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Archive through September 12, 2001

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just alittle something for you to think about.
" In the City of God there will be a great thunder, 2 brothers torn apart by chaos, while the fortress endurs, the great leader will succumb" "the 3rd big war will begin when the big city is burning" " on the 11th day of the 9th month that.... 2 big metal birds would crash into two tall statues... in the new city.... and the world will end soon after...
Nostradamus -1654
I dont truley beleive that the world will end but it is a little strange that this man could say these things over 400 years ago. All I have to say about the world ending is that we the USA are way to strong to let that happen. I am truley sorry to those who have lost a loved one and my heart goes out to those children who have lost a parent or parents. we all need to join together to help these people in this time of great need. We are the USA and we are good at helping everybody eles in the world now is the time when we need to help ourselves!

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Family and friends of Paul Rizza who worked at Fiduciary Trust Company in World Trade Center 2 90th floor are desperate for information. Anyone with information on Paul or any other Fiduciary employees who got out alive please contact

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We are desperately searching for Shannon Adams. He worked on the 101st floor of Tower 1 at Cantor Fitzgerald. If anyone has seen him, please contact me at: 718-767-7282 or e-mail{">,">}
Also, please respond if anyone was on the floor and got out safely.

God Bless America.

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My prayers go out to all those in need right now. And to those families and especailly children who will not being seeing their parents again. I am so sad and hurt that innocent people had to suffer from this. If there is anything known to do please let me know. I am willing to help out in any way I can. God bless all of you....

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I am looking for Bobby McIlvain. He works for Merryl Lynch but was at WTC I on the 106th floor for a 9 am meeting yesterday. If anyone has info re: his whereabouts, the companies on the 106th floor, or hospital location please email

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My heart and prayers go to each and every one. Words alone can't help with what you are going through, but know that we all care and have concern. With deep regards. Lisa from Kennewick, Wa

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I can't begin to imagine what you're all going through. This has touched the lives of all Americans,but not at the impact that it has touched friends, family, and coworkers of lost or missing people. I can only hope the best for each one of you. Keep praying because miracles are evident everyday. May God be with you!
Rebecca Taylor

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My prayers go out to all the victims, their families and anyone looking for missing loved one. I am looking looking for my good friend Col. Micheal W. Trahan who worked at the Pentagon and would like any information about him. Please email me with any information on him, thank you.

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I am looking for my father, Bill Steiner. He worked in WTC 1 97th floor. He is an employee of Marsh Mcclennon who works in the IT department. If you have any information or if you worked on the same floor and survived please call me at 215-794-3148. Thank you.

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I'd like to give a big pat on the back, for the hard work and dedication, to those members of the NY Fire Dept., NY Police Dept., NY National Guard, and all others involved in the rescue process. Our prayers are with you.

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The people of England send condolences to the people of New York and Washington - this dreadful tragedy must never be forgotten. May your God keep you strong.
To all the wonderful Emergency Services - you are so brave.
I will one day re-visit the wonderful city of New York.

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For a friend's Brother from Rye,NY. Looking for WILLIAM "WARD" HAYNES from Rye. In his Mid-Thirties. Works for Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact Simone Varian (914)777-2739 or (914)967-4222

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I awoke this morning thinking the horror I had witnessed on my television yesterday was just a bad dream. To my horror I discovered that it wasn't. The remains of Manhattan and Washington stand as testament to the thousands of innocent souls killed in this most horrific attack. Our hearts and prayers go to all those involved, their families and friends. God bless you all.
Jill and Kristian Didymus (UK)

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How can anyone blame anyone without knowing all the facts. And no one knows all of the details
at this time. And remember not just amerians worked in wtc, there where many other nationals there too. So please remember them too.

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dear Lord this was a very traggic day today and I pray that you help all the victims both in the hospitals and the ones still buried underneith the building...i pray that you give us strength to get past this and the up coming days and giving the families of the victims hope and strength and that we find out who is responsible and that it never happens again! Lord Give the president guidence to these days and guide him along to help him make the right decisions ... Lord just help all the people in need at this time thankyou Lord amen September 11 2001 my thoughts and prayers and condolences go out to everyone in The United states You will get through this especialy the people who are effected by this loss. The UNited States will and always will stand strong and NO One or anything can bring it down ....Canada is with you all the way! WE will stand with you through everything

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