footprints, I WAS CARRYING YOU." God Bless

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I am looking for information concerning attorney Jose de Castro. He was supposed to be in or near his office close to the WTC when it happenned. Please email if you have any information.

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Dan Lenahan,
Please contact Josie when you can, she is very worried about you.

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I am looking for information concerning attorney Jose de Castro. He was supposed to be in or near his office close to the WTC when it happenned. Please email if you have any information.

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My heart goes out to everyone and their faimilies. Nothing will take away the pain everyone is feeling. For the first time in America everone is hurting togehter no matter if you had a love one or not it was an American and that speaks for itself. For that first time race in our country does not matter all that matter is that they were human beings and Americans. Pray America, Pray!!

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Lisa Treratola working for Port Authority N. Tower in 70th floor range, last heard from at onset of evacuation. Mother of 3yr twins. Heavy set, dark hair please contact ASAP if any news is available.

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Want to know if Sgt Camille Cox.......not sure of her married name is ok........she was my daughters Army recruiter, she and husband both are in military......My thoughts and prayers are with each victim and family member and to all the resuce workers involved.

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Zhanetta Tsoy - a new employee of Marsh USA, please get in touch with me!!!

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Looking for Byrant Benjamin of Jersey City Your Best Friend Khandi is very worried...Please contact me with any info.

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Looking for Byrant Benjamin of Jersey City Your Best Friend Khandi is very worried...Please contact me with any info.

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